As for Luo Xuan's middle finger, he Wenxian didn't know what it meant. He just looked at it coldly. He also heard Lao Liu's words, which made him feel more balanced.

It's impossible for Luoxuan to pass the two old men's exam.

I'm kidding. He tried it himself, but he was driven away. Why can Luo Xuan do that? Isn't that funny.

As a result, he can only look at it with an abusive look on his face now. He thinks that Luo Xuan is funny and has no ability. He has to pretend, run into a wall and make a fool of himself.

Just now he has made a fool of himself in front of the public. Now looking at Luo Xuan's embarrassment, he is more comfortable and feels balanced.

It seems that everyone has to queue up, no one can be an exception, it is the iron rule.

"Ha ha ha, you see, that boy thinks he can get the casting chance without queuing up. Do you think it's ridiculous?" He Wenxian said loudly.

On one side, a lot of people laughed with their cooperation. Anyway, they thought Luo Xuan was funny. They even dared to do it. No one could do it, let alone he was a boy in his infancy.

He used to make a fool of himself. It was funny.

"If you don't have to wait in line, I don't have to wait here for half a month. Who do you think you are? If you offend the dwarves, don't say you don't have to wait in line. Then he will have no chance to wait in line. "

"It's true, but he's such a boy. Even if he's in line, it's useless. Can he bring out any good treasures? They don't think much of his treasures. It's only for nothing. "

"Tut Tut, this boy really dares to do it."


A lot of sarcastic voice spread, everyone for Luo Xuan directly in the past this thing, can be a good look.

For so many years, they haven't seen anyone get directly recognized and enter the dwarves.

All want to line up, and then see if your treasure is qualified, if qualified, then into the dwarves, if not qualified, then continue to line up.

Anyway, it's such a samsara. As for the people who go through the back door, they haven't appeared yet. Anyway, some old doggies have been here for several years, and they still haven't seen such a thing happen.

They want to broaden their horizons, but no one can have this ability. The dwarves will not give anyone privileges. It's the rule that everyone has to queue up.

Now Luo Xuan stands in front of old six and old eight. He is not surprised by their cold threat.

After all, he is not the man of his previous life, and he doesn't know them at all.

However, they may not know Luo Xuan, but they have no way not to know good wine. In the dwarves, everyone has this common problem and likes good wine.

Old six and old eight are even more so. Luo Xuan didn't do much. He just took out a bottle of Maotai flavor old wine that has been around for hundreds of years. This wine is a good thing that can't be bought by seven figures in the secular world.

Now he took it in his hand, gently opened the bottle cap, and then fanned out some smell to float past, followed by, he closed the bottle cap.

So a wisp of wine, old six and old eight smell so a moment, suddenly, they both take a deep breath.

The smell of wine was so attractive. They tried to breathe in again, but there was no smell in the air, which made them worried. Why did they suddenly lose the smell?

Where did it come from? This wine is full-bodied and mellow, just like a woman who has just taken a bath, which makes people reverie.

"Boy, it's the bottle in your hand that smells like wine just now?"

"Come on, isn't it?"

Lao Liu and Lao Ba are excited. They suddenly look at the wine bottle in Luo Xuan's hand and say something excitedly. It's hard for them to imagine that there will be such a wonderful wine fragrance in this world.

Just smelling that smell, they were already intoxicated. Looking at the two jars of good wine on their table again, they suddenly felt tasteless, and even a little disgusted.

Compared with the aroma of wine just revealed by Luoxuan, their wine is rubbish. For the first time, they hate their favorite wine.

It's like a yellow faced wife full of pockmarks, compared with other people's beautiful young daughter-in-law.

Therefore, they directly knocked the wine jar on the table to the ground. Obviously, they could not see the wine jar in front of them. This is rubbish.

Now they can't wait to smell the mellow wine. For them, it's spiritual sustenance.

"Little brother, come here and sit down first."

"Yes, yes, come and sit down first. I see you look good and have a affinity with you. There's a foundry coming out. Let's let him have a look at your treasure first."

Old six and old eight's attitude suddenly changed, just a cold face, this moment, directly with Luo Xuan brotherhood, also arranged for him to sit aside.This scene surprised everyone who saw it. What's the matter? All of a sudden, you're enthusiastic?

Just isn't still a pair of cold appearance, want to drive away Luo Xuan? Why did you suddenly arrange for him to sit down and give priority to his treasures?

Doesn't that mean you don't have to wait in line? Did the boy really do it? The key is how did he do it? They all look like question marks.

He Wen's smile suddenly stopped. He wanted to laugh at Luo Xuan, but he didn't expect that he really did it, and somehow he did it.

"What's the matter? How did the boy do it? Why were the two dwarfs so polite to him? Isn't it agreed that everyone should abide by the rules? What about the rules? " He Wenxian roared angrily.

After listening to his roar, many people look unfair. It is said that no one can go beyond this rule? Why can that kid do it? In this case, how can the hearts of the people be balanced?

Everyone is here to cast magic tools. They have been waiting in line. Luo Xuan is very good. It's unfair to give priority to his treasures.

A lot of people are making waves of dissatisfied voices. Tman is really upset. Why?

Of course, for these whispers, six and eight directly a cold hum, angry looking at these people.

"Don't talk nonsense. This little brother is a distinguished guest of our dwarves. Naturally, he has special rights. If you don't want to queue up, go away. There are many people over there who need this opportunity."

While he was talking, Lao Liu pointed to those practitioners who had no chance, and these people were very hot. They were waiting for such an opportunity.

All of a sudden, the people who were still complaining were honest after hearing this. They had already wasted a lot of time. If they gave up halfway at this time, it was obviously not a wise decision.

What's more, it's not a good thing to offend the dwarves. Therefore, even if they are mentally unbalanced, they have nothing to say now.

Instead of complaining, it is better to continue to line up obediently, so at least there is a chance to fall out, then there is no chance at all.

But he Wenxian didn't agree. He just wanted to do it, but the dwarves didn't give him face. Now Luo Xuan does it, and it's done.

This differential treatment caught him off guard. It was too difficult for him. He was still laughing at Luo Xuan. The next moment he saw this scene, he was totally confused.

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