Before Hector turned around, he had carefully searched out the magic wand hidden in his sleeves, the ordinary-looking secret bag on his waist, and even the mysterious man hidden in his pocket that Hector had almost forgotten. In addition

, all these searches were conducted under Hector's watchful eyes. However, Hector seemed to have lost his five senses and was unaware of what was happening to him. He even tried his best to take out the magic wand from his bag before turning around, in order to make a final struggle.

After all, surrendering without a fight was never Hector's style.

But when he turned around and saw who was pointing the wand at him, all his thoughts disappeared.

The person standing opposite him was a very, very familiar stranger.

The wand in the stranger's hand was still pointing at Hector. In his free hand was the wand that was knocked away by the Disarming Curse.

Interestingly, the wand pointing at Hector was the same wand that was knocked away by the Disarming Curse.

That's right, the person standing in front of Hector was a much older and more mature version of himself.

For the sake of distinction, let's name the older and more mature Hector Dumbledore Li Buyan.

Li Buyan's face was filled with a sly smile, and his eyes looking at Hector exuded an amazing brilliance.

"You don't know how long I have been waiting for this day and this moment, little guy."

Li Buyan's voice trembled slightly, and his excitement and joy were hard to suppress, almost overflowing from the corners of his mouth and between his eyebrows. It can be seen that he has been waiting and planning for today's scene for a long time.

Compared with Li Buyan's impatient performance, Hector, who is obviously much younger, seems more mature.

It must be said that he was in a nervous mood just now, but when he turned around and saw that the person standing behind him was not someone else but himself in who knows how many years, Hector's inner uneasiness completely disappeared, replaced by strong speechlessness and indispensable resentment. However,

Hector did not show the similar reactions described in the user guide of the time converter, such as 'when seeing two of himself appear in the same time period, the user will think he is crazy'.

After facing Li Buyan head-on and directly, Hector's heart was very calm and unperturbed, and he even felt it was a matter of course.

After all, it was himself, although it was described in this way...

It sounds a bit strange to describe, but it would be unlike Hector Bento to go through so much trouble and travel back in time for such a long time without making a trip to show off in front of his former self.

It's unwise, or even stupid, right? But Hector will do it, even if it goes against his overall low-key action plan.

To be honest, when Hector made up his mind to come on this trip to rescue Wendel, he had already decided that no matter whether it went smoothly or not, he would make such a trip to meet himself in this time period.

In addition, Hector has been in the magic world for so long that he has already experienced many things that can be described as fantasy. For example, a scene that he had imagined in his mind a long time ago, it is really a piece of cake for him to accept.

However, there are still some questions that can be asked to this future self.

When Hector thought of this, Li Buyan, who was standing opposite him, seemed to have expected it and spoke before him.

"Don't bother asking questions, I will never tell you, just like what he did when I was your age many years ago, that is, what I do now."

Seeing Hector frowned, Li Buyan thought quickly and added,

"It's a little confusing, but it doesn't matter. When you reach my age, you will naturally understand what I mean."

Well, it's another damn riddle man. Hector scratched his head. He really didn't like the situation where everything was controlled by others, even if that other person was himself many years later.

So, Hector planned to think about it carefully and planned to surprise Li Buyan who was standing opposite him.

"What tricks are you thinking of?"

Li Buyan was naturally aware of Hector's psychological changes. After all, the person standing in front of him was himself back then.

However, Li Buyan did not intend to interfere with Hector's bad behavior. It happened that at this time, the movement downstairs completely disappeared.

The fifth floor, which was far away from the center of the battle, gradually restored order after the fighting subsided. Patients and their families walked out of the wards where they had been hiding before, and the figures of therapists in green robes naturally became active, shuttling between the wards.

"Let's go into the room and talk. Don't worry, it won't do me any good to harm you. I am you, not anyone who has drunk the polyjuice potion. Don't be suspicious all the time."

Li Buyan said as he dragged Hector into the ward that Hector had chosen earlier. Then he tapped his wand lightly, and under Hector's gaze, the entire ward was quickly wrapped in a mercury-colored liquid substance. Hector, who was in the room, only felt a cool breeze gently passing over his body, and there seemed to be no other changes.

If there happened to be a pair of eyes outside the room who were paying attention to all this, he or she would definitely find that Hector and Li Buyan in the ward were standing there just fine the second before, but the next second, with a light tap of Li Buyan's wand, the two of them quickly and completely disappeared.

