Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 110 YY Novels Are All Lies

Jingle bells!


One, two, three... Among a row of slot machines at the scene, there were five or six that were throwing chips out at the same time.

"Wow! Brother Lin, you are really amazing!"

Angela was so excited that she collected chips from several slot machines. Her small body quickly picked up a lot of chips. A few chips even fell on her chest, stuck in some indescribable parts. Look It looks very seductive.

Fang Han also yelled excitedly, yelling "mine! It's all mine!" while pouring all his chips into his chip box, piled up a hill.

Such a scene stunned the ghost guy who wanted to grab the slot machine with Fang Han just now.

Several gamblers passing by were also dumbfounded.

"I bought cake!"

"What's going on? Why are so many slot machines winning?"

"Isn't the slot machine broken here?!"

As soon as he thought of this, several people rushed up and grabbed the slot machines that Angela had already collected. They couldn't wait to play.

Angela holding a bargaining chip like a hill, asked Lin Chen: "Brother Lin, don't you play?"

"Yes, Brother Lin, why don't you play?" Fang Han asked strangely.

"Let me see..."

When Fang Han and the others were playing just now, Lin Chen had already carried out a new round of calculations, and wanted to find out which one could make the most money among so many slot machines on the scene.

In fact, slot machines are just a kind of gambling game for civilians, because it has a small investment. Some casinos even allow 50 cents to bet, which can be played once for less than one dollar, and one hundred dollars can even kill a whole day.

But correspondingly, even if the slot machine wins the prize, in most cases the profit will not be much.

Like Fang Han and Angela just now, don't think they have won a lot of them at once, but most of them are only double or triple the odds, and the slot machine here also limits a bet limit of only 100,000.

So roughly, Angela won more than 10,000 US dollars just now, and Fang Han just won more than 300,000 dollars.

With such a small amount of money, Lin Chen really has no interest.

But at this moment, Lin Chen's eyes suddenly lit up.

He found that on a slot machine in the distance, the probability of the next 777 highest odds jackpot was 100%!

Lin Chen walked toward the machine quickly, but found that an Asian-faced gambler also walked toward the machine.

Don't sit down!Don't sit down!

Lin Chen thought to himself in his heart, and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

The tourist stopped three times away from the slot machine. A hot blond bunny girl with a tray and cocktail appeared near the gambler, attracting his attention.

Las Vegas casinos will provide free drinks. Driven by the atmosphere and alcohol, many people will find it difficult to self-control the longer they play, the bigger the play, and the casino wins more and more money.

That gambler stopped because he was greedy for the cup, and when he picked up the wine glass, Lin Chen had already taken the slot machine position he was going to play first.

"Hey?! That was my first choice!"

"Sao Rui." Lin Chen smiled and directly put the equivalent of one hundred thousand dollars into the slot machine.

Then, he snapped his fingers at the bunny girl and asked her to come over, and then pressed the button.


The slