Let's turn our attention back to Dumbledore.

Hector's figure disappeared into thin air in an instant, and the noise he made was much smaller than expected.

The smile on Mr. Flamel's face disappeared at the same time as Hector disappeared, and was replaced by a serious, extremely serious expression.


Aberforth and Albus Dumbledore turned around at the same time, and they looked at Mr. Flamel with questioning eyes.

"It's time for me to say goodbye to you too."

The questioning look in Aberforth's eyes did not fade away, but Dumbledore seemed to understand something. He nodded woodenly, as if he had not fully reacted.

"That is, today?"

Dumbledore's voice was trembling. After hearing his words, the confused Aberforth finally reacted.

When he looked at Mr. Flamel again, the emotions in his eyes were complicated, with regret, pity, and more respect.

Compared with the two Dumbledores, Mr. Flamel was much calmer.

"It's time, Albus, it's nice to see you, and of course you, Aberforth"

"Just like you said, death is just a new journey. I have traveled enough in this world. It is time to turn over a new leaf."

The old and weak arm first patted Aberforth's shoulder, and then Albus Dumbledore.

"Don't worry about me, cherish the time you have left and the people around you."

"Where is Perenelle?"

Monsieur Flamel paused.

"She has already gone ahead."

This time it was Mr. Flamel's turn to tremble a little, but this trembling did not last long, and Mr. Flamel's tone soon returned to calm.

"She said goodbye in her sleep, with a smile and no pain"

"Feel sorry"


Mr. Flamel stood where Hector had stood before, and Aurora fell on his shoulder.

"So let's say goodbye. I can see Perenelle is waving at me. I have to hurry."

Aurora cried softly.

"That's it, gentlemen, goodbye."

Mr. Flamel left in a hurry, without much words. A ball of fire rose up, and this old, great magician, alchemist master completely disappeared from everyone's sight.

The air was so quiet that it was almost condensed.

"What is going on here?"

Aberforth muttered softly.

++++Dividing line++++

Mr. Flamel had changed into formal clothes.

He quickly but carefully arranged his hair and put on a tall, classical hat.

He opened the drawer and found a box lying quietly inside.

Inside the box , a ring was quietly lying.

Under the ring, there were two photos.

They were not of wizards, but ordinary, Muggle photos that would not move.

One was a somewhat abrupt selfie, and the other was of a young Mr. Flamel and a young woman.

Mr. Flamel put on the shiny ring on his ring finger.

His finger gently brushed over the two photos and the box was closed.

"This is still a bit more presentable."

Looking at himself in the mirror, Mr. Flamel muttered softly. He stood up.

He didn't know when the alchemists formed a circle and stood beside him.

They stood there silently.

Mr. Flamel took a step forward, and the alchemists followed closely behind him.

He opened one door after another and walked through one corridor after another.

The team behind Mr. Flamel was getting longer and longer, but the room was still quiet. Apart from Mr. Flamel's footsteps, there was no other movement.

When Mr. Flamel walked through the last long corridor and stood in front of the last heavy wooden door, he stopped and turned around.

"Well, friends, let's stop here. Thank you for accompanying me on this last journey."

He was answered with silence.

The little people's metallic, mechanical faces all showed a rare but uniform expression of grief.

They were far away, near, tall, or short, but at this moment, they all lowered their heads.

"My plan is not over yet. Even if I leave, there is another friend who will be with you. Remember to take good care of him for me."

"Let me walk the rest of the way by myself."

Sporadic voices appeared, and the alchemists left one after another. They returned to their respective posts in an orderly manner. Mr. Flamel's plan would not stop because of his departure, and their work would naturally not end there.

Mr. Flamel pushed open the heavy door, and the room was empty, with only a mirror that had not been fully restored.

To be precise, this mirror was only one step away from being fully restored.

Mr. Flamel drew out his wand, tapped his ring, and the last fragment flew out.

"Time travel is risky, but the so-called risk is not time, but that person,"

Mr. Flamel said to himself, and he carefully placed the fragment where it should be.

"Let me take this risk, this is the last thing I can do."

With a click, the mirror was restored.

Mr. Flamel's figure did not appear on the mirror, which was expected.

What appeared on the mirror was a vortex.

"Why are you still so stubborn?"

A cold voice suddenly sounded in the room.

Yes, it was the cold man who came from Albania, and it was also the mysterious and powerful force mentioned countless times before.

