When Fred and George heard Nurmengard, they just felt a little familiar, but they couldn't tell where it was. Then after hearing the name Grindelwald, the two brothers quickly reacted.

"So, you mean, there is a dark wizard who is similar to Voldemort who likes our products and has placed an order with us?"

Frege rubbed his hands and asked, and Hector nodded.

"Why, are you scared?"

"What are you afraid of?"

Lee Jordan came closer again without knowing when. He was so curious. The mysterious looks of Hector and the Weasley brothers whetted his appetite, and the excitement and shock on Fred and George's faces made him feel itchy.

Hearing Lee Jordan's voice, Fred and George exchanged glances quickly and immediately arranged a battle plan - Fred had already asked the questions, so he took the lead in taking the task of stopping Lee Jordan. As for George, he pulled Hector to a place some distance away from the"battlefield". He had some more specific questions to ask Hector.

"I won’t be afraid if I’m afraid,"

George and Fred’s every move was very similar, and he rubbed his hands habitually, staring at Hector and asked carefully,

"That is, this Austrian customer you mentioned - what does he want?"

"He really likes your canary cookies, and he also thinks the fat tongue toffee you developed is good - yes, there is also the popcorn. As for the quantity, the more the better, especially the canary cookies."

Hector counted the magic snacks that Grindelwald mentioned with his fingers, and gave George a task by the way.

"GreenThe customer also hopes that you can provide some latest products. He is very interested in you and is happy to give you some suggestions if necessary."

"That class was really great!"

George's expression changed from a mixture of shock and excitement to full of excitement and joy. He shouted to Fred,

"Fred, it's your turn!"

"Oh, come on, are you bringing a replacement? This is so unfair!"

Lee Jordan's voice and Fred's figure quickly arrived in front of Hector. Fred seemed to be infected by George's good mood. Before Hector started to say anything, Fred's face was already full of smiles.

Fred's question was almost the same as George's.

The tacit understanding between the two has always been so unparalleled, and even the reactions after hearing the news were similar.

There was another point that Hector found very interesting, that is, whether it was George who asked first or Fred who asked later, neither of them asked the question about whether Grindelwald would pay.

The Weasley twins seemed to have never considered this aspect.

This was completely different from the two guys Hector knew who were so frugal that they could almost be said to be stingy.

Of course,

Hector also asked the reason, but in the end, whether it was Fred or George, they looked at Hector who asked this question with a very contemptuous look, which made Hector a little unconfident.

"Don't be silly, Hector. That's Grindelwald. If we use his name to package our products, do we still have to worry about the sales of the products? Grindelwald didn't ask us for gold galleons, and we didn't even have time to thank him. You still want his money?"

George scolded Hector first, and then Frege,

"Besides, he also promised to help us test new products. For this reason alone, we can give him those products. So, Hector, leave the sales to us, and you just need to be responsible for technical research and development."

Hector felt a little embarrassed when he heard what the Weasley brothers said.

He had thought that his business acumen was not so good, but Hector really did not expect that his business acumen could be so bad.

It must be said that Fred's words make sense.

We are not afraid of the second generation of rich people squandering their fortunes, but we are afraid that the second generation of rich people want to start a business - to make money, we still have to find professionals to do it, and the two in front of us can be said to be professionals in this field.

"All right, Hector, relax. We are here. Let's go and take a look inside. Since you gave such a good suggestion, I will treat you today!"

George said this while putting his arm around Hector and Frege's shoulders. The sulking Lee Jordan was temporarily calmed down by Frege's words"I'll talk to you when I get back to school". In this way, the four figures, three tall and one short, walked into the Jumping and Playful Magic Joke Shop with their arms around each other.

An hour later, at the door of Flourish and Blotts Bookstore, the anxiously waiting Mrs. Weasley finally saw the three figures.

"Didn't we agree to come in an hour? Why are you here only now? Really, you have no sense of time at all"Okay, I got it. Let's go in quickly."

