The new year is coming, and the new year is coming.

Hong convened a wizard tower meeting, and all the wizards in the tower were summoned to the highest wizard tower in Hong to hold a meeting around a long table.

In the meeting room, the fluorescent stone embedded in the meeting room emitted a bright light, and dozens of wizards in black robes sat around the long table, and their supreme leader sat at the main seat of the long table.

"The descendants of the last wizard king launched a rebellion under the banner of the deceased wizard king, and the rebellion has spread to the south. The great wizards in charge of the four southern regions have joined them. Those four great wizards are disciples of one of you."

"Tell me, how do you plan to deal with it this time."

The army of the Witch Kingdom has set out. Now Hong is testing the attitude of these high-level forces. If he doesn't get the result he wants, then the intensity of this purge will definitely be very strong.

Shi Qiong sat in the last seat on the right side of the long table. Although he was promoted quickly, he created his own academic faction and was excluded by other factions.

There were originally three major factions among wizards, the original witch doctor faction, the emerging witchcraft faction, and the newly formed grassroots wizard faction with Hong as the main force.

Now there is a new magic faction.

Shi Qiong looked at the king who was only 20 years old this year. Hong was only 1.7 meters tall and had an ordinary appearance, but his aura was very strong. Shi Qiong had seen this aura in every continent. It was the aura of a king, an aura that could only be achieved by invincible faith.

Hong's wizard robe was different from others. The witch doctor faction had a medicine bottle printed on the back, the witchcraft faction had a book pattern printed on the back, and Hong had a sword shape printed on the back.

There was silence in the meeting room for a long time.

Finally, the leader of the witchcraft faction spoke: "I will expel the four of them from the faction and ask the dean to remove them from the list of mentors in the academy. I will personally kill them and offer a sin offering to the Supreme Wizard."

The wizard group called Hong the Supreme Wizard, and ordinary people in the Witch Kingdom called him the Witch King.

Shi Qiong stood up and said, "We should act as soon as possible. The damage caused by war to civilians is very serious. We need to reduce casualties."

All the wizards present cast their eyes on Shi Qiong, looking at this outsider. Shi Qiong is also the only outsider who has become a great wizard.

"Will the great wizard Kong Tian participate in this rebellion?" Hong asked.

Kong Tian is Shi Qiong's name in the Witch Kingdom. He is an outsider and does not need to participate in the internal affairs of the Witch Kingdom this time.

"I must participate. I like this place. I also got something here. I want to do something for this place." Shi Qiong and Hong looked at each other.

"Okay." Hong agreed.

"Great Wizard Xuan, it seems that someone from your side has also participated in this rebellion. Do you have any explanation for this?" Hong turned his head and looked at the leader of another witch doctor faction.

"Supreme Wizard, we are not aware of it, but we will provide a batch of potions for this rebellion, enough for 500 people."

All the wizards whispered, even the people from the witch doctor faction, their leader did not inform them in advance.

After years of development, the Witch Kingdom has developed a very advanced pharmacy. The Great Wizard Xuan provided not some cabbage potion this time, but wizard potion, which can quickly train a group of wizards. However, the upper limit of these wizards is only wizards, but it can also reflect the preciousness of these potions.

In the Witch Kingdom, only one wizard can be born among a hundred people, and only one great wizard can be born among ten thousand people.

"Okay, who will lead the team to suppress the rebellion this time."

Hong knocked on the table, and the conference room became quiet.

"I propose that the Great Wizard of Earth be the leader this time, and the Great Wizard of Sky and Sky be the assistant."

A great wizard from the witchcraft faction made a suggestion. The Great Wizard of Earth is the third strongest great wizard in the academy. He was originally the second strongest, and became the third strongest after Shi Qiong came.

"I agree."

"I agree too."

The leaders of the witch doctor faction and the witchcraft faction expressed their attitudes, and others also expressed their attitudes.

Don't think there are any benefits to being the leader this time. You have to fight against the high-level combat power of the opposite side, and you may be purged after this rebellion. These great wizards have already felt that the storm is coming.

Then, this group of great wizards discussed the specific matters of suppressing the rebellion, including logistical materials and specific matters of distribution to each district.

They are active in this aspect. After all, there are only a few big and small cats in the Shiqiong faction. This is also the reason why they pushed Shiqiong up. If they can't divide the benefits, they can still take the blame. As for the great wizard Di, it is the faction of the wizard king Hong and is considered Hong's teacher.


On this day, thousands of wizards, including wizard apprentices, walked out of the Wizard Tower Academy. Ordinary people had never seen such a situation. How could the usually noble and rare wizard masters suddenly appear so many?

The wizards wearing various black robes were divided into four torrents and went to the four major regions in the south. The Wizard Tower Academy came out in full force.

Hong also started his big move.

Shi Qiong flew in the sky, watching the mighty army of wizards below. There is this kind of witchcraft among wizards. They use the witchcraft in their bodies to operate, and by drawing the rule runes connecting the heaven and the earth, they can achieve the effect of releasing witchcraft.

In Shi Qiong's opinion, these so-called witchcraft, so-called magic power, these energy systems are all transformed from the most basic energy between heaven and earth, but the human body cannot absorb these higher-level energies and can only absorb them through other methods, such as creating transformation methods.

Shi Qiong was right. The highest level of energy is chaotic energy, and after the world is filtered, it becomes elemental energy.

"Great Wizard of Sky and Space, flying in the air consumes so much magic power. You should come down and rest for a while. Come to my carriage to rest."

Great Wizard of Earth waved his hand below. Great wizards have different ways of casting spells. Some need a lot of props. The more powerful and complex the magic, the more external objects are needed. The carriage of the Great Wizard of Earth is as big as a house. It is a movable house, specially made. It is like walking on flat ground on this car.

Shi Qiong is not flying in the air for no reason. He is just observing the situation. He has already felt some evil breath. The power of these people is disgusting.

Shi Qiong began to chant spells, and his hands kept drawing magic patterns. The wizard robe on his body began to flutter, and cyclones were constantly forming around him.

When the Great Wizard of Earth saw that the Great Wizard of Sky and Space in the sky ignored him after he finished speaking, but cast magic instead, he couldn't help but feel a little angry, but he reacted quickly.

Looking at the vanguard troops that had entered the canyon in the distance.

"Enemy attack."

The voice instantly spread throughout the entire wizard team.


The vanguard was attacked.

Dozens of fireballs several meters in size smashed into the vanguard, and the leading wizard in front was killed by the fireballs just after he used defensive magic.

Another round of fireballs smashed into the magic troops behind.

At this time, Shi Qiong took action.

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