In the air, even if one opens the door and looks with eyes wide open, smells with nose, listens with ears, or even touches with hands where they originally stood, he or she will find that there is no trace of the two people in the room, as if they had evaporated into thin air.

If someone really did this, it would present an even more bizarre scene from Hector's perspective - the explorer's outstretched hand went straight through Hector's body, but there was no abnormal feeling. Moreover, no matter how loud Hector's voice was or how ostentatious his behavior was, the person who was only a few feet away from him would still turn a deaf ear to him and would not make any response. It was really incomparably strange and magical.

"It's not as complicated as you think. It's just a simple combination of Transfiguration and Disillusionment. Oh, yes, there's a little bit of Apparition in it. It sounds scary, but it's really simple and practical."

Li Buyan once again answered Hector's question. He paused, pricked up his ears and looked in the direction of the footsteps.

"Oh, it's Moody, I almost forgot, at this time, according to his vigorous and decisive style, he should have come up long ago - unless someone took the elevator away with him."

Li Buyan first winked in the direction of Hector for a while, and after enduring Hector's death stare, the playfulness on his face gradually turned into embarrassment, and the originally loud voice suddenly became soft,

"It seems that this is also something I did, but it doesn't matter. There is still plenty of time. You don't have to worry about being discovered. I tested it before coming here. Alastor's fake eyes can't see through my disguise."

"That note"

"Yes, I wrote it."

"Why don't you just teach me on the note?"

"It's interesting, isn't it? Just thinking about you lying on the bed is funny - and that is indeed a way to avoid detection by fake eyes, this is what Moody said himself."

Li Buyan rationally changed his words in the face of his own stabbing gaze. After thinking for a while, he continued to defend his actions,

"And although this spell is not that difficult, it is only for me, that is, for you in a long time.——"

As Li Buyan said this, he looked Hector up and down with a critical (provocative) look.

"Although I know that this won't work, you should still take good care of yourself. I know you are sensible, but it's not good, understand?"

If Hector's previous look wanted to kill someone, then now his eyes are already looking at a dead person,

"Simply put, this method is not only designed for spells, but also for other subjects such as Transfiguration. The spell mastery talent cannot fully play a role. If you don't learn it completely, it will still be useless against Moody. It's not that you are bad, but after more experience, you will find that the spell mastery talent is sometimes not as useful as Dumbledore's bloodline."

Li Buyan didn't notice the change in Hector's eyes at all. He continued to preach foolishly until Hector's eyes became more and more wrong, and it was so wrong that anyone who was not a fool would be able to notice it. Only then did Li Buyan realize the urge to speak and slowly calm down.

"I have another question, don't worry, it has nothing to do with what happens in the future"

"I won't tell you even if it matters."

Li Buyan muttered quietly, but his nonsense was quickly stopped by Hector's fierce eyes.

"you say"

The situation has changed somewhat. Li Buyan, who originally took the initiative, is now obviously in a passive position. Hector, who was previously timid, is now in the upper hand.

"When I grew up, I was really like thisder drank it?"

Hector originally wanted to swear directly, but after thinking about it, he chose a word that was as gentle as possible.

Of course, he did think about giving Li Buyan a good scolding, but thinking that scolding him was equivalent to scolding himself, Hector thought about it and gave up the idea of hurting the enemy by a thousand and hurting himself by twelve thousand.

Li Buyan's expression was obviously darkened, but soon became relaxed again, but this kind of relaxation did not seem to be as natural as at the beginning. There was a bit of deliberate meaning in his behavior.

"I knew you were going to ask that.

I thought so at the time.

As for what you are like when you grow up, you will naturally know.

"The first half of the response and the second half of the reply are completely different styles, as if in just a few words, Hector witnessed a young boy become an adult.

The happy smile on Li Buyan's face fell into Hector's eyes, and it actually showed a bitter feeling at this moment, and his relaxed face was also revealed, revealing a solemn meaning.

The smart and youthful Li Buyan seemed to have disappeared out of thin air in front of Hector, and was replaced by a calm, bitter, worried, and even somewhat weathered Li Buyan.

Hector knew that although his words had been considered for a while, they were still a bit extreme. The questioning from his younger self completely drained away the little youthfulness left in Li Buyan. Now in front of Hector was a Li Buyan who had lost his immaturity and was fully mature.

