When Hector entered the headmaster's office, Dumbledore had just tied a note to Fawkes's leg. He waved his hand, and the fiery red phoenix turned into a ball of flame and disappeared into the classroom.

""I'm sorry, Hector, I have to call you over on the first night of school."

Dumbledore leaned back in the comfortable armchair, with a slightly apologetic look on his face. Dumbledore waved his hand, and a glittering golden cup appeared on the long table in front of him.

"Would you like a glass of pumpkin juice? I noticed at the banquet that you seemed a little unwell and didn't eat much at all - do you want me to ask Madam Pomfrey to take a look at you?"

"No, Grandpa Albus, I just had a stomachache, but I'm much better now - but a cup of warm pumpkin juice would be even better."

After hearing what Hector said, Dumbledore nodded and tapped the cup with his wand. Not long after, thick golden pumpkin juice appeared in the golden cup. When the pumpkin juice was full, Dumbledore handed the cup to Hector attentively.

"Thank you, Grandpa Albus."

Dumbledore's smile became even kinder. He touched Hector's head and narrowed his eyes.

"You're welcome, Hector. Tonight's events will take a while, and you'll need some energy. Aberforth will be here soon."

"Isn't it related to the Book of Admission? Why do we need to find Grandpa Aberforth?"

Hector was very confused when Professor McGonagall informed him of this. When Dumbledore mentioned this, Hector put down the cup of pumpkin juice and asked Grandpa Albus.

"This matter, it's hard to say"

Dumbledore put away his smile and waved his wand. The books piled on the desk were quickly swept aside. At the same time, a window in the office opened completely. After a while, a thick book with a black leather cover flew into the headmaster's office through the open window.

The black book did not slow down at all and hit the desk heavily.

Flying into the room with the book was an empty ink bottle, and a long dark green feather pen was inserted in the ink bottle.

"This is the Book of Admission," the window slammed shut, and Dumbledore pointed to the big book on the table and introduced it to Hector.

"This is of course the Pen of Acceptance, made of the feathers of a fortune-teller, and very beautiful."

With Dumbledore's voice, the Pen of Acceptance flew out of the ink bottle, and it first bowed politely to Hector, who also nodded politely. As soon as Hector finished his action, the feather pen flew towards Dumbledore, looking like a child who had been wronged. The Pen of Acceptance flew up and down in Dumbledore's excitement, as if it was describing something, and from the feather pen's chaotic flying movements, it can be seen that this matter made the Pen of Acceptance very unhappy.

""Okay, okay, I know, don't get excited, I will find out who did it."

Dumbledore gently soothed the pen of acceptance in the air. Under his comfort, the dark green feather pen finally calmed down and flew towards home, to the empty ink bottle.


Hector could see that Dumbledore seemed a little dazed after listening to the Pen of Acceptance's narration, and he was still mumbling something unconsciously.

"What did the Pen of Acceptance say?"

Dumbledore came to his senses, waved his wand, and the Book of Acceptance opened. It was as if a gust of wind came in from the cracks in the house, and the wind flipped the pages of parchment, making a rustling sound.

Dumbledore quickly browsed through the book, but while searching, he did not forget to answer Hector's questions.

"Oh, you mean that little guy, it was complaining to me that a strong guy had written something on the admission book without its permission. The little guy was very angry about this, but it couldn't do anything about that strong guy," Dumbledore paused, he looked at the admission book that was being flipped, and carefully considered his words,

"The little guy even suspected that the problem was not from within. After all, the resistance measures of the Book of Admission are very strong. Even if it wants to write a name on it, it needs to provide sufficiently exciting evidence - so it came to the conclusion that the Book of Admission was compromised and a backdoor was opened. Look, the little guy is still having a tantrum with his good partner."

Hector looked at the Pen of Acceptance that remained in the ink bottle. Sure enough, the feather pen that was said to be made of divination bird feathers was shaking slightly, as if to confirm the accuracy of Dumbledore's words.

Is it a bit too bloody? Hector had such a question in his heart. Dumbledore's story gave him a sense of déjà vu,"You have been chasing the goddess for three years, but I easily won her over in just three days." Dumbledore seemed to be aware of this as well. He coughed lightly twice and quickly changed the subject.

"Okay, don't worry about it. This little guy always tells stories in such a strange way. He doesn't have the temperament of his age at all."

Dumbledore said this to Hector. Suddenly, the rustling paper slowed down its turning speed. As if it had discovered something, the admission book stopped at the chapter marked 1992, which attracted Dumbledore and Hector to look over at the same time.

"So, there has indeed been a change - the ink of the Pen of Acceptance is silver, but the last few names are golden."

Dumbledore's expression became serious, much more serious than when he learned about Hector's predictive ability. As for Hector, his attention was all on the last three names.

Panju Patil Prewett.

In addition to Prewett, who was related to Mrs. Weasley, Hector was also familiar with the middle name Patil. There was a girl named Parvati Patil in the same year of Gryffindor as him, and she had a sister named Padma Patil, who had just entered school this year and was assigned to Ravenclaw College.

Albus Prince Evans.

This was the name that Hector was most familiar with. Hector could think of the corresponding origins of the first and last name. There was no need to elaborate on the name Albus, and Hector also had some impression of the last name Evans - Harry's mother's last name was Evans, and her full name was... Lily Evans. Only the middle name of this prince made Hector feel a little strange.

Wendell Brian Flamel,

Hector had no clue about the name Wendell. Except for Hermione mentioning it, he had no other impression. The middle name Brian seemed to be mentioned when Aberforth was looking through the family history, but it was also very vague. However,

Hector was very familiar with this surname. Not just familiar, Hector even fought with the most outstanding one with this surname.

Hector integrated the information about these people in his mind, while Dumbledore was checking whether there had been such violent tampering in the list of previous admission books. The air between the two was surprisingly quiet, and only Dumbledore's tiny muttering could be heard faintly.

"There are traces of repeated revisionshurryThe modification traces appear when the train arrives at the station"

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded at the spiral staircase, breaking the peace between the two.

"Albus, I heard something very important happened, and it's related to Hector, and I want to hear your story - oh, Hector, you are here too."

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