The old man was born in a poor family.

Maple Leaf Town.

This is a small town with a population of more than 1,000. Many years ago, a great man came out of here, so it is also called the Hero Town.

Yes, that great man is the former Hero King of the Stone Kingdom.

Unlike other places, people in other places resent the Hero King and forget the Hero King. People in this place are proud of the Hero King. They believe that the eagle of their hometown should soar in the blue sky freely and not be bound by anyone.

A few decades ago, a spirited teenager came out of the town. A few years ago, the town welcomed a tall drunkard. The people in the town did not recognize that this was the same person.

Who would have thought that the heroic Hero King back then would be a sloppy drunkard? Some old people in the town who knew the Hero King have passed away. They are ordinary people, but they don't have such a long life.

The drunkard lies outside the tavern every day. If someone gives him money, he will exchange it for alcohol. Sometimes when he has no money, he will do some odd jobs for others in exchange for alcohol, but most of the time no one invites him.

The people in Maple Leaf Town are very kind. They once tried to help him, but found that it seemed to have no effect. They could only give him food to prevent him from starving to death.

On this day, Aunt Qiao Na and her family in the town were cooking.

"Ajun, take these black breads to the drunkard. It seems that no one has given him food today."

Aunt Qiao Na called her youngest son and handed him a basket with bread and a jar of water.

"Mom, why give him food? He can obviously work by himself." The youngest son asked puzzledly.

"No one will starve to death in the hometown of the Hero King. We must have a kind heart. Uncle Drunkard must have been a kind person before. When you were a child, he helped you drive away the wild dogs that wanted to bite you. Okay, go quickly."

Aunt Qiao Na taught her little son a lesson.

The little son nodded, not quite understanding, and then jumped towards the tavern with the basket on his waist.

"Where are you going, Ajun?"

"Good evening, Ajun, go and deliver food to the drunkard. What a good boy."

"Ajun is great. You can become a figure like the Hero King in the future."

Many people greeted Ajun on the road, and Ajun responded to everyone enthusiastically.

Soon, Ajun arrived at the door of the tavern. He scanned around and looked for the drunkard.

Finally, he found the drunkard lying in the alley. The drunkard was drunk at this time, and his clothes were torn again, revealing the muscles inside. Ajun felt that these muscles were very beautiful.

Just as Ajun was about to go forward and hand the food to the drunkard, the earth shook, a huge beam of light emerged in the sky, and then a huge vortex appeared, the vortex was blood red.

Looking up, Ajun felt inexplicably scared, he felt that his consciousness was losing, and the basket fell to the ground.

A huge eyeball appeared in the sky, the sky and the earth became dark, the tentacles of the big bead were waving, and the sun was blocked by its tentacles woven into a net.

Ajun fell to the ground, the basket was also overturned, the bread fell out, and the water in the basket also poured out, slowly flowing out of the bottle, flowing on the bumpy stone slabs, and then seeping into the cracks between the stone slabs.

He raised his hand to pick up the things, he hadn't given the things to the drunkard uncle yet.

Ajun began to miss his mother, he was afraid, he felt that he was going to fall asleep, and the monsters in the sky were getting more and more terrifying.

At this time, Ajun felt that he was picked up by someone, and then the fear was replaced by a sense of security, and he felt that he had regained control of his body.

He heard a sentence vaguely.

"Child, have a good sleep, and you will be fine when you wake up."

The residents in the town were panicked because of the changes in the sky and the world, and they were hiding everywhere. Some residents had begun to change under the influence of the big eyeballs, their eyes became red, and tentacles grew on their bodies.

Aunt Jonah thought of her son at the first time. After comforting the other children, Aunt Jonah endured the discomfort and went to find her little son. She felt that something was growing in her body.

In the eyes of others, Jonah was now a head full of tentacles, her face was full of eyes that kept moving, her body was covered with purple grape-shaped blisters, and there was a tail full of flesh thorns behind her.

The strong maternal love made her consciousness still exist in such a huge change.

She knocked away the road

There were obstacles, and the buildings and objects knocked down by the earthquake could not stop her.

She soon arrived at the tavern.

A man was holding her child. The man was wearing platinum armor, carrying a sword as big as a door panel behind him, his face was full of traces of war, and his eyes were firm but tired.

Qiao Na felt that this figure was very familiar, very much like the statue of the hero king in the abandoned Hero King Hall outside the town.

When Qiao Na knew that her child was safe, her consciousness relaxed all of a sudden, and she felt that she was gradually losing control of her body.

Shi Qiong had recovered his strength and memory at this time. He walked forward holding Ajun and walked in front of Qiao Na.

Gently raised his right hand, a soft light appeared, and then poured into Qiao Na's body, and the changes in Qiao Na's body quickly faded.

Qiao Na only felt a force injected into her body, and she regained control of her body. This force made her feel very comfortable, and she couldn't help but moan.

After Jonah recovered, Shi Qiong handed the child to her.

After taking the child, Jonah said with a flushed face: "Thank you, sir."

She knew that she and her child were saved thanks to the tall knight in front of her.

Shi Qiong nodded, turned and walked out of the town, Jonah's eyes followed him.

Shi Qiong moved dozens of meters and soon disappeared from Jonah's sight. As he passed by, the white light healed those who had mutated.

The fog began to spread in the town. Jonah could feel that the fog had an impact on her, but the power injected by the man just now was still working.

Shi Qiong opened the sealed palace of the hero king. This was the palace built for him by the people of his hometown when he became king. It was called a palace, but it was actually very small and simple, with only a throne and a statue of him.

The statue was his appearance when he was young, full of vigor and vitality.

When he was dethroned, this place was banned by the people of the kingdom. Under the strong opposition of the people of his hometown, it was changed from demolition to ban.

Shi Qiong sat down under the throne built for him by the residents of Maple Leaf Town, which was carved out of white rock.


The armor collided with the throne. This was the first time that the Hero King sat on his throne. This meant that the powerful Hero King was back and he would protect his people.

However, this time his people were the residents of Maple Leaf Town.

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