When Hector walked out of Filius Blind Flitwick's office, it was almost curfew time. He dragged his tired body towards the common room, secretly rejoicing in his heart.

This terrible day is finally coming to an end, Hector thought.

When he was about to reach the door of the Gryffindor common room, he suddenly heard a wheezing sound. Hector thought it was Filch's female cat who always liked to hang out outside at night, but when he looked down, he found that it was Neville curled up on the floor, sleeping soundly.

Neville woke up the moment Hector approached, he had just returned from the school infirmary. Neville, who had a bad memory, actually forgot the Fat Lady's password. The conscientious Fat Lady could only refuse entry to this poor little fat boy.

"Thank God, someone finally came. I've been waiting here for hours." Neville saw that it was Hector and stood up quickly. He lowered his head a little embarrassedly.

"I forgot the new password and couldn't go back to sleep. No one came and I was too sleepy."Neville explained softly, and Hector patted him on the shoulder.

"The new password is"Pig Nose". I suggest you write it down on paper next time so you won't forget it.

The fat lady on the painting gave up her position. She looked much happier.

""It's a good thing you took him away," the Fat Lady said to Hector,"I have a dance tonight, if I hadn't been waiting for him I would have left long ago. Come in quickly, child."

Hector nodded, Neville went into the Gryffindor common room first, Hector yawned and followed him, just as he was about to go back to his bedroom for a good sleep, Hermione stopped Hector.

""Good evening, Hermione, what's up?" Hector was a little dazed. He missed his soft bed very much. The little witch in front of him looked a little nervous and a little angry. Hector had to force himself to be alert and wait for Hermione to tell him how bad the day could get.

"I couldn't help but eavesdrop on Malfoy's conversation with Harry and Ron," Hermione said.

"They were planning to duel in the trophy room at midnight.

I dread to think how many school rules they would have to break.

Once they were caught, and I'm sure they would be caught, Gryffindor would lose countless points.

"The little witch looked furious.

She had always hated the deduction of points.

Moreover, the time wasted waiting for the two reckless men here was the most shameless waste in the eyes of this self-disciplined little witch.

Hector took a deep breath. The plot had quietly progressed to this point? It had already reached the chapter of the midnight duel? No wonder he met Neville at the door. In the original plot, he participated in the subsequent messy night tour, but now it seemed that Hector would become the one.

It seemed that this day could really get worse. Hector rubbed his temples.

He swore that he really didn't want to get involved in this, but seeing that Hermione was determined to stop the two reckless men, Hector was afraid that such an accident would happen in this team where there was only one sober brain among the three people, and that sober brain was very excluded.

(Hermione had one, Ron didn't, and Harry, who was in a red temperature situation, still owed two)

"Also, that Weasley guy is really unreasonable and selfish. Hermione was very angry. She kept telling Hector about her dissatisfaction with Ron.

This was one of the few good news in a bad day. Hector thought

"What do you want me to do?" Hector didn't think about it for long, and he quickly made up his mind to get involved.

"Stop the plan of those two fools, and don't involve yourself in it."Hermione glanced at Hector, and suddenly remembered that this guy had a conflict with Malfoy this morning, and suddenly regretted telling him about it.

However, it was too late for Hermione to change her mind. She had seen Harry and Ron walking out of the boys' dormitory out of the corner of her eye. Hermione winked at Hector, and took the lead to block the two reckless men.

Hector followed behind her, and he could clearly see that Ron and Harry frowned at the same time when they saw Hermione.

"Why is it you?" Ron said angrily,"You should go back to bed!"

Hermione did not give in, she responded very rudely,

"I almost told your brother, Percy - he's the prefect, he'll stop it."

Harry was also very impatient at this time. He glanced at Hector, who hesitated for a moment and stood in front of him.

""Leave him alone, Ron," Harry walked around Hector, who looked very determined, and it was difficult for Hector to stop him without getting angry.

As for falling out with Harry, Hector felt that there was no need for that, at least not in this small link which was insignificant to the whole story line.

Harry would do many more brainless and reckless things like this in the future, it was just a night stroll, a matter of sprinkling some water.

Harry pushed away the portrait of the Fat Lady, and Ron stopped entangled with Hermione, and followed Harry's steps and climbed out of the cave.

Hermione was very dissatisfied with the attitude of Harry and the others. She was not a person who would easily make concessions, at least not to this rude Weasley. She followed Ron out of the cave, and Hector had to follow.

"Don't you care about Gryffindor, only about yourself? I don't want Slytherin to win the house cup again, and I don't want you to lose all the points I got from Professor McGonagall with the conversion spell."Hermione looked like an angry lioness. She was now more like an accusation to the two stubborn and reckless men, rather than an admonition.

