Hector looked at the situation and decided to use his trump card right away. In order to prevent accidental injury to friendly forces, Hector shouted the spell very loudly. Professor Flitwick covered his eyes very skillfully the moment he heard it, but the others did not have this awareness. Professor Sprout even turned his head back worriedly when he heard Hector's somewhat childish voice.

Hector turned his head away early, and for safety, he even closed his eyes tightly.

Hector was very clear about the power of his Luminescent.

Before his magic power increased, Luminescent had shocked Professor Flitwick more than once.

In his words, Professor Flitwick had thought of many spell combinations, even for the Softening Spell, which seemed to be of little use, he had found a suitable combination to exert its effect.

However, Professor Flitwick had racked his brains and never expected that the Luminescent Spell could be used in this way in the world.

Now it was not only Professor Flitwick who was surprised.

Professor Sprout, who sat on the ground with his hands covering his eyes, was now more shocked than confused.

Of course, the victims of Hector's Luminescent were the Death Eaters who faced him directly.

A powerful and intense light burst out from the tip of Hector's wand, and because Hector deliberately shouted the spell"Luminescent", the Death Eaters naturally encountered the rapid and intense light.

They first saw a dot, and then the rest was suffocating white.

The intense pain in their eyes made them drop their wands uncontrollably and fall to the ground with their backs up.

However, the two mountain giants standing in the front were the first to bear the brunt.

They just subconsciously looked in the direction of the sound.

Then Hector heard two bangs like last time.

The noise was so loud that Hector could even feel the solid ground shaking a few times.

Like last time, Hector deliberately did not use the standard spell casting method to cast the fluorescent flash, so that the wand would not be firmly sucked in his hand.

Hector interrupted the glowing spell by simply throwing the wand to the ground.

After a while, when he felt that the surroundings had finally darkened, Hector opened his eyes.

He quickly bent down and picked up the wand from the ground, fearing that the desperate criminals in front of him could still make some desperate struggles.

It turned out that Hector was too unconfident.

The two trolls were lying on the ground, shivering and foaming at the mouth.

As for the other Death Eaters, the masks on their faces had been thrown away long ago.

It must be said that the bodies of wizards are still quite durable.

Maybe their physical and magical resistances are not as strong as those of the trolls, but at least under the shock of Hector's strong light, there were only a few who were shivering and foaming at the mouth with the trolls.

Most of them rolled on the ground with their eyes covered.

The fanatics who took the lead even struggled to stand up with their eyes squinting and unable to stop the tears.

They picked up wands from the ground that belonged to someone unknown, and wanted to make a final struggle.

Hector raised his wand,


" Hector still shouted out the spell loudly, but he used a few silent ones that fainted and expelliarmus.

Unfortunately, those who couldn't use their eyes almost lay down subconsciously, and some even closed their eyes and quickly dug small holes in the soft grass, and then buried their heads directly in them, looking no different from ostriches.

Hector felt very bored.

This was not the fierce fighting scene with thrilling process he had imagined.

But this can't be completely blamed on these Death Eaters.

After all, wizards with normal thinking would never believe that someone could use Lumos to such a superb level, not to mention this group of apprentice Death Eaters who were not very familiar with the evil curse and the killing curse.

Even if he Their master Voldemort is coming over.

Today he has to roll a few times on the ground before he can leave.

If Hector doesn't use his boiled egg-like head as a mirror, he wouldn't be named Dumbledore.

How come the killer move is too easy to use? There is no room for showing off.

It's over in one move.

Isn't the plot moving too fast? Harry and the others may not have met Quirrell Snape yet.

Does he think he has disrupted Dumbledore's plan? Except for a few Death Eaters who were still trembling on the ground, the only ones who were left were those with their heads buried in the cold mud.

It seemed that they couldn't cause much trouble.

Hector summoned all their wands and stuffed them all into his bag.

""Hector, why are you here?" Professor Flitwick's voice was full of surprise. After hearing Hector shout"Luminous Flash" twice, he knew its power and didn't even dare to open his eyes. Professor Flitwick closed his eyes tightly and asked in the direction of the previous voice.

"I am the aid team that Professor McGonagall mentioned," Hector found it very interesting to see everyone around him wishing they could weld their eyelids shut.

Professor Sprout sat on the ground without any image.

She put her hands on her eyes to block any light that might slip into her eyes through the gaps.


