Luo Xuan clearly saw the expression of disgust on fat old three's face. He was not very interested in Lafite, which was not full-bodied in the flavor of the wine. He also disliked other people's color. He thought it was not a good wine.

Even he has a kind of expression that is hard to swallow, he drinks countless, junk drinks, he naturally does not want to drink any more, feel that this is his defilement.

It's not a real wine. It's not a real wine.

Luo Xuan's face turned black as soon as he saw it. The old man was in the middle of fortune and didn't know his fortune. Many people wanted to drink this wine. Of course, it's too expensive. Not many people can afford it.

Put in the hand of fat old three, he even some dislike, a pair of unwilling to drink appearance.

"Little guy, I'm interested in that bottle of wine you just had, but I don't think it's any good wine. I'm very picky. I don't want to drink this kind of rubbish."

Fat old three looks very proud. Although he likes drinking, he doesn't drink all kinds of wine. He only drinks good wine, not bad wine.

Just like their attitude of casting magic tools, they only cast the best magic tools, not all kinds of magic tools. They also have a bottom line.

If it's an excellent treasure, help to cast it. Needless to say, if it's rubbish, take it and go away.

It's the same attitude to drink. If it's good wine, it's welcome. If it's junk wine, it's as far as you can go.

They love wine like life, but they don't love garbage, just like real wine, drink a mouthful, energetic.

Fat third is holding Raffi now. He can't smell any wine flavor. In addition, the color is too strange. As a result, he doesn't have much interest. He's about to lose his pose and has a look of lack of interest.

He preferred the expensive bottle of Maotai to Lafite.

Seeing this, Luo Xuan can't help shaking his head. It's like throwing it away? It's an outrage. It's not a bargain.

"Fat third, you'll know with a sip. I have countless good wines on me. Naturally, I won't fool you with garbage. Do you like to drink or not?"

Luo Xuan light said, this wine, this bottle of Lafite, is worth a lot of money, he is not willing to drink, give fat old three, but also by his dislike.

But he does not want to drink even if, anyway Luo Xuan also does not lose anything, on the contrary is fat old three to regret for life.

Of course, after listening to Luo Xuan's words, fat third shook the wine bottle again. He sighed helplessly, and then poured himself a cup.

"Boy, since you've said that, I'll just have a drink to see what kind of wine you're talking about."

Fat old three light said, picked up the hand of the glass, the red wine to the mouth.

His expression of disgust is very real. It's totally different from the light in his eyes when he just saw Maotai. It looks like someone forced him to eat garbage.

This but let Luo Xuan very speechless, this old man, got cheap also sell good, too true.

Just a mouthful of red wine into the throat, sweet and delicate touch spread all over the body, but let fat old three take a deep breath, the expression has become wonderful, from the beginning of the dislike, to now face hot.

If it's really a good wine, after a mouthful, he feels that the whole person is much more comfortable and sublimated. This is the first time he has drunk such wine.

It's not spicy or strong at all, but the throat is delicate and mellow. Only after a sip can you know how good it is.

All of a sudden, he quickly protected the remaining red wine, fearing that others would rob it for him. This is Raffi, who was just said to be rubbish by him, but now he takes it as a treasure.

And his expression is also very intoxicated, a glass of wine into a few mouthfuls, this is a bit hesitant to hit the mouth.

"How does junk wine feel? If you don't like it, just give it back to me. I'll go back now. "

Luo Xuan asks for it. Fat old three, who has come back to himself, subconsciously protects the wine bottle when he sees Luo Xuan's appearance. It's like you want my wine bottle to kill me.

"Boy, you gave me all the drinks, and you even asked for them back? Where do you live? "

"You just said that you would rather throw away such rubbish. Since you throw away the waste, you might as well give it back to me. I'm not willing to drink it."

Fat old three quickly cover the bottle cap, and then put it away, but also a dry cough, a little more embarrassed face.

"Boy, I won't give it back to you. You don't want to go back if you send it out, but I want to know. How do you know my nickname?"

Fat old three, the nickname, know too few people, that is, a few old friends joked out, in fact, fat old three has a resounding name, gut!

Outsiders call him the head of the Gute clan, but Luo Xuan calls him fat third directly. It's too shameful. For the sake of the wine he gives, he doesn't have the same opinion with him.But he is still curious, Luo Xuan is how to know, this suckling smelly boy, know a lot of things.

And Luo Xuan dry cough, just a mysterious smile, did not say.

"Chief Gute, it's a secret. You don't need to know. The bottle of wine I just sent you is a meeting gift. Naturally, I'm here to ask you to help me forge a piece of armor."

Luo Xuan said straight to the point, and put forward that the purpose of his coming this time was to cast a piece of armor.

Take out Baoxuan, this is a little bit of accident, he didn't know what kind of eyes he could cast for the white dwarf.

As a clan leader, Gute is also one of the best foundry techniques in the whole dwarf clan, and his vision is naturally the highest.

He doesn't look down on ordinary treasures at all. There are too few treasures that can make him look up to them. But without the best treasures, he won't sell them.

It's better to have a good sleep than casting rubbish.

Even if Luo Xuan begged him with wine, he would consider whether to cast the so-called armor for Luo Xuan.

As a result, his face was serious. Although his face was almost covered by his beard and eyebrows, he coughed and carried his hands. There was a dignified voice.

"Boy, you should know the rules when you come here. As the patriarch of the dwarves, I am also the most skillful one in casting. Naturally, my eyes are very picky. You are young and don't look like someone who can produce good things. Don't expect too much."

The meaning of this sentence is very obvious, that is to say, if you can't bring out a good treasure, I won't help you forge it. You should have self-knowledge.

Gute, after all, is the patriarch and the most powerful foundry in the field of practice. If Luo Xuan hadn't bought him with good wine, he would have driven people out long ago.

I'm kidding. He can't be seen by everyone. That's to say, he just gave Luo Xuan face because of the good wine. Otherwise, he would have slapped this boy.

Call him by his nickname directly. Doesn't he want face? Of course, he has always lived up to his treasure and wine.

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