The day came quickly. When Hector woke up in the morning, he smelled the sweet and tempting smell of roasted pumpkin in the corridor. Halloween has arrived, Hector thought.

In fact, Hector was still puzzled by the fact that wizards celebrated Halloween. Logically, the belief of the magic world should not be God but Merlin. Just like they usually say"Merlin's beard" to express their surprise, instead of"my God" or something like that, but they still celebrated this typical religious festival. It seems that Merlin has to follow the local customs.

However, there is a big meal on Halloween, and the teachers who teach all day will become more talkative, and they don't like to assign homework. So Hector was still very happy to accept the setting of wizards celebrating Halloween.

Hector received a letter from Aberforth early in the morning, and a large bag of chocolate frogs was brought with the letter. Aberforth wrote a whole page of rambling about the daily life of the tavern and the interesting things these days, and at the same time expressed his complaints about Hector's delay in writing to him in a very obscure way.

Hector scratched his head.

He was too busy recently.

Although detention was over, Hector still went to Professor Flitwick's office several times a week and stayed there for a whole night.

The rest of the time, he either taught Hermione about spells in the Room of Requirement or in the library.

Even Fred and George had said more than once that Hector had not gone out with them for a night out for a long time, and that there was no one to inherit the night out business.

They even suspected that Hermione had cast a spell on Hector.

The brothers were very worried about this matter.

They used the spell to stop Hector several times when Hector was not paying attention, but it didn't work.

They thought it was a problem of distance. Finally, the two brothers decided that during the wonderful moment of Halloween, Fred would talk to Hector in a casual manner, and George would remove the spell from Hector's back.

Hector didn't notice the little actions of the two brothers. He borrowed a pen from Hermione, wrote a letter back to Aberforth, and then walked out of the hall while opening the chocolate frog.

Hermione always gets up early, so Hector can only go alone, which gives the brothers a good opportunity.

Fred and George looked at each other and prepared to carry out the second plan.

When Hector left the hall not far away, Fregg, who was keeping watch, gestured to George, and George put Hector in a sack without hesitation.

Fred quickly and skillfully took away Hector's wand, and the two brothers tacitly lifted Hector and ran towards the Forbidden Forest.

After a bumpy ride, Fred and George soon arrived at their secret base.

The two brothers first poured cold water on him, and then beat him with fists and feet for a while. After a whole set of physical therapy, they found that there was still no effect, so they let Hector go.

Hector got out of the sack in a daze, and looked at the two brothers' serious and concerned eyes, feeling angry and funny. The two brothers were really ruthless, always disarming him physically at the beginning, and then taking advantage of Hector's young age, they would hit him hard.

Hector took his wand from the guilty brothers, dried his clothes quickly, and then looked around and found that he was no longer in Hogwarts.

""Okay, okay." Hector raised his wand and pointed it at the two brothers Fred and George.

"Who can give me a reasonable explanation?"

Before the brothers could speak, Hector rewarded each of them with a hanging bell.

"I didn't expect you to be so stubborn. Don't blame me for being ruthless.

The two brothers were really anxious. They were about to explain.

"Hector, listen to us."Hector cast a"silent" spell on them, and the two brothers opened their mouths wide, but no sound came out.

Hector pretended to wait for a while, and as expected, the two did not make any sound.

"It seems that you are destined not to tell unless you use some tricks."Hector laughed like a villain. Fred was still struggling in vain, constantly pointing his finger at his mouth, while George just lay flat.

Fred's struggle did have some effect, and the silence lasted much shorter than Hector had imagined.

"No, Hector, you have to give us"Hector turned around and there was another soundless one.

Fred also lay down immediately.

Hector cast a tickling spell on each of the two Weasleys, and then watched the two of them struggle silently in the air.

It looked creepy, but it was really refreshing.

However, Hector did not torture them for a long time. After all, he was not a mentally twisted villain. Fred and George returned to the ground intact, but they were too tired to even talk. They just lay on the ground gasping for breath.

"I can do that spell, too." It took Fred a long time to recover.

"I didn't expect the effect to be so good. I think it can be added to those magic products." George added the second half of the sentence. The two brothers clapped their hands and were very satisfied with each other's ideas.