""Go away." Ron said rudely. They were eager to get rid of this troublemaker, so they kept winking at Hector.

Hector swore that he didn't want to get involved either. It would be a good thing to have a good sleep in the dormitory.

So he pulled Hermione's arm.

Hermione quickly understood Hector's intention, and she also found that she couldn't persuade these two reckless men who only wanted to duel, so she could only make concessions reluctantly.

""Okay, but I warn you, when you take the train home tomorrow, don't forget what I said, you are really too selfish."

Hermione said the last sentence bluntly, and then pulled Hector to the Gryffindor common room.

Hector breathed a sigh of relief, thinking that there should be no reason for the day not to end.

Then the two of them looked at the empty portrait of the Fat Lady and froze in place.

Hector slapped his head, wondering why he had forgotten that the Fat Lady had just said that she was going to the dance in the evening.

Now, the idea of going back to bed can be put off for a while, Hector sighed and thought to himself.

No one knew when the Fat Lady would be back, and staying where she was would only be caught by the night watcher Filch. It seemed that following the two reckless men who had not gone far was the only option.

Hector proposed this idea, and Hermione thought about it again and again, and still agreed reluctantly.

"But if Filch finds the four of us, I'll tell him the truth, that we were trying to dissuade them, and then they can testify to my words."Hermione said this to Hector, but Hector thought her idea was a little too unrealistic and not like the style of this clever little witch. Hector thought that according to Filch's temper, no matter what Hermione said, he would arrest all four people and send them to Professor McGonagall.

Filch wanted to catch as many people as possible, so that he could show his ability and satisfy some of his habits.

He has always had a special liking for small whips dipped in pepper water, but he was annoyed that Dumbledore never nodded.

Hector and Hermione soon caught up with Harry and Ron who had not walked far. When they heard the voices behind them, they were so scared that they dared not breathe, but just shrank into the dark as much as possible to hide their figures.

After the two of them thought they were hidden, Ron turned around and squinted his eyes to look behind him. First, there were footsteps getting closer and closer, and soon, the figures of Hermione and Hector holding their wands gradually became clear.

"Why are you here?" Ron seemed very surprised, which made his voice unconsciously louder.

"You guys are quite courageous.——"

He was about to say something sarcastic, but Harry stopped him in time.

"Ron, keep your voice down! We are on a night tour, not a joke, and I think I hear Filch's voice."Harry whispered, holding a lamp and listening carefully to the movements around him.

Ron shut up in dismay, but only after a while, Hector heard Ron's deliberately lowered voice.

"Hermione, if it is you who caused us to be caught, I will definitely learn the kind of monster spell that Quirrell mentioned and use it on you."

Ron didn't say anything to Hector. In his eyes, Hector was just a poor guy controlled by the little witch in front of him. Ron mentioned this to Harry more than once. He suspected that Hermione had some leverage over Hector, which caused him to become a different person when facing Hermione. They even developed a plan that they thought was very meticulous and effective, but they just hadn't found a chance to tell Hector yet.

But looking at it this way, Ron felt that it was necessary to put this matter on the agenda.

Hermione opened her mouth, as if she wanted to refute Ron, or to teach him how to use the monster spell, but Hector held her back and made a quiet gesture.

The four of them walked briskly along the corridor, trying to lighten their steps as much as possible. Most of the portraits on the wall had also fallen asleep, and they didn't make any sound now, as they were usually noisy; the bright moonlight poured in from the windows of Hogwarts, and the huge castle seemed to have fallen into a deep sleep, and the surroundings seemed even more peaceful..

The four kids were very nervous along the way, fearing that they would run into Filch on patrol at some corner. Fortunately, they were lucky. The journey was quite smooth without any accidents. The four of them arrived at the trophy display room smoothly.

The trophy display room was empty at the moment, and it didn't look like Malfoy and Crabbe were there.

There was no light in the room, only the moonlight reflected from the round window on the top, adding a bit of light to the dark room. The crystal glass cabinets displaying the trophies were wiped very clean and sparkled in the moonlight. The crystal glass cabinets displayed various trophies, shields, medals and statues, which shone with silver and gold light, making it difficult for Hector not to look at them.

Harry handed the oil lamp to Ron, and he drew his wand, alert to Malfoy who might suddenly rush in to duel with him. The four people groped along the wall, their eyes fixed on the doors at both ends of the room.

Time passed second by second, and soon it was past the agreed time.

"He's late, maybe because he's scared and doesn't dare to come." Ron whispered.

At this time, footsteps were heard in the corridor in the distance, which made the four little ones tense up all of a sudden. They pricked up their ears, and the footsteps stopped in the next room, followed by the sound of the door opening.

