Shen Xuechun learned the news that Shen Biping was going to work for Kyushu group the next day.

Because of this, she rushed directly into Shen Yichen's office.

"Brother, what do you think? Isn't this bastard hurting us enough? We haven't settled with him about his harm to Yixiang and me. Why do you promise to let him enter the company or be a vice president? "

"Xuechun, don't worry. It's not too late for a gentleman to take revenge! " Shen Yichen said faintly.

"So, brother, you are not forced. You did it on purpose? " Shen Xuechun frowned and asked.

Shen Yichen smiled.

Shen Xuechun suddenly understood and smiled, "OK. Brother, I'll add a fire, too. "

"Yes. Whatever you want. " Shen Yichen nodded.

Shen Biping even wants to come to his company. It's good. The closer it is, the easier it will be to play.

Look, he can't kill him!


Shen Biping went directly to Kyushu group the next day. After shaking around the company, he said hello to everyone in all departments of the company.

Shen Yichen is free to him. He can do whatever he likes.

Shen Biping holds the position of vice president. The company already has a vice president with strong ability, so the company basically has nothing to do with him, let alone his office.

"Yichen, you see, I'm also a vice president at least. If I don't even have a place to work, it doesn't make sense. Or I'll work in your company? " Shen Biping smiled.

Shen Yichen took a deep look at him and said, "whatever you want!"

Shen Biping did not expect that Shen Yichen would not object, and his heart was overjoyed.

"Meng Zhang, ask the chief financial officer and financial managers to come to my office for a meeting." Shen Yichen arranged.


Within a few minutes of Meng Zhang's response, a total of five people, the chief financial officer and the financial manager, came.

"Let's sit down." Shen Yichen asked everyone to sit down.

There was a large office area in his office, and several people just sat down.

Everyone sat down and looked at Shen Yichen and Shen Biping.

Shen Biping tidied up his clothes, then pretended to be all right, looked at everyone and continued to sit.

"Mr. Shen Biping is now the vice president of the company. He can attend the company's financial meeting." Shen Yichen said to everyone.

Everyone is ready to start.

"Everyone, just like the previous meeting. The company's financial affairs are always company secrets. Before the meeting is over, the meeting place is not allowed. At the same time, please turn off all mobile communication facilities and switch to shutdown mode. All documents shall not be taken out. After the meeting, they shall be kept by the chief financial officer and the assistant chief financial officer. " Meng Zhang stood and announced the precautions for the financial meeting.

Everyone nodded.

Shen Biping pretended not to hear anything and slid his mobile phone.

"Vice President Shen, please turn it off." Meng Zhang reminded.

"You have a meeting. I just came and didn't listen to your meeting. " Shen Biping flirted with Meng Zhang.

"Don't listen to the meeting. What are you doing here?" Shen Yichen stood up, grabbed Shen Biping's mobile phone and pressed to turn it off.

After shutdown, lock Shen Biping's mobile phone into his drawer.

"...." Shen Biping sat and stood uneasy.

When Shen Yichen grabbed his cell phone, he was chatting with a beautiful woman. If you don't return information all of a sudden, it may turn yellow.

"Vice President Shen, please take your seat." Shen Yichen added a stool and handed it to Shen Biping.

Shen Biping looked at everyone, and everyone looked at him. Then sit down.

Corporate finance, which is the lifeblood of the company. Naturally, he will attend the meeting.

"OK, the meeting begins."

"President, now I'll make the financial analysis report of last quarter..." a financial manager opened his PPT and began to make a report.

Shen Yichen nodded.

Shen Biping also nodded. At first, he was quite comfortable and confident.

When the PPT was opened, Shen Biping began to have a headache. The PPT was all in English and the financial manager spoke English.

He had no problem talking to foreigners, but when it came to professional terms, he couldn't understand a word.

In the middle, Shen Yichen has been remembering the key contents.

Shen Biping felt that he was listening to the book of heaven.

An hour later, Shen Biping's patience was exhausted.

Nobody paid attention to him.

Two hours later, he wanted to go out. As a result, Meng Zhang told him that he could not go out during the meeting.

He said angrily that he wanted to go to the bathroom. Meng Zhang went back to him. There was a bathroom in the president's office. He could go to the bathroom.

Three hours later, he was sitting sore and wanted to lie down, but now he was sitting on the conference table and couldn't lie down. And he also wants to establish his dignity in the company, so he can only sit upright.

Four hours later, it was time for Chinese food.

Shen Biping thought that he should be able to go out at this meeting.

Naturally, he wanted to be naive again, but he still couldn't go out. The secretary brought in nine boxed meals.

After dinner, he thought, maybe he can lie down.

He thought too much again and the meeting continued.

The financial meeting lasted until 6 p.m.

Shen Biping was dizzy. When he used to study, he didn't study for half an hour at most.

Today is the first day to be the vice president of Kyushu group. The middle is full of boring numbers and incomprehensible English and Chinese.

When he could be released after work, Shen Biping only felt his heartbeat was disordered and his eyes couldn't open. When I looked in the bathroom mirror, I found a pair of eyes with dark circles.

Torture, this life is torture!

"Shen Yichen, my mobile phone." After Shen Biping went out of the bathroom, he reached out and asked Shen Yichen for his mobile phone.

Shen Yichen handed the mobile phone to Shen Biping. His eyes were sharp and glanced at him. He said coldly, "Vice President Shen, if I'm opening a recording before the next meeting, I'll confiscate the mobile phone directly."

"..." Shen Biping's face darkened instantly.

I didn't expect that his secret actions were seen by Shen Yichen and warned by Shen Yichen. This face is really hard to hang.

"All right. Get off work. I have to work overtime in the evening. If you like, you can stay and work overtime with me. "

"Er... You work hard, I'll go back first. No, I have to go to the hospital. I'll see a doctor first. " Shen Biping immediately slipped away.

He'll go crazy if he keeps working overtime.

For four consecutive days, Shen Yichen held meetings in his office every day.

It was either a project research meeting, a regular administrative meeting, or a marketing meeting... It didn't stop. Shen Biping insisted for three days. On the fourth day, he decided not to go to Shen Yichen's office. He found a secretary position outside his office and sat down. He didn't want to hold any meetings.

Shen Xuechun came to the company again. When she saw Shen Biping sitting on a desk in the Secretariat, she couldn't help laughing. It seems that her brother has a way to clean up such rotten people.

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