"Obsessed? I just want to see the outside world."

"You know it's impossible - forget it, there's no point in talking any more," the Indifferent didn't want to say too much to Mr. Flamel, he chose to use the simple and rough method of attacking.

Mr. Flamel had just drawn his wand when the Indifferent attacked him.

After taking the first move, the alchemical armor appeared on Mr. Flamel's body.

"Seeing the stuff on you reminds me of something I saw in other worlds - does the name Tony sound familiar?"

The Indifferent joked, but he did not stop attacking, still so fierce and fierce, Mr. Flamel was exhausted and had no time to reply.

In a duel, once you lose the initiative, it is almost impossible to get it back, especially when facing such a powerful opponent.

The Indifferent was almost teasing Mr. Flamel. When facing the embarrassed old man who was vulnerable in his eyes, like other villains, the Indifferent felt contempt.

"Low power, slow attack, poor technique, a little clever, but not up to par"

With one heavy blow, Mr. Flamel's armor was completely shattered.

The mobility of a 600-year-old man is really not worth mentioning.

"Is there anything you want to say?"

The Indifferent did not pursue the victory. His ethereal figure stood in the air, looking down at Mr. Flamel, as if giving his opponent the last mercy before the end.

"I have been thinking of one thing,"

Mr. Flamel panted, and he stood up with great effort, not wanting to be looked down upon.

"If you don't want people to know about the outside world and don't want me to go out, you could just kill me, but you didn't."

The alchemical armor fell off his body piece by piece, leaving only the old, wrinkled suit on his body.

"Even just now, you didn't kill me."

"You don't want to kill me, or rather, you can't kill me."

The indifferent man frowned, but soon relaxed.

"You guessed it right, Nico, I can't kill you," the indifferent man paused.

"But I just can't kill you directly. If it's not me who kills you, then there won't be any problem."

"Voldemort? The poor fellow you saved?"

Mr. Flamel looked particularly relaxed. He looked at the indifferent man floating in the air with a half-smile.

The indifferent man was obviously stunned.

"How did you know?"

"You are not the only one who has made a deal with Death."

Mr. Flamel's voice was very soft, as if he was muttering to himself.

"It's no big deal if you know it. Even if you know your fate, you can't change it. Now you can only be a passive witness."

The indifferent man waved his hand, and the mirror behind him collapsed.

The door to the outside world was closed.

"There is a famous saying that villains always die because they talk too much, do you know that?"

Mr. Flamel was not affected, and the smile on his face was still as calm as ever.

"But I am not a villain. In this world, I am the supreme god."

"Yes, a god with his hands tied."

Mr. Flamel's smile was full of disdain, and his face was full of the unruly youth.

"It is useless to talk nonsense, Flamel. Now you can only be a witness to your own fate."

"First of all, I am not being eloquent, I am telling the truth,"

Mr. Flamel's face showed a cunning look, he snapped his fingers, and the debris on the ground flew into the air, rushing towards the careless god suspended in the air.

"Secondly, I have never been a witness."

Pieces of broken armor rushed towards the Indifferent, restraining the hands and feet of the gods, and shining their light as much as possible.

The Indifferent was certainly powerful, and a few broken armors alone could not trap him.

If the magic stone was added, it would be another story.

"I never thought of defeating you, I only wanted to trap you."

Mr. Flamel ran as fast as he could, the armor on his feet providing the maximum speed.

I need to correct what I said before.

This is not the last door. The one in front of Mr. Flamel is the one.

He tapped the ring twice with his wand, and another fragment appeared, which matched the mirror in the room.


The Indifferent struggled with all his might. The light from the armor that bound him became more and more dazzling.

Several obvious cracks appeared on the surface of the magic stone.

With a click, the passage opened.

"See you next time, or to be more precise, never see you again."

Mr. Flamel did not waste a second. At the last moment before the passage opened and the Philosopher's Stone shattered, his figure had already disappeared into the passage. The mirror was then broken, and the god stood in front of the debris with a heart full of anger.

At this moment, an alchemist appeared in front of the indifferent man with a pre-written roaring letter.

"I hope you will remember this day, you almost stopped me."

Mr. Flamel's voice echoed in the room, he laughed, it was so refreshing, so contented. After six hundred years of depression, the situation was finally resolved, today is the most refreshing moment.

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