"Don't blame yourself, little guy, I said the same thing to him when he was standing in front of me,"

Li Buyan's smile was forced. He looked at Hector and tried to act relaxed, but the wrinkles on his face added a bit of bitterness to his calm face.

"Although it may sound cliché, I know that I never liked to be preached back then—just like I still do now."

"However, the future is not as simple as you think. There are more dangers than you can imagine. What you think of as time travel is like dancing on the edge of a knife, but in the future, it can only be regarded as a slightly interesting adventure."

Li Buyan habitually reached for his pocket, but it was empty. He reached into the package he carried with him and searched it, but still found nothing.

Then Li Buyan struggled for a while and reached into Hector's bag again.

"Of course, I don't want you to be scared or afraid of the future life. I just want to tell you that everything is not as simple as you think, whether it is fighting Voldemort, the Ministry of Magic, that power, or"

Li Buyan naturally couldn't find what he wanted in Hector's package, but he found a substitute - Mr. Flamel's pumpkin juice.

A cup really appeared out of thin air, and the pumpkin juice really fell steadily into the cup that appeared out of thin air.

"Fight against life."

Then, Li Buyan drank it all in one gulp, and a cup filled with pumpkin juice appeared in front of Hector.

Hector took the cup out of thin air and walked to Li Buyan's side. He couldn't make a chair out of thin air, but he could still make two with Transfiguration.

When he came to Li Buyan's side, Hector smelled the faint but clear smell of cigarettes coming from him, which made him frown subconsciously.

"I know you don't like it, and I don't like it either. I still remember that when you were a kid, you swore that you would never touch that thing. But sometimes, things are beyond your control, no matter how talented you are, no matter how capable you are, even if you are Dumbledore.

"It's very complicated, really, very frustrating. Do you still remember your grandfather's life motto?"

Hector answered quickly with a serious face.

"True success is not doing whatever you want, but not having to do what you don’t want to do."

"You can't do it, little guy. You really can't do it. After you defeat Voldemort and then defeat that power, what then? Give up everything and leave? What about Grandpa? What about Mr. Flamel? Just throw away the things you promised? But if you really go out, what about Aberforth? What about Hermione? What about your friends?"

"This is why that power never interferes with your normal life, little one, because you will have new concerns and reasons not to leave. Even in the end, you will doubt whether what happened before was a dream, and whether the system is real or just your own imagination?"

"In the end, he doesn't have to interfere with you, because you have already integrated into this world. The question before you is never whether you can, but whether you want to, little one."

"This is why I came to find you, or rather, to find our past selves. This is not my own choice, but the choice of all of us."

Li Buyan looked at Hector, and Hector also looked at Li Buyan.

"What are their choices?"

"Nine votes in favor, ten votes against, and one vote from you and one from me."

Hector wanted to ask, but Li Buyan spoke first.

"Most of the votes in favor are from young people like you. As older people, we naturally have more things to consider."

"I agree."

Before Li Buyan finished explaining, Hector spoke first.

Li Buyan obviously took a deep breath and ticked the paper he had prepared in advance.

"Ten votes in favor, ten votes against, a tie"

"So, it's up to you to make the decision."

Hector looked at Li Buyan, but Li Buyan didn't look at Hector.

"My answer is obvious."

Li Buyan obviously didn't have much confidence when he said this, and Hector didn't expose him. He just watched Li Buyan wavering and hesitating. Is it really obvious? It is indeed obvious, and it can be seen from Li Buyan's face. The youthfulness that was taken away by Hector was now injected back into his somewhat vicissitudes of life, a big hook,

"That's not surprising, is it?"

Li Buyan asked.

"I am not surprised.'

Hector replied.

"I guess I didn't disappoint your hopes."

The bitterness in Li Buyan's smile faded away, and he easily regained the upper hand.

"You already know the answer, don't you?"

"Yes, I've known this for years."

"Still unchanged?"

"No need to change."

Li Buyan waved his hand, and the paper turned into ashes and disappeared into the air.

"Well, I have finished my work. The most I can do is to remind you not to forget to come here in the future. There is nothing else to do. Now it is time to think about your affairs,"

Hector said with a blank look on his face.

"What's my business?"

"I'll take you home."

(I know it seems a bit convoluted, but in this way, Hector is still Hector, and Li Buyan is the mature Hector. I'll just use it this way in this chapter, and I'll change it later. I won't say more about the rest.)

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