Hector sat up from the bed, feeling his limbs. Fortunately, everything was under his control. Strength filled his body again, and he felt nothing in his chest. The severe pain just now seemed to have never occurred. However, his whole body was still burning hot. Hector felt that his body was stronger. He pulled out the wand from his pocket, thinking of testing his magic power.

"You can use a few simple spells - Birds Flock, Disarmament, and Armor."

Dumbledore cleared a space for Hector. For the integrity of his office, he reminded Hector,

"A simple spell will do. Just checking your magic power level. No need to use those"

Before Dumbledore could finish his words, Hector had already chanted the spell.

""Vulcan opens the way!"

This time the noise was much louder than the last time in Professor Flitwick's office.

The flames that appeared out of thin air quickly formed a large circle around Hector, and the speed of spreading was also much faster.

Balls of flames roared and screamed and pounced on the surroundings.

The space left by Dumbledore was no longer enough.

The flames flowed wantonly in the air, and they expanded their territory with their fangs and claws.

The wizards in the portraits were completely unable to remain in a deep sleep.

They opened their eyes the moment Hector shouted the spell, nervously hoping that the spell would not be successfully cast - unfortunately, their hopes were dashed after all, and Hector's use of Vulcan opened the way far exceeded their expectations.

The wizards in the portraits could only shrink into the corner as much as possible.

The closest ones even ran out of their own frames and squeezed into the same frame with other wizards, carefully watching Hector's figure in the firelight.

""Difficult spell," Dumbledore finished what he hadn't had time to say just now. He quickly took out his wand and said the spell before the fire swept to his position.

"All spells are over!"

The flames did not disappear into the air as they appeared. Dumbledore's spell forced the flames to gradually retreat. The circle of fire around Hector was suppressed and became smaller and smaller, but it did not disappear directly. Dumbledore looked very surprised, but he did not stop the output of magic power in his hands. The flames shrank in circles, and Hector stopped the"Vulcan Clearing the Way"

"Very nice, isn't it," Dumbledore smiled, squinting his eyes and staring at Hector's wand.

"It seems that your magic power has almost recovered, and has even improved. This is good, and I feel more at ease."

Hector felt the magic power running in his body.

The effect of the magic enhancer was very obvious.

The active magic power in his blood made him feel unprecedented satisfaction.

Even after using the God of Fire to clear the way, the magic power in his body was still in a very optimistic state.

In addition to the change in magic power, the magic enhancer also had some other effects (of course, good ones).

Hector felt that he had become a little stronger and seemed to be a little taller.

His mind had never been so clear, and his attention seemed to be more focused.

"It feels great, Grandpa Albus"

"I'm glad you like it, Hector." Dumbledore touched Hector's head, and his expression suddenly became serious. Dumbledore said to Hector seriously,

"Are you sure you are ready? I'm leaving Hogwarts soon, and the Death Eaters at the Ministry of Magic will also take action, so I have to go and take a look. But don't worry, there are Filius, Minerva and Sybil in the school, and they will ensure the safety of Hogwarts - until I come back."

Hector felt his body carefully, and now he was more excited than nervous. He jumped a few times, then clenched his fists and shook his arms. Everything felt good, and the thoughts of the magic in his body were probably similar to his.

At this time, Professor McGonagall walked in with a worried look on her face. She was about to say something, but saw Hector standing there. Professor McGonagall glanced at Dumbledore, but in the end she didn't speak.

"Let me be frank, Minerva. Hector knows more than you think. I heard a lot of information from him.

Professor McGonagall showed a trace of surprise on her face, but the surprised expression did not last long. Professor McGonagall still looked at Hector, and then said to Dumbledore,

"Albus, Harry and the others met me this afternoon." Professor McGonagall didn't know why, but when she looked at Dumbledore, she would occasionally glance at Hector. Hector was puzzled, but still shrank his neck subconsciously,"Harry wanted to come to you in person, but I refused according to your arrangement - I used the excuse that you were rushing to the Ministry of Magic for an important matter."

"Thank you, Minerva, but you are right, I do have to go to the Ministry of Magic - you know, their goal is not only Hogwarts, but also the Ministry of Magic."Dumbledore nodded, and then he said sincerely to Professor McGonagall,

"I am relieved to have you at Hogwarts, Minerva"

"I still hope you can stay in Hogwarts, Albus. Don't we still have Moody and those Aurors at the Ministry of Magic? I think they can guarantee the safety of the Ministry of Magic without any big problems."

Professor McGonagall's face was full of worry. She looked at Dumbledore who stood up from his chair. Dumbledore shook his head at her.

"Moody has retired, and his words are not so effective for the new Aurors, Minerva. The current head of the Auror Office is Rufus Scrimgeour, who is a stubborn guy and even more unreasonable than Fudge in some aspects. It is very likely that my reminder has not worked. I still have to go there in person. I can't let Moody face those guys alone."Dumbledore comforted the worried Professor McGonagall, and then looked at Hector who was standing aside without saying a word and lowering his head.

"Besides, Minerva, relax, we have help."

Minerva looked at Hector, who then noticed the two people's gazes. He could only raise his head and force a smile to meet Professor McGonagall's sharp gaze.

"You have got to be kidding me, Albus"

"I am serious," Dumbledore's eyes were as sharp as Professor McGonagall's. He patted Hector on the shoulder.

"You have to believe in these young people, Minerva, they are not inferior to us."

After saying this, Dumbledore clapped his hands, and two balls of fire suddenly appeared in the headmaster's office. They were Fawkes and Aurora.

Dumbledore waved his hand, and Fawkes jumped onto his shoulder in tacit understanding. Aurora followed suit, flapped her wings, and landed on Hector's shoulder.

"This makes me feel more at ease," Dumbledore said with a smile on his face, he touched Fawkes' feathers and stared at Aurora.

""Help me take care of Hector. You know what to do, right?"

Aurora raised her neck and cried softly. Dumbledore nodded and opened his arms to Hector. Hector walked over and gave Dumbledore a big hug.

"Stay safe, Hector, I trust you."

Dumbledore let go of Hector, nodded to Professor McGonagall, and then disappeared into the headmaster's office.

"Since Albus has agreed, I will not stop you, even though this idea is ridiculous.

Professor McGonagall looked at Hector, the little guy with the phoenix on his shoulder looked exactly like Albus. Looking at Hector, Professor McGonagall also had the idea of trusting him.

After all, he was Dumbledore, McGonagall thought, but she still found it hard to accept a first-year wizard getting involved in such a dangerous matter.

"Be careful, Hector."

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