Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 106 Dust Cloud Foundation

Three hundred million dollars...

Lin Chen stroked his chin.

To be honest, he really has no good idea for how to make this money in a month.

Because it needs to inject 500 million into Huawei mobile phone, Lin Chen has only about 600 million available funds left in his hands.

Using 600 million to earn 1.5 billion in a month, if there is no interference from foreign enemies, Lin Chen is still sure.

But at the moment Lin Chen's every move will be closely watched by Wu Hui. Once Wu Hui knows that he has moved, he will definitely find a way to stumble himself.

So the question of money is really a bit tricky.

But fortunately, not long after returning to the East China Sea, the visit by one person made Lin Chen think of a way.

That day, Lin Chen, who had already returned to the East China Sea, received a call.

"Hey! Brother Lin! Guess who I am?"

Hearing the accented Mandarin, Lin Chen immediately guessed the origin of the other party: "Fangzi? Why would you call me?"

"Brother Lin, you don't miss me at all? I came with Gu Zai this time. Isn't your charity fund about to open? Brother, I will come here uninvited, let’s join in the fun and offer something Love."

When Fang Tsai said it, Lin Chen also remembered that his charity fund would indeed be officially opened in two days.

With the help of Zheng Yuezhi, who was sent by Gu Tsai to help, the preparations for the charity foundation were completed very quickly, only the renovation work has not yet been completed.

However, the foundation's offices have basically been set up, and only the rest, entertainment and fitness areas planned by Lin Chen have not been completed. Therefore, Zheng Yuezhi suggested that the foundation be officially opened first, and there is no need to wait for the renovation of the place.

Lin Chen naturally agreed very much, so he decided to list the charity foundation two days later.

Because Gu Zai was of great help to the foundation, Lin Chen specially asked Zheng Yuezhi to call him over.

But he didn't expect that Fang Han would also hear the news.

"Well, come if you want."

"That's it! See you in two days!"

Two days later, No. 18 Binjiang Avenue.

No gongs and drums were beaten, and no reporters were interviewed.

The Dust Cloud Foundation brand hung up silently.

The name of the Chenyun Foundation, as the name suggests, is taken from the names of Lin Chen and Zhou Ruoyun.

In fact, at the beginning, Zhou Ruoyun did not agree with the name alive and dead. She felt that she was just helping Lin Chen, but she was not qualified to use her name on the foundation.

But Lin Chen insisted repeatedly.

"Ruoyun, you also know that I am lazy. I will definitely take care of the foundation. I can only ask you to take care of it, so you must be the name of the foundation."

"But why don't you use Aunt Zheng's name?"

"Zheng Yuezhi is only the secretary-general, you are the vice chairman."

With Lin Chen's insistence, Zhou Ruoyun had no choice but to agree to Lin Chen's proposal.

It's just relative, she also put forward her own condition, that is, if there is a need to face the media in the future, no matter how big the matter is, she cannot be allowed to come forward, even if it is facing government leaders.

For this strange request, Lin Chen guessed that it was probably because Zhou Ruoyun didn't want her family to know.

So he naturally agreed.

"Lin Chen, come and take pictures!"

At this time, Zhou Ruoyun's cry awakened Lin Chen from his memories. After he recovered, he saw Zhou Ruoyun, Zheng Yuezhi, Gu Tsai, and new staff members who had joined the foundation waiting for him to take pictures at the main entrance of the foundation.

Lin Chen immediately walked over and stood side by side with Zhou Ruoyun.

"Come here! Let's shout eggplant together!" Fang Han held the camera in his hand and appeared as the photographer temporarily.


In this way, a photo freezes this meaningful moment.

"Come on! Does anyone want to look at the photos?!" Fang Han held his SLR camera.


Zhou Ruoyun rushed over and snatched the camera from Fang Han.

Looking at himself and Lin Chen in the photo.

Zhou Ruoyun couldn't help laughing.

She remembered the great wish that Lin Chen had made to herself in Mala Tang.

At that time, she thought Lin Chen was joking, but it didn't take long before he really started to achieve his goal step by step.

Zhou Ruoyun knew that Lin Chen had already opened an investment company.

Counting this dust cloud foundation, one is a machine that Lin Chen makes money, and the other is a machine that Lin Chen spends money.

One earns one spend and uses Lin Chen's money to help all those in need.

Isn’t it a simple and simple purpose?

Lin Chen like this was completely different from those rich children and upstarts that Zhou Ruoyun had ever seen.

Those people, even if they donate a sum of millions of donations, the whole world can't wait to get it.

Their purpose is simply to hope to expand their reputation by doing good deeds, thereby using reputation to protect their money.

But Lin Chen was different. He did good deeds entirely out of his sincerity.

Zhou Ruoyun saw such a person for the first time.

"Let's go! Next, everyone will go to the restaurant downstairs to eat together! I have booked the place! I will pay the bill!"

"Thank you, Chairman!"

"Long live the chairman!"

Seeing Lin Chen in the distance greeting the new employees to eat, Zhou Ruoyun couldn't help laughing.

At exactly this moment, Lin Chen also turned his head and glanced at her.

He smiled and waved at Zhou Ruoyun: "Ruoyun! Come here together! Don't forget that you are the vice chairman!"

"it is good!"

Zhou Ruoyun ran over with a smile.


That night, Lin Chen and Fang Han sent Gu Zai to the airport.

Gu Tsai was just taking time out of Donghai to participate in the listing ceremony of the Dust Cloud Foundation. Now that the ceremony is over, he must leave.

The movie of Xun Qin Chuan is still being filmed, because the funds are abundant and the shooting progress is fast, the new literary drama has basically been filmed, and there are still a few big scenes.

As the starring actor and producer, Gu Tsai must be present in person.

"Lin Sheng, next time we meet, I think you can see the film."

At the airport, Gu Tsai held Lin Chen's hands tightly, a little reluctant.

Lin Chen smiled and said: "If you have any difficulties, tell me, I can continue to add more if the money is not enough."

"Enough, enough." Gu Tsai shook his head quickly, and then said: "Lin Sheng, I am really lucky to know you."

Lin Chen smiled, everything was silent.

After that, the two watched Gu Tsai enter the terminal building, then turned and left.

On the way back to the city by car, Lin Chen looked at Fang Han next to him, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Gu Zi is gone, why don't you go back? Come on, do you want me for help? "

Fang Han looked at Lin Chen, suddenly laughed unkindly, adjusted his posture, and said to Lin Chen, "Brother Lin, you guessed it. You see, my brother recently followed you to invest in movies, and today is again Donated 10 million to your foundation, and this has become a little tight..."

Lin Chen rejoiced: "Who do you take me for? Why don't you ask your family for money, why are you looking for me?"

"Brother Lin! Your status is much higher than my parents! I regard you as the God of Wealth!" Fang Han said.

"Stop witty words, what do you want to do? Come on."

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