"Can you tell me now why you got me out so early in the morning, both of you?" Hector asked unhappily, looking at the Weasley brothers who were plotting secretly.

The two brothers looked at each other, and told Hector the ins and outs of the whole thing in detail, and at the same time, without any hesitation, they gave away Harry and Ron who provided opinions. Hector was speechless. He really wanted to use his imagination to provoke the two people who were still winking at him. However, he seldom met them recently, which resulted in the lack of roles for the two brothers. It was inevitable that they would be dissatisfied.

Hector forgave the Weasley brothers. After all, they were good friends, right? He did neglect them a little, and it was normal to have complaints in his heart.

What's more, Hector had even retaliated, which made him feel a lot more balanced.

"You just think too much," Hector said angrily.

"Is there anything else? I have to go to the Charms class."

Fred and George nodded.

Hector didn't walk far. He felt sorry for the two brothers who were a little disappointed. He turned around, stood on tiptoe, and patted the shoulders of the two Weasley brothers who were much taller than him.

"I was learning something during this time," Hector explained.

"I have a big surprise for you, this will take time"

"So I rarely have time to see you, please understand, brothers."

After hearing Hector's explanation, the two brothers were obviously much happier. The three of them were arm in arm and ran to the castle together.

Rather than saying that the three of them were arm in arm, it would be better to say that Hector was carried all the way back to Hogwarts by the two of them.

When Hector arrived at the Charms classroom, the classroom was already full, and even Ron sat next to Hermione with a reluctant look on his face. But looking at Hermione's expression, it was really hard to say who was more unhappy between the two of them.

Professor Flitwick left a seat next to Hector. According to him, Hector's current level has completely surpassed the students, so Flitwick gave Hector the status of assistant teacher of the Charms class.

But Hector thought it was because the little wizards had already completed the grouping in pairs, and there was just one more person like Hector. Flitwick was quite nice, and the small arrangement showed his warmth.

(Hector: Snape, watch carefully and learn well.


Before Hector could sit down, Professor Flitwick announced that they had learned enough theoretical lessons and today they could try to make objects fly.

This was very good news, at least the little wizards thought so. They had been looking forward to this day since they saw Professor Flitwick making Neville's toad fly all over the classroom.

A feather was placed in front of every two little wizards, but before they were eager to try, Professor Flitwick repeated the precautions in detail.

"Don't forget that subtle wrist move we've been training on!" Professor Flitwick said in a shrill voice, standing on a tall stack of books.

""Flick and shake. Remember flick and shake. Don't forget to pronounce the spell correctly. I told you about Baruffio, the wizard who said 's' instead of 'f' and found himself lying on the floor with a bison standing on his chest."

Flitwick signaled that the little wizard could try it himself. He jumped off the pile of books and looked at Hector.

"Do you want to give it a try?" Flitwick said with a smile.

"Of course, I'm sure it won't be a problem for you." He handed Hector a feather, and as soon as he let go, the feather flew up in the air.

Flitwick was surprised to find that Hector didn't even take out his wand, and the feather gradually floated towards the ceiling.

However, Flitwick was not as surprised as the first time he saw Hector's wandless spell last so long. After teaching Hector for so long, his heart was also trained to be exceptionally strong.

"I have long thought that this day would come." Flitwick's smile became even brighter."I never thought that this day would come so early."

"You'd better take out your wand first," Professor Flitwick looked around. The little wizards were all concentrating on the feather in front of them and didn't notice the movement here.

"It seems that you are not the kind of person who likes to be in the spotlight, right?"

Hector nodded and took out his wand.

"But the necessary rewards must still be given," Flitwick said loudly when he saw Hector took out his wand.

"Gryffindor, add twenty points!"

The little wizards' eyes were immediately attracted, and they soon found the feather floating in the air, and cast envious and admiring eyes on Hector.

The situation of the little wizards was not good. Almost all the feathers stayed motionless on the table. The situation of the group composed of Harry and Seamus was a little worse. After Harry and Seamus repeated the waving and shaking action many times, the feathers still stayed motionless on the table.

