The weekend passed quickly. Compared with the exciting Saturday, this Sunday seemed a bit mediocre. There was no dispute with Slytherin, nor any exciting night tour. Everyone started to work on their own things, and the days seemed very stable.

The following Monday to Wednesday were similar, but because the difficulty of the course increased, the homework assigned by the professors also increased significantly, so Harry and his friends became busier. In addition to daily communication, there were few unnecessary plans like last year.

Strictly speaking, Harry was not the kind of person who was happy to make trouble and increase his sense of existence. On the contrary, he was now very much enjoying the"peaceful life" that Ron said. Of course, if Harry did not make trouble, trouble would naturally find him, but these were things for the future. At present, Hogwarts was still very harmonious and peaceful. At least on the surface.

But for Hector, life seemed much more leisurely.

The benefits of not going to the Defense Against the Dark Arts class were not only that he did not have to pretend to be with Lockhart, but also that he had a lot of free time.

Hector can use this time to do many things he wants to do, such as practicing broomsticks, reading"Transfiguration Today", or going to the restricted book area to learn advanced spells.

Even lying in the common room is more meaningful than staying in the classroom to watch Lockhart's stage play.

Harry and Ron are very envious of Hector not having to attend Lockhart's class, especially Harry, who is invited to the podium by Lockhart to perform the plot of the book in almost every class. Since the elf incident in the first class, stage play has become his only teaching method at present.

Back to the point, in addition to daily study and life, Hector naturally has his own arrangements.

The first is the extracurricular tutoring work carried out last year. Neville's tutoring task is still hosted by Hector, but Hermione's extracurricular teaching work is fully taken over by Professor Flitwick. The little witch needs more in-depth tutoring. Professor Flitwick, a veteran educator, is naturally much better than Hector, who has changed his career halfway.

Then there is Tom Riddle's diary. Hector has been carrying it with him these days, but there are some minor flaws. First of all, there is the problem of smell. Now the diary is not only gloomy because of its temperament, but also because of the smell that the giant monster would say is not good. This makes it difficult for Hector to start. He has begun to doubt whether it is a good decision to hide things in that place.

But compared with the problem of smell, the latter problem is more serious. This is also due to Hector's carelessness. When he pinched his nose and tried to write something on it for the first time, he used Mr. Flamel's pen.

It may be that this pen is too fierce, and the self-introduction written in golden ink does not seem to gradually disappear like in the original book.

Senior Tom Riddle, who is hiding in the diary, seems to be frightened and not enthusiastic at all.

Even when Hector changed to rewrite his self-introduction with an ordinary pen, he did not react at all.

Is it broken? Hector didn't know, nor did he care much about old Tom's reaction.

Anyway, Hector introduced himself as Harry Potter.

He didn't look for Hector Dumbledore to avenge him.

As for Wendel and the others,

Hector didn't pay much attention to them. Professor Flitwick mentioned Wendel's name in front of Hector more than once. This gifted little guy always made Professor Flitwick smile with pride every time he mentioned him.

"Wendell is very outstanding, his talent is as outstanding as his last name - when I see him, it's like seeing you last year, but fortunately he was sorted into Ravenclaw, so I don't have to envy Minerva anymore."

This is what Professor Flitwick said, often with a blush of excitement on his face.

In short, the main theme of Hector's life is leisure, and occasionally there will be a few fragments of haste, such as this Thursday - Professor McGonagall's Transfiguration Club will start the first activity of the new semester on this day.

The notice was delivered at breakfast time on Thursday with other owls. After Hector glanced at a piece of paper with a brief address, time and the Transfiguration Club, he folded it up and put it into Hector's robe pocket.

Seven o'clock in the evening, classroom 32 on the fifth floor.

Thursday The date was also very coincidental.

Today's afternoon class was Lockhart's Defense Against the Dark Arts.

In other words, Hector had no class this afternoon.

He could go to the fifth floor, which was full of abandoned classrooms, to check things out.

It just so happened that the restricted book area was also on the fifth floor (the entrance to the library was on the second floor, and then it occupied several floors, so it was understandable).

It was also a good idea to go there and browse some books.

Anyway, there was a whole afternoon, so it was always good to make some arrangements in advance.

After lunch, Hector patted his clothes, politely declined Harry's suggestion to walk around the yard, and turned to leave the hall.

""Wait a minute, Hector."

This was Hermione's voice. The little witch quickly finished her lunch, stood up from her seat, and followed Hector's pace.

Facing Hector's questioning eyes, Hermione explained,

"I have something to ask you.It's better to talk somewhere else."

It was the little witch's turn to walk in front, and Hector followed silently. Harry and Ron looked at each other and tacitly held down Neville who also wanted to stand up. After walking out of the hall and through several corridors, Hermione led Hector to a secluded place and stopped.

Hector thought Hermione was asking about not attending Lockhart's class, but the facts were somewhat beyond his expectations.

"Do you know Wendel and the others?"

Hermione's question was beyond Hector's expectations. He was a little nervous and frowned involuntarily. After a while, he answered.

"I guess we know each other. A first-year student at Ravenclaw. What's up?"

"They are very strange."

Hermione's brows also frowned, she looked a little anxious, but her words were still very clear.

"I noticed them when I was in the library. They were so young and went into the restricted section to look for things related to alchemy. And they had Professor Dumbledore's signature. Madam Pince complained about this more than once."

Hermione paused, then continued,

"What's even more strange is that they not only know about the Room of Requirement, but also have an invisibility cloak like Harry's - it was this guy who almost made me lose him."

Hector was a little confused. He didn't know how to explain Wendell and the others to Hermione. To be honest, Hector himself didn't know how to properly face these little guys who were related by blood, so he chose to avoid it and leave the matter to the more experienced Dumbledore. In the current situation, Hector could only pretend to be confused and try his best to get away with it.

"Really? I'll keep an eye on them, but I'm sure Harry and the others' invisibility cloaks are always with him. Maybe they are theirs? After all, Wendell's last name is Flamel."

Hector tried to rationalize the existence of the invisibility cloak, and it seemed to work well. Hermione was convinced by Hector's reasoning.

"Maybe that's the case, but I'll pay more attention to them. I hope I'm just overthinking it."

Hermione nodded, the doubts between her eyebrows gradually faded, and her wandering eyes turned to focus on Hector again.

"Let’s not talk about this for now. Are you really not going to attend Lockhart’s class?"

"I told you that the current content is a little simple for me, so he allowed me to study independently during the Defense Against the Dark Arts class, and Lockhart knew this."

Hector explained, Hermione frowned slightly, her eyes full of worry,

""It's Professor Lockhart, Hector. I know your level, but at least you can learn something from a good teacher."

Hermione's voice became smaller and smaller. It was obvious that after two classes, her trust in Lockhart was not as strong as before. Hector did not respond. He looked at Hermione quietly. The little witch quickly changed the subject.

"Well, maybe you could learn more with that time, but I still have to go to class. See you later, Hector."

"See you later, Hermione."

The little witch waved to Hector and quickly disappeared at the end of the corridor.

Hector walked up the stairs and left this secluded corner.

Everyone thought there was a reversal here, similar to air fluctuations, right?

Hey, you guessed it right.

Under the invisibility cloak, there were three faces with shock and fear.

"How much does she know?

Pan Zhu asked, his hand unconsciously covering his mouth, which made his voice a little unclear.

"Not much, but dangerous enough."

Albus replied, and their eyes fell on Wendell.

Yes, Wendell was still fiddling with the hourglass filled with golden sand.

"Wendell, when can we leave?"

Wendell did not respond until Albus patted his shoulder.

"I don't know."

Wendell replied, his eyes never leaving the hourglass in his hand.

"The energy is recovering, but the speed is surprisingly slow, as if something is blocking the process."

""What is it?"

Albus asked. The three people focused their attention on the gray and gold sand in the hourglass. Compared with the last time, the proportion of gold sand has increased, but the increase is really limited.

"I don’t know."

Wendell replied.

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