Fred and George finished what they said was a punishment for Hector's dishonesty with satisfaction. Meanwhile, the Sorting Ceremony was still going on.

Hector rubbed the inside of his thigh that Fred had pinched and took a deep breath. The two brothers were really ruthless. The division of labor between them was very clear. George first firmly put a cross lock, and Fred almost took his wand from Hector's waist at the same time. Without the wand, Hector basically lost all his resistance and could only succumb to the tyranny of the two brothers with a humiliating face.

However, the Sorting Ceremony was still going on normally. Nothing was affected by Hector's little butterfly. Hermione was sorted into Gryffindor, and Hector said he was very satisfied with this. The famous Harry Potter still rejected the Sorting Hat's idea of sending him to Slytherin and came to Gryffindor. Today's Gryffindor was like a holiday. When the Sorting Hat shouted Gryffindor, the two Weasley brothers jumped up all of a sudden. They held each other's arms and cheered loudly.

"We now have Harry Potter and Dumbledore!"

As for Ron, this was something Hector was not worried about at all.

Even if Ron had some small accident and was sorted into Hufflepuff, Hector didn't mind replacing Ron and forming a new iron triangle.

But Ron was assigned to Gryffindor as he wished. He smiled happily and sat down next to Harry. As for Hector, he sat next to Hermione as he wished without him noticing. The sorting ceremony was over soon, and when the last little wizard was sorted into Slytherin, Professor Dumbledore stood up and made a summary of the sorting ceremony.

"Welcome, welcome, it's a new school year."Dumbledore looked at the little wizards in the hall with a kind smile on his face.

"I think everyone is hungry, so I will just say a few words"

"That is----Idiot! Crybaby! Scum! Twist!"

Hector rolled his eyes. Old Dumbledore had always been like this. He had been the old Riddler when he taught Hector.

"Then, let the banquet begin."

Dumbledore clapped his hands, and the empty table was filled with all kinds of food in an instant.

Hector was very satisfied that Dumbledore really practiced"saying a few words". The sorting ceremony lasted a little long, and Hector, who did not have dinner at home, did feel a little hungry. It must be said that the food at Hogwarts was really good and regular, without the traditional British hellish food - stargazing pie.

He forked a piece of sizzling fried steak on the plate, tried the steak knife a few times, and then wisely chose to start biting instead of cutting. Ron on the opposite side grabbed a chicken leg with one hand, and Harry was working on the roasted whole lamb leg at this time. After some effort, he obviously pulled out more than he expected. The roasted lamb leg was almost as big as his whole face.

The bandit style of these three people made Hermione, who was sitting next to Hector, move to the side.

"Gentlemen, if you are. I think it should not be that difficult to use a knife and fork."Hermione looked at the three kids with disdain. She took a piece of pie from the long table and ate it in small bites like a lady.

The three kids looked at each other and smiled in tacit understanding.

Ron is quite to my taste. I am glad that he was sorted into Gryffindor.

This is what Hector thought.

Hector is a really nice guy. I guess that's why Fred and George are friends with him, and we will be soon too.

This is what Ron thought.

I don't know what the two were laughing at, but it seemed impolite not to laugh. It's better to laugh.

This is what Harry thought.

For Harry , concentrating on finishing the food in front of him was more important than anything else.

As for Hector, when he retorted to Malfoy on the stairs, Harry had already regarded him as his friend.

The banquet was over soon. Hector, who was concentrating on the food, did not notice the passage of time, and of course did not notice Hermione who wanted to discuss homework problems with him several times. Hermione had to find someone else. It was obvious that Percy Weasley was still happy to discuss with the little girl.

When Hector wanted to get himself another chicken drumstick to add to his meal, McGonagall knocked on the wine glass, and Dumbledore stood up.

"Well, now that everyone has eaten and drunk enough, I want to say a few more words to everyone. Dumbledore glanced at the little wizards in the audience with his shining eyes, and then he continued,

"Mr. Filch asked me to remind everyone not to perform magic in the corridors during class breaks. Also, the review of Quidditch players will be held in the second week of this semester. Students who are interested in joining the college team should contact Ms. Hooch."

Hector always felt that old man was looking at Harry, but he had no evidence. Harry, who was looking at Snape, felt a burning pain in the scar on his forehead.

Professor Snape, who was also looking at him, naturally took the blame.

"Ouch!" Harry covered his forehead.

"What's wrong?" Percy asked

"Nothing." The burning sensation was gone in an instant, but Harry did not feel any warmth in the eyes of the hook-nosed, black-haired teacher. The cold gaze made him realize that the teacher had no good feelings towards him.

"Who is that teacher, the one in the black robes?" Harry asked, and Hector came over and took over Percy's lines.

"That's Professor Snape, teaching Potions," Hector guessed what Harry had just experienced, and he continued,

"It is said that he had always wanted to teach the Defense Against the Dark Arts course, but he had never succeeded. Dumbledore had been looking for a new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor every year, but it was never Snape."

"How do you know that? You're a freshman, right?" Percy seemed a little surprised, but after a while he found the reason.

"I almost forgot, your last name is Dumbledore, I'm surprised you didn't know that"

"Now, before we go to bed, let's sing the school song together!"All the teachers' faces froze, and Dumbledore flicked his wand lightly, and a long golden ribbon flew out of the wand and fluttered in the air.

For a moment, Hector had to admit that Dumbledore's head looked like a ballet dancer playing with ribbons. As soon as this thought came up, Hector's mind automatically photoshopped it, and it was deeply engraved in Hector's mind before Hector tried to forget it.

Dumbledore waved his wand again, letting the ribbon fall off, and his raised little finger just fell into the eyes of Hector who was trying to avoid it.