Seamus never had much patience. When he saw that the feather could not float for a long time, he angrily poked the feather with his wand. Unfortunately, his talent was automatically triggered.

Feather It exploded with a bang, and Seamus was forced to change to a fashionable hairstyle - an afro, which would have been better if there wasn't so much dust on his face.

As for Ron at the other table, he was obviously not much better. He seemed to have been infected by Seamus' bad temper, and his voice was particularly loud. Ron waved his arms like a windmill. In sharp contrast to his movements, the feathers on the table still lay obediently on the table, which made Ron very embarrassed and made him more anxious at the same time.

His waving arms almost hit Hermione's head.

Hermione hid back in disgust, and she said bluntly,

"You are wrong, it is Wingardium Leviosa, not Wingardium Leviosa. The pronunciation is Jia, and it should be said long and clearly."

Ron was very unconvinced, and he directly pushed back

"Since you are so smart, why don't you give it a try?" His tone was very aggressive, almost roaring.

Hermione rolled up her sleeves and waved her wand. The little witch was very skilled in this spell under Hector's teaching.

"Look here," Hermione pointed her wand at the feather.

"Wingardium, Leviosa!"

The feather obediently rose from the table, and under Hermione's command, it slowly floated toward the ceiling, and finally hovered about four feet above the little wizard's head.

"Oh, well done," Flitwick naturally noticed the feather floating in the air, and he cheered for Hermione and shouted

"Little Granger did it, too. I think I have to give Gryffindor ten points!"

Hector took the lead in applauding Hermione. The little witch looked very proud and gave Hector a sweet smile.

(Hector: It's over. It's a heart-thumping feeling.)

The applause soon stopped, and the little wizards began to work hard to make the feathers in front of them fly. Flitwick jumped down from the pile of books again. He came to Hector and whispered to him,

"This is also a very good little wizard, almost like you." Professor Flitwick was more or less frustrated.

"How did she get sorted into Gryffindor? Minerva is really lucky."

Hector smiled.

"Whether it's Gryffindor or Ravenclaw, aren't they all your students?"

The emotional intelligence can be said to be quite good. At least Professor Flitwick was not so depressed after hearing this.

No one noticed Ron next to Hermione. He was lying on the table, and his mood was extremely bad.

The class passed quickly. The little wizard waited for Professor Flitwick to announce the end of the class and ran out.

Hector originally planned to go to the cafeteria for lunch with Hermione, but Professor Flitwick stopped him.

"Hector, I think you should be free this afternoon." Professor Flitwick looked at him with a smile.

"I have something to talk to you about."

Hector looked at Hermione, and Hermione signaled Hector not to bother with her. The little witch quickly put away her book and skipped out of the Charms classroom.

Hector nodded, and Professor Flitwick took him back to the office on the eighth floor. He put down the thick book in his hand and looked at Hector very seriously.

"Now that you have reached the threshold of wandless spellcasting," said Flitwick

"I think it's time to move on to the next stage of study."

Flitwick brought out a silver tray, just like he did when they first met, with the same food on it.

"Speed up, Hector."Flitwick still smiled.

"There is still a lot of work to be done."

Hector nodded. He was happy to learn something new from Flitwick, the more the better.

"Uh, I won't miss the Halloween dinner, will I?" Hector asked. Today's dinner must be very sumptuous, and Hector, who loves food, doesn't want to miss it.

"Oh, of course, we can't have these for Halloween dinner again," said Flitwick, as he returned to his seat and a plate of food similar to the one Hector had on the table.

"I've had enough of these things anyway, and I'm still looking forward to the big meal tonight."

Hector was in Flitwick's office all afternoon, and Flitwick kept showing Hector his skillful combination of silent spells and wandless spells.

Of course, the way of showing was to ruthlessly whip Hector. This time Hector really felt the strength of the duel champion.

On one side was the restraint of silent spells, and on the other side was the crazy sneak attack of wandless spells, which made Hector have no game experience at all. He was beaten all the time and couldn't even lift his head.

Too brutal, isn't it a bit too unfair?

Anyway, that's what Hector thought.

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