Mrs. Weasley started to scold the moment she saw Fregg and George again, and she accurately predicted Fregg and George's intention to complain. She quickly interrupted the twins before they started to speak, and then dragged one of them into the bookstore. Before this series of operations, Mrs. Weasley even took the time to smile gently at Hector, which made Hector admire her.

Hector followed behind Mrs.

Weasley and squeezed out of a narrow passage through the crowd with great effort.

There were abnormally many people in Flourish and Blotts today, almost to the point of being overcrowded.

All the places to stand were occupied, and even the spiral staircase leading to the second floor was crowded.

Wizards were standing there.

However, unlike the previous back-to-school season, most of the people in Flourish and Blotts now were ladies of the same age as Mrs.

Weasley, and school-age wizards only accounted for a small part, which resulted in the entire bookstore being filled with a strong and complex scent of perfume.

This caused Hector, who was at a lower altitude, to suffer a lot.

His height was almost as high as the armpits of those adult witches, and this was where those strange smells came from - the greasy sweet perfume combined with the sweat produced by the stuffy environment, exuding a pungent smell in the air.

These smells rushed straight into Hector's nostrils, and he couldn't even dodge.

Hector regretted coming to Flourish and Blotts to join in the fun.

"You are finally here!" Hermione came out from somewhere, and the little witch grabbed Hector, who was dizzy from the various smells, and dragged him through the gaps in the crowd.

""It's almost our turn. Come on, Hector. We'll be able to meet Gilderoy Lockhart soon. I didn't expect that he would hold an autograph session here today."

Hermione's tone was as fast as her pace. Her flexible figure made Hector, who had been exercising for many years, unable to catch up.

"You need a book to sign. Luckily I have it ready. Here, this is it,"Breaking Up with a Female Ghost". I've read it and it's really interesting. This book is also on the list of books we need, or rather, almost all the books on our list are written by him."

Then Hermione reported a series of book titles, basically all of Lockhart's books that start with"and", of course including his autobiography"The Magical Me" which he wrote for himself. If possible, Lockhart could even move his books"Gilderoy Lockhart Teaches You How to Deal with Household Pests" which serve housewives into the column of necessary books.

"It's just that the price is a bit expensive, almost five Galleons for one book, and there are eight books to buy - but you get what you pay for, there must be a reason why the books are so expensive - hurry up, Hector, we're almost there."

When Hector bumped into the thick book"I Am Magic" in the arms of other wizards for the fifth time, Hermione slowed down. Standing in front of them were Harry, Ron, and Neville, all of whom had a copy of"Walking with Werewolves" in their hands.

Harry greeted Neville, then Ron, but it was no wonder that he was a short, grumpy man holding a big camera and walking in this direction, and Ron was the one in the front.

"Get out of the way, little guy, this is for the Daily Prophet."

The short man yelled, and Ron, who couldn't dodge in time, was stepped on heavily by him. That's why Ron greeted Hector while rubbing his stepped foot.

According to common sense, the protagonist should stand up and seek justice for Ron's stepped foot, and then trigger a series of pig-eating-tiger dramas, and finally cleverly show his famous identity as Dumbledore, so that the villains are shocked and shocked, the audience applauded, the beauties threw themselves into his arms, and the heroes of the magic world bowed to him, showing the strongest second-generation nature.

Unfortunately, this is not a cool article. Hector is only the nominal male protagonist, and Harry is the real chosen one.

But the chosen one didn't notice this, only the victim Ron said half complaining and half mockingly,

"It's amazing."

The moment Hector heard Ron speak, he pulled Neville, who was a circle older than him, in front of him. Ron's words seemed to trigger some kind of NPC mechanism, quickly attracting the attention of the blond wizard who was sitting behind a table full of books, wearing a robe as blue as the forget-me-not flower and a pointy wizard hat tilted playfully.

Lockhart pulled himself out of the encirclement of his large photos and looked in the direction of the voice. His eyes quickly swept over the relatively ordinary Ron, and then stopped at the face of Harry, the real male protagonist of this article.

Lockhart jumped up, and Hector, who saw this scene from the gap, hid more tightly.

"Isn't this Harry Potter?"

Lockhart's surprised voice was particularly loud, and he seemed to be shouting this sentence.

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