Weasley and Emmeline were trembling, especially Emmeline.

She pursed her lips tightly and pinched the corner of her clothes with one hand.

She looked like she was about to fall.

Hagrid also sat on the ground, guessing that he was also involved in the movement just now.

The tooth next to Hagrid had a hole almost as deep as his body.

Hector paused for a while deliberately, and then spoke,

"You can open your eyes now, everyone."

Everyone opened their eyes one after another. Mrs. Weasley and Emmeline first looked at the Death Eaters in front of them with caution, and then they paid attention to Professor Sprout who had fallen to the ground.

"I'm fine, but my eyes are a little sore,"

Sprout slowly stood up with the help of the two ladies, but her eyes were still closed, with no desire to open them at all.

"Why is it you, Hector? It's too dangerous here. You have to go back quickly."

Mrs. Weasley reminded quietly,

"Professor Sprout, he was the one who cast the Flash Charm——"

Professor Sprout finally reacted, she felt a little embarrassed, and then said,

"Oh, I'm so sorry, it's a very - amazing light spell, Hector, my mind is a little confused, but please be safe.Could you please take me to the infirmary?"

Professor Sprout was obviously a little overwhelmed. The strong light just now made her mind confused. She just said those words subconsciously. Soon, with the support of Emmeline, Professor Sprout slowly moved towards Hogwarts Castle.

"Who are you?" Mrs. Weasley asked politely, looking at the child who looked like her youngest son.

""Oh, Molly, let me introduce you.

" Professor Flitwick quickly finished the aftermath.

The Death Eaters without wands were not threatening at all.

Flitwick was not worried about their use of wandless magic - they were dazed when casting spells with wands, not to mention when they didn't have wands.

As for the five-legged monster, it was now lying on its back on the ground, and its body twitching from time to time proved that it was still alive.

Its vitality was indeed very tenacious.

These magical creatures were left to Hagrid, who was very good at doing these things - the eight-eyed giant spider had never tasted the taste of the legendary five-legged monster.

Professor Flitwick walked over quickly, he tiptoed a little, and put his arm around Hector's shoulders, his pride evident in words,

"This is Hector Dumbledore, Albus Dumbledore's great-nephew. Hector, this is Molly, Molly Weasley, Ron's mother."

"Nice to meet you, Mrs. Weasley. Ron, Fred, and George are all good friends with me."

Hector said hello very politely, while Mrs. Weasley in front of him was shocked.

"Dumbledore? Professor Dumbledore has a grandson? How come I didn't know anything about it?" Mrs. Weasley looked Hector up and down enthusiastically, with a particularly kind smile on her face.

"Oh, the story is a bit complicated," Professor Flitwick roughly told Mrs. Weasley about Hector's experience. Mrs. Weasley looked at Hector with more than just kindness. Her eyes were filled with pity and sympathy.

"Poor child. Mrs. Weasley wiped the tears from her eyes, opened her arms and gave Hector a big hug. Hector had a very good impression of this lady. Although he didn't know what his mother looked like, Hector believed that she must be a warm and kind person like Mrs. Weasley.

"Thank you, Mrs. Weasley."Hector said this from the heart, and Mrs. Weasley smiled broadly in return.

"It's all right, kid," Mrs. Weasley patted Hector's head.

"If there is anything you need, just let me know. Do you like sweaters? I can knit one for you."

Before Hector could respond, he saw a familiar figure running from the direction of Hogsmeade - it was Aberforth.

Hector rushed towards the figure.

Aberforth wore his hat comically askew, and the buttons of his robe were loose and incorrectly buttoned.

Hector could see that underneath the robe was the plaid pajamas that Aberforth often wore.

As for his pants, Aberforth had not had time to change them at all.

His boots were obviously not a pair, and inside the high and low boots were bare feet.

Aberforth was panting, with beads of sweat dripping down his face.

It soaked his gray hair.

Aberforth was holding his wand in his hand, and he was jogging all the way here - when he saw the dazzling light in the direction of Hogwarts, Aberforth quickly jumped off the bed.

He didn't even have time to use the carriage in the backyard, so he just Apparated and jogged all the way here.

Hector quickened his pace as much as possible to meet Aberforth, and Aberforth, who hurried over, looked his grandson up and down when he saw Hector, and then gave Hector a big hug.

"Albus needs to give me an explanation."

These were Aberforth's first words.

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