Harry thought Malfoy had taken the wrong path, and he was about to walk out, holding his wand tightly. Fortunately, Hector grabbed his robe in time.

Harry tried to break free from Hector's hand, but Hector held it very tightly and hushed him at the same time.

Harry was confused, but he soon understood.

Because the voice coming from next door was not Malfoy's, but Filch's.

"Sniff around, dear, they might be hiding in some corner."

Harry's eyes widened, he was obviously terrified. When he turned around, Ron's face was pale, Hermione's wasn't much better, Hector didn't react much, but Harry still saw a layer of sweat on his forehead.

Harry waved his wand frantically, motioning the other three to follow him and go out from another door. They tried to keep their footsteps and breathing as low as possible, and walked quickly towards the door farther away from Filch's voice.

Hector walked at the back, and when his robe brushed the corner of the wall, Filch walked into the trophy display room with a dim oil lamp and squinting eyes.

""They are somewhere here, probably hiding." Filch's low muttering reached the ears of the little wizard, which made them speed up their pace.

Suddenly, Ron accidentally kicked down the mop that Filch had placed against the wall. The movement was particularly loud in the silent castle.

Hector heard the footsteps behind him and hurried up. He didn't have time to lower his voice and shouted to the other three who stayed where they were.

""Why are you still standing there? Run!"

Hector pulled Hermione and started running. Harry and Ron followed closely behind them. Behind them was Filch, who was holding an oil lamp and a cat.

They turned a few corners and saw a corridor full of armor in front of them. The messy armor blocked the moonlight coming in from the windows. The lights on the wall broke down at some point, making the entire corridor very dark.

Hector wanted Harry to run in front to illuminate everyone, but he found that the oil lamp in Harry's hand had been lost somewhere.

Hearing the footsteps getting closer and closer behind him, Hector could only take a deep breath and lead Hermione into the darkness.

Harry and Ron looked at each other, encouraged each other, and followed Hector's footsteps into the corridor.

They bumped into each other along the way, and Ron was very unlucky.

He tripped over a suit of armor placed in the middle of the road.

The noise made Filch, who was chasing behind him, even more excited.

He was sure that The group of little wizards who wandered around at night were not far ahead, which gave him great motivation.

Filch kept speeding up his pace.

This semester was finally open. Filch thought to himself that the twin brothers of the Weasley family had learned some strange spells from somewhere this school year, which made them even more difficult to deal with.

However, Filch was very confident that he could catch these little wizards who were so close. He even planned how many chamber pots he would make them brush in detention.

Hector led them back and forth in the huge campus. They bypassed the gateposts and passed through one corridor after another. Hector was not sure where he was running to. He just followed his intuition and kept running until Filch's footsteps could no longer be heard. Hector stopped.

The four of them were breathing heavily. Hector, who was tired after a night of hard work, felt a hint of blood in his mouth, which made him very uncomfortable.

"I told you." Hermione was also panting, she grabbed the seam of her clothes on her chest,"Now it's good, we will all be kicked out of Hogwarts"

"We must get back to Gryffindor Tower as soon as possible," Ron didn't bother to argue with Hermione,"the sooner the better."

Harry and Hector both nodded, only the panicked and angry Hermione was still chattering there

"Malfoy lied to you," Hermione said to Harry.

"Do you understand now? He had no intention of meeting you there. Filch still knew that someone was going to the trophy room. Malfoy must have tipped him off.

Harry nodded, but now was not the time to say this. Filch's footsteps came from not far away.

"He must know some secret passage that we don't know about," Hector calmed his breathing as fast as he could. He wanted to use the Disillusionment Charm, but the feeling of powerlessness from the depths of his soul made him know that running was the only way at the moment.

This time, Harry took the lead, but soon Harry brought them to a dead end. There was only one door in the dead end. Harry tried it, but the door was closed and there was no sign of it being opened.

Ron looked at Hector, but Hector said that he couldn't even use the Alaho Open now, which made him completely desperate.

"It's over," he said with a sob in his voice, and he pushed the door desperately, while Harry used his wand as a wire and kept poking at the door lock, eager to learn the skill of lock picking in such a short time.

"We are doomed! We are doomed!"

They heard footsteps, Filch was close, they could hear him.

Hermione acted decisively, snatched Harry's wand,

"Get out of the way," Hermione tapped the door lock with her wand.


The lock clicked and the door opened quickly. Hector stood at the door for a moment, and Hermione pulled him in by the collar. Harry and Ron followed closely behind them, entered the room, and quickly closed the door.

""What are you daydreaming about?" Hermione lowered her voice and questioned Hector who failed at the critical moment.

"I think I know where this is."Hector swallowed and

"Compared to what we just experienced, we are in big trouble now."

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