Perhaps it was a revenge for Hector's nonsense last night. Dumbledore picked up Hector from his soft bed in the hotel before dawn.

"Is it necessary to be so early?"

Hector was a little dazed.

He rubbed his swollen eyes and walked barefoot towards the sink at Dumbledore's urging.

Soon, the disadvantages of not wearing shoes were vividly demonstrated - without fully opening his eyes, Hector accidentally hit his exposed toes on the edge of the bed.

Hector took an exaggerated deep breath after hitting his toes.

The severe pain from the extremities of his body made him squat directly on the ground, and then limped towards the bed.

This series of movements was too smooth.

When Hector lay on the bed, he subconsciously pulled the quilt over himself.

After covering himself with the quilt, he curled up and covered his toes, while making a slight groan.

"Hector, are you all right?

Dumbledore's���There was a hint of doubt in his heart.

It was because Hector's operation was too smooth.

Before the old man could react to what happened, Hector had already returned to the warm bed very swiftly.

If Dumbledore had spoken a little later, Hector would have returned directly to the dream world, and maybe even continued the beautiful dream that had just ended abruptly.

Hector did not answer Dumbledore's call.

Instead, he decisively buried his head in the pillow.

The obsession in his heart not to get up reached its peak at this moment.

Dumbledore looked at Hector lying on the bed, feeling a little helpless.

"Okay, Hector, it's time to get up.

It's not that I wanted to wake you up so early, but mainly because your friend Harry has been warned by the Ministry of Magic for"illegal use of magic outside the school" - it has been delayed for a long time and has not been resolved.

As the headmaster, I still need to check on the situation - if I'm not mistaken, Harry should be at the Weasleys' house now.

Also, the enrollment for the new semester has begun, and Minerva has assigned me the task of notifying several Muggle wizards this year - school is about to start, there are many things to do, and we need to hurry up.


"Ten minutes, and sleep for another ten minutes."

Hector still covered his head with the pillow. He waved to Dumbledore, his voice muffled. Dumbledore sighed and sat on another bed next to him. He really didn't have much to do with his nephew.

""Okay, Hector, ten minutes."

But everyone knew that ten minutes in a dream didn't count. Hector used Dumbledore's lie as an excuse and asked him to sleep for five more minutes, three more minutes, one more minute, and finally one more minute. He reluctantly got up from the bed. When they left the hiding place, it was almost an hour later.

"It's not seven yet." Hector glanced at the clock hanging at the door of the store and complained quietly.

"Can Grindelwald get up at seven?"

"The old man's sleep is different from yours. He can't fall asleep after five or six o'clock."

Dumbledore stretched out his arm to Hector.

"You can rest assured about that. We are going to Austria now. Hector, take my arm."

"This is cross-border, Grandpa Albus, don't we need to report to the Ministry of Magic or get a portkey or something?"

"No, Hector, you only need to report to the Ministry of Magic and apply for a portkey when crossing the English Channel - to prevent smuggling and illegal immigration. Other than that, there are no restrictions in this regard."

Hector nodded, took Dumbledore's arm, and the two of them disappeared from the French land in just a moment. The figures of the two men turned and appeared on a hilltop. Hector looked around. Not far away from them was a dense forest that stretched as far as the eye could see. Not far away stood a cold, dark tower that still looked quite gloomy under the bright sunshine. It should be the Nurmengard that Dumbledore mentioned.

"This is the furthest we can go. We have to walk the rest of the way."

Dumbledore looked at the castle in the distance, his tone was very calm. The castle in front of him did not stir up any waves in his heart, at most only some sighs for the past years.

""Let's go, Hector."

Dumbledore led Hector down the hill.

The land here was a little muddy, as if it had rained last night.

Hector was not used to such roads.

Growing up in the city, he had never walked on such undeveloped mountain roads.

Dumbledore seemed to be much more skilled.

He walked fast and walked in front of Hector.

After a long time, Hector arrived at the tower he had just seen on the opposite hill, panting.

There was a circle of solid, tall walls on the floor of Nurmengard Tower.

The walls looked like they had not been cleaned for a long time, and there was even a layer of dark green and slippery moss attached to the place where they bordered the soil.

Dumbledore He asked Hector to wait at the door, and he walked to the locked iron door alone and took out the elder wand.

After a long time, the cold, rusty and solid iron door slowly opened, making a harsh friction sound.

Dumbledore waved at Hector, motioning him to follow.

Hector walked quickly through the iron door and came to Dumbledore's side.

Hector took out his wand.

The surroundings were quiet, without a sound.

This place looked particularly deserted, even too deserted.

The gloomy atmosphere in the Nurmengard Tower made Hector feel a little creepy.

He looked around vigilantly, guarding against every dark corner.

"Relax, Hector, don't be nervous, there is no one in this place except him."

"There aren't even any guards?"

Hector still didn't dare to let down his guard. He held the wand tightly in his arms and observed the surroundings vigilantly. Ever since he knew that there was a force in this world that was strongly hostile to him and might even kill him, Hector subconsciously raised his guard. He even checked the hotel yesterday carefully. There was no reason to relax the tight string in his heart in this eerie place where even the air was filled with weirdness.

"It seems that you haven't read enough books, Hector."

Dumbledore's tone was very light.

He looked very relaxed and even in the mood to joke with Hector, which was in sharp contrast to Hector's cautiousness.

Dumbledore was very familiar with this lonely tower made of black slate as the main building material, and he was very confident about the safety of the tower.

He was not as relaxed in Hogwarts as he was in Nurmengard.

Looking at the smile on Dumbledore's face that was almost superficial, Hector could only sigh at the greatness of love, and then he paid attention to the corners of the tower, the corners of the stairs, and one empty room after another.

"Nurmengard does not have any guards, nor does it need any guards - all of Nurmengard's protective measures are automatically operated, and in addition to protective measures, there are some other basic maintenance measures, such as water supply, food supply, wall cleaning and the like."

Hector nodded, but the layer of moss on the outer wall appeared involuntarily in his mind.

Are these functions really still working step by step? Hector was skeptical about this.

It would be better for Hector to believe in love than to let him believe in how excellent Nurmengard's security measures are.

But Hector said nothing.

He followed Dumbledore silently.

Dumbledore led him to the depths of the tower.

The light was getting dimmer and dimmer, and the surroundings were getting darker and darker.

Dumbledore, who was walking in front, had already used the glow spell.

Hector, who was walking behind, could only open his eyes as wide as possible and speed up his pace.

The atmosphere was getting more and more weird.

The tower was much larger than expected.

Dumbledore walked straight forward along the corridor for a long way, and after a long time, they finally reached the first corner.

A large wall appeared in front of them, and several rare beams of light shone from the windows onto the wall. Next to the wall was the staircase leading upstairs. Dumbledore's pace suddenly quickened, and he deliberately moved his eyes away from the wall, almost rushing towards the stairs.

Hector behind him also subconsciously quickened his pace, fearing that he would lose Grandpa Albus in front of him. However, his sight was attracted to the wall. There was a line of words engraved on the wall, and the light coming in from the window shone on it, making the words particularly conspicuous.

A very interesting sentence.

"For the greater good."

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