Hector turned around and saw a weird girl in his sight.

It was Luna Lovegood, the little girl from Ravenclaw.

"Oh, it's you, Luna, good evening."

Hector naturally didn't expect to meet other people here, and his relaxed nerves suddenly tensed up.

"You too, Hector, I'm glad you remember my name."

Luna's voice was very clear, and it sounded like she was singing. Her silver eyes sparkled in the dim Room of Requirement, and there was always a faint smile on her young face.

"Are you looking for something? Or are you being harassed? Your mind seems a little confused, Hector."

Luna always had a smile on her face, her eyes were a little wandering, not focusing on Hector, but looking at a place in the distance. Hector couldn't see what Luna was thinking from her expression, he could only try his best to make his answer as accurate as possible.

"I am indeed thinking about something, but it is not very important."

Hector observed the changes in Luna's expression, and then asked carefully,

"How did you know this place? And how did you get in?"

After hearing Hector's question, Luna's wandering eyes focused on Hector again, but she still had a faint smile on her face and spoke in a calm tone.

"The door was open, so I wanted to come in and see if there was anything interesting."

Luna opened her backpack and took out a bunch of corks, and of course some strange and varied pendants. She proudly showed them to Hector and seemed very satisfied with her acquisition.

"Besides, my classmates thought I was a little weird, so they were not very willing to sit with me, so I thought I would come out and wait until they finished eating before going back."

Hector looked at Luna with concern, but found that she was surprisingly calm, as if she didn't care at all. In comparison, the corks with the smell of sherry in front of her seemed more important to her. Luna's eyes were focused on the bunch of corks, and her fingers were gesturing lightly in the air, as if she was planning how to use them.

"You, really don't care?"

Hector suddenly felt distressed, just like when he first met Neville. Hector saw his past self in them. He tried to be as gentle as possible and asked tentatively.

But Luna seemed not to hear. She was now completely immersed in her own world, completely isolated from the outside world. After waiting for a long time, Luna slowly raised her head from the small object in front of her. Her silver eyes looked even brighter against her light eyebrows.

"Oh, excuse me, Hector, I was distracted - I often do this, I get distracted by topics that don't concern me."

Luna looked at Hector. She seemed to realize that her words were inappropriate, so she spoke again and chose to answer Hector's question directly.

"I don't care, Hector, they just have their own ideas. There's no need to worry about these things, there are still many wonderful things in the world waiting for us to explore."

When talking about these things, Luna's trance quickly disappeared, and her eyes shone with a different light.

"Do you know the Scimitar-Horned Snorkeller?"

Luna's silver eyes met Hector's blue eyes. There was a question in her eyes, and perhaps a slight expectation.

"I know a magical animal that has not been proven, but exists in theory."

Hector expressed his point of view in the most pertinent tone possible. He thought that his words would hardly satisfy Luna, but to his surprise, Luna's face was filled with a satisfied smile.

"I didn't expect that you think so too. This is really rare. Many people think that the Scimitar-Horned Snorlax does not exist, but I believe that this interesting creature has just not been discovered."

Luna seemed to have found a confidant.

She chattered about all kinds of strange ideas and many magical creatures that Hector had never heard of, such as moon frogs, big-mouthed colorful fish, and bubble-nosed monsters.

Hector conjured up two chairs and listened quietly to the little girl's endless sharing.

He even generously shared the pumpkin juice he got from Nicolas Flamel with Luna, and Luna also exaggeratedly expressed her praise for the pumpkin juice.

The clear voice like a yellow warbler echoed in the Room of Requirement, like a chant.

The two little wizards, like brother and sister, sat face to face under the huge troll specimen, surrounded by piles of books.

The dim light made the whole scene look gloomy and terrifying.

However, whether it was the little girl who danced and talked endlessly, or the big boy who held his chin, smiled, and listened quietly, they were not aware of the gloomy atmosphere around them.

They talked enthusiastically, and the story continued, with no sign of stopping.

"Do you still remember those boys in our academy? Wendell, Albus and the others - if I remember correctly."

Luna mentioned Wendell and the other three wizards in the conversation. Her inquiring eyes fell on Hector's face. Hector, who already knew their identities, felt a little embarrassed, but he still nodded and responded.

"They seem to have a lot of worries, especially Wendell. Although he looks carefree, I know he is the one with the most worries among the three."

"How did you know that?"

Hector asked that question, and Luna was obviously expecting him to ask that question.

Luna hurriedly lowered her head and searched for something in the colorful bag she was carrying.

Soon, two pairs of large glasses with pink frames appeared in Luna's hands.

The lenses of this pair of glasses were different colors, one side was a deep blue like the sea, and the other side was a lovely pink.

There were two palm-like decorations around the frame, which made the whole pair of glasses look more nervous.

"My father developed the anti-monster glasses. Wearing them, you can see those annoying harassment beasts - just like I thought, there are a lot of them around your head, even more than Wendell's."

Luna handed a pair to Hector first, and then hurriedly put on the anti-monster glasses. The anti-monster glasses are particularly large, especially when they are worn on Luna's face, which adds a bit of quirky temperament to the little girl.

The chat came to an end quickly. If Luna and Hector's stomachs had not complained at the same time, perhaps such a conversation would have continued.

Hector put the diary that smelled a bit stinky into his bag. The bag was empty, except for the pumpkin juice that arrived last night, a bottle of perfume and a pen that had not been used yet. Of course, there were also a dozen scattered wands in the corner and a snake fang in the farthest corner. As for the various snacks from before, Hector left them all to Grindelwald, so that he didn't have to worry about the bad smell of the diary having a bad effect on his snacks.

Luna collected a lot of corks and rusty badges scattered in every corner of the Room of Requirement. She seemed to have a special liking for these things. The two walked out of the door of the Room of Requirement side by side.

At the door, Hector wanted to return the glasses in his hand to Luna. Luna shook her head, still with a bright smile on her face.

"Take it, Hector, it's just a small gift for meeting you."

Hector had no intention of refusing, he carefully put the glasses into his small bag, of course, quite a distance away from the diary.

"Come on, Hector, I want to go downstairs and have some dessert. They should have returned to the dormitory. It would be even better if there is some lemon pie left."

Luna's words were as bouncy as her walking, extremely relaxed, as if nothing could worry her.

"Thank you, Luna, but I think I have something else to do."

Hector smiled and politely rejected the little girl's request. Hearing Hector's reply, Luna did not show disappointment on her face. On the contrary, the gentle smile still stayed at the corner of her mouth, as if it would never disappear.

"Well, Hector, see you next time."

Luna's steps were brisk, she jumped and skipped like a carefree elf, and disappeared at the end of the corridor in the blink of an eye. Hector stood there, watching the girl's figure going away, and a relaxed smile appeared on his face.

If Hector wore the anti-demon glasses Luna gave him, he would definitely find that the minds of the people around him seemed to be surrounded by more or less harassing bulls.

He would also definitely find that there was no harassing bull around Luna.

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