Well, I can't forget it at all.

"Everyone can choose their favorite tune. Dumbledore, holding the magic wand, is like a conductor.

""Ready, sing."

All the teachers and students sang loudly, and the scene was so noisy that it was hard to describe.

When everyone finished singing the school song, only the Weasley twins continued to sing to the rhythm of"Funeral March". Dumbledore seemed very satisfied and even used his wand to conduct the last few bars for them. The Weasley brothers responded politely with warm applause.

"Music, what a fascinating thing!"Old Deng wiped his eyes,"It's time to go to bed now! Let's go back to the dormitory."

The first-year Gryffindor students followed Percy, through the noisy crowd, out of the hall, and up the marble stairs.

The banquet lasted for a long time.

For the little wizards, they had experienced a day of trekking through mountains and rivers, and at this moment, their legs felt like they were filled with lead.

Harry felt so too.

Even when Percy led them through the doors hidden behind sliding baffles and hanging curtains twice in a row, he was not surprised at all, but just leaned tightly on Hector, the most sober first-year wizard in the audience.

Of course, Ron did the same.

The real version of the left and right are men.

If Hermione leaned on him like this, Hector would surely be happy, instead of looking disgusted like he is now.

It was really painful to drag these two guys up the stairs.

And why was the way to the dormitory so far? Hector felt that he was almost at Hogsmeade.

At this time, Percy stopped, which made Harry and Ron a little more sober. They rubbed their eyes and saw a bundle of walking sticks floating in the air.

"It's Peeves, a ghost who loves to play pranks."Percy whispered to the first-year students,"Wait a moment, when he shows up, you can see how I drive them away."

"I think it is necessary to learn how to deal with Peeves."

Hector was very speechless about the two big pendants on his body. Now he didn't want to wait any longer. He just wanted to get to the dormitory as soon as possible and throw the two sleepy people who couldn't walk straight on their beds.

He pulled out his hand that was held by Ron and took out his wand from his arms. Percy also noticed his behavior. He said to Hector very seriously,

""Hector, Dumbledore said that magic is not allowed in the corridors. Besides, you don't know how to deal with Peeves, and you will anger him, so no one can return to the dormitory without a bump on the head."

Hector saw the Weasley brothers making faces behind Percy, and he replied

"Relax, I just want to get back to the dormitory as soon as possible." Hector walked past Percy, took out his wand and pointed it at the floating cane.

"Also, my motto is, as long as you don't get caught, it's not a violation of school rules."

"That must be my motto."Freg laughed happily, and so did George.

"Great minds think alike, bro."

""Vadivasi." Hector whispered the spell, and a dwarf suddenly appeared in the air. The cane beside him formed a small cage, carrying him and the sound of the balloon quickly disappeared from the sight of the little wizard of Gryffindor.

""Excuse me, Prefect Percy." Hector had a very average impression of this rigid guy in the Weasley family, otherwise he would not have bothered to be the first to speak out, but he still had the necessary courtesy at this moment.

If this guy had not finally turned from evil to good, Hector, who was petty, might have done something more radical.

""Very good spell, Mr. Dumbledore." Percy looked very unhappy. He didn't like anyone challenging his authority, including his two younger brothers and now Hector. At this moment, he was still a little graceful and didn't bother with Hector. Percy looked at the little wizard behind him.

"This way, Gryffindor freshmen."

After saying that, he looked at Hector again.

"If there is nothing else, please return to the team, Mr. Dumbledore?"

Hector returned to the team obediently, and the two large pendants were hung on Hector again as if nothing had happened. As soon as he returned to his original position, two tall and thin figures came up to Hector, and the Weasley twins kept making faces at Hector.

"I can't believe you challenged Percy's authority directly!" Frege winked at Hector,"in front of so many people!"

"This is exactly what we have been wanting to do, it is really exciting, isn't it Fred." George said

"Of course!" Frege seemed very excited,"We forgive you, and we have prepared a surprise for you."

"Remember to go out at night, you don't look so sleepy, of course, night out is always exciting, right Fred?" George added

"It really makes people sober!" Fred and George sang in unison, and they came together next to Hector.

"We'll be waiting for you in the common room at midnight"

"See you there," they added, and then skipped off. They soon reached the end of the corridor, and Percy stopped in front of a portrait of a very plump woman in a pink dress.

"Password?" she asked

"Dragon scum."Percy said. The painting wobbled forward, revealing a large hole in the back. The young wizards passed through the hole in the wall one by one, and then found themselves in the Gryffindor common room, a comfortable room filled with soft sofas.

Percy took the girls to their dormitories first, and then the boys to theirs. The dormitories were in a tower, at the top of a spiral staircase. It took them a while to find their dormitories, which had five four-poster beds with crimson velvet curtains draped over them. As for their luggage, they were neatly packed away. placed it next to his bed.

The four little wizards looked exhausted, of course not including Hector who had other plans. They changed into their pajamas almost instinctively, and decisively skipped the washing process.

There was no good night to each other. Neville and Ron fell asleep almost as soon as they touched the sheets. As for the white little wizard who had kept a big afro for a long time, it was obviously our blasting genius Seamus Finnigan. He turned on the faucet, took out the toothbrush cup, and then fell on the bed.

Harry rubbed his sleepy eyes, looked at Hector who was sitting on the bed reading, and asked,

"Aren't you going to sleep yet? Harry felt so sleepy.

"It's okay, I'm fine, you go to sleep first." Seeing that Harry was about to lose his eyes, Hector gave up the plan to take him out for a night out on the first night.

Harry nodded and lay down on the bed. Soon, snoring sounds came from the dormitory. Like many other boys' dormitories,

Hector was not sleepy.

He was waiting patiently for the midnight bell to ring.

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