"So, who should we send?"

Pan Zhu asked. He looked at the time-turner in Mr. Flamel's hand with a worried look on his face.

"I think it's best for me to do this."

After Pan Zhu finished speaking, Dumbledore immediately agreed without any hesitation.

Hector wanted to say something, but Dumbledore shook his head, and the firm and unshakable look in his eyes was particularly conspicuous.

"It can't be you, Albus,"

Mr. Flamel said. Dumbledore frowned and looked at the old man standing beside him.

He was waiting for Nicolas Flamel's explanation.

Mr. Flamel put the hourglass in his palm. The golden sand inside emitted a dazzling light, which looked particularly magical.

Everyone's eyes fell on the exquisite hourglass in Mr. Flamel's hand.

This was exactly the effect Mr. Flamel wanted to achieve. He quickly explained his previous words.

"The time-turner is a marvelous, great work of alchemy, and the one before you is the most exquisite of all,"

Mr. Flamel looked at the hourglass with sincerity and enthusiasm, and then he placed the hourglass in Dumbledore's hand.

"However, no matter how great an alchemical product is, it has its limits - including this time converter."

Mr. Flamel looked at Dumbledore, and he carefully turned the hourglass, and then turned the spring-like thing in the middle.

After doing all this, Mr. Flamel took a few steps back, and

Hector was also pulled back by him.

"Press the button above the hourglass, Albus, and get ready."

Hearing Mr. Flamel's words, Dumbledore also became serious. He drew out his wand and took a deep breath.

Dumbledore pressed the button, expecting the space to distort, but strange events such as sudden disappearance did not happen.

Dumbledore was still standing there as before, except for the hourglass in his hand.

The golden sand stored in the hourglass was crowded and chasing each other, falling quickly from the channel, but all the dazzling, even devastating sand grains were dimmed after passing through the small opening.

They became gray and completely lost their previous gorgeous appearance, becoming extremely ordinary.

The speed of the sand flowed faster and faster, but this seemed to be the only change that could be observed with the naked eye.

Perhaps we have to wait until all the sand grains fell?

Hector had such an idea in his mind. , this idea was soon confirmed.

When all the sand faded its golden coat and became ordinary,

Dumbledore's face immediately showed a look of pain.

He seemed to have been hit hard by a professional boxer with an uppercut. He completely lost his center of gravity and his whole body fell backwards uncontrollably.

Hector quickly drew out his wand. Mr. Flamel was even faster than him, but Hector's buffering spell was directed at Dumbledore, while Mr. Flamel used a levitation spell to hit the time converter in the air.

As you can see, Albus, even this extremely powerful time converter cannot support your time travel."

Mr. Flamel carefully took down the floating time converter from the air, carefully wiped off the traces of Dumbledore on it, and then he said,

"Not to mention long-term time travel, so, Albus, we need someone else."

"How about me and Pan Zhu?"

Another Albus, the Albus of the Potter family, took the initiative to stand up, and Pan Zhu, who was always timid and fearful, also quickly expressed his support for his good brother.

The two little guys met the gazes of Hector and the others, and straightened their thin chests as much as possible.

""Thank you, little ones, but I don't think it's your turn this time."

Mr. Flamel said so, but he had a warm smile on his face.

Dumbledore's face was similar, of course, this refers to the two Dumbledores.

Who should be sent?

I think the answer is very obvious.

Dumbledore and Mr. Flamel looked at each other, and they saw the most suitable candidate from each other's eyes,

Hector Dumbledore

"I'll go."

Hector's words were brief, but they carried a meaning that could not be denied.

Dumbledore's eyes were hesitant. He remained silent and did not respond directly to Hector's words.

"It can only be Hector, Albus, if you want to find Wendell,"

Mr. Flamel patted Dumbledore's shoulder with his old, wrinkled hand, and he continued,

"To be honest, his current situation is not safe. Getting lost in time is a very dangerous thing - if I am not mistaken, forgetfulness has already occurred."

Albus Potter and Pan Zhu nodded, and Mr. Flamel showed a look of understanding on his face. It was at this time that Dumbledore raised his head and spoke quickly, but he was talking to Fawkes,

"Go find Aberforth, Fawkes, and have him come here at once, the sooner the better."

————Dividing line————

"What's going on, Albus? Is it about Hector?"

Aberforth's loud voice appeared in the office earlier than his figure.

The sparks faded, and Aberforth, wearing a funny apron, appeared in everyone's sight.

Of course, there was also Fawkes. She nodded to Dumbledore, and then fell back to her shelf awkwardly.

The first person Aberforth saw was Hector. After seeing the familiar little guy, the anxiety on the old man's face quickly disappeared, replaced by a gentle smile.

Aberforth gave Hector a hug first, and only after letting go did he notice Mr. Flamel in the principal's office.

The smile faded quickly, Aberforth frowned, and looked at Dumbledore with a questioning look in his eyes, but Aberforth would naturally not ignore the basic etiquette of greeting.

"Oh, please forgive my impoliteness, I was a little too anxious to leave. It's nice to meet you, Mr. Flamel."

A smile returned to Aberforth's face, but it was not as sincere.

Mr. Flamel's smile was more open and he responded politely.

"It's nice to see you, Aberforth. It's all right. It's all for the children."

Aberforth's questioning expression became more intense.

It was a great honor to meet this legendary figure in the wizarding world, but Aberforth definitely didn't want to see Mr. Flamel in this place.

"What's the matter, Albus? Is it related to Hector?"

Aberforth would not ask Mr. Flamel directly. His eyes fell on Dumbledore who was sitting on the chair.

Albus nodded, and Aberforth's brows furrowed even more.

""Can I speak to Hector alone? Albus,"

Mr. Flamel said before Albus could speak.

Dumbledore hesitated for a moment and then nodded.

Aberforth wanted to stop him, but Dumbledore stopped him.

Mr. Flamel's eyes swept across the crystal ball on Dumbledore's desk and then fell on Hector.

Hector nodded and stood up. Before leaving with Mr. Flamel, he conjured two chairs and motioned for the two little guys to sit down.

"Sit down for a while, things are not that simple,"

Hector said to Albus and Panzhu, and then followed Mr. Flamel to the other side of the office.

"I know you have a lot of questions,"

Mr. Flamel spoke before Hector could.

"Before that, I want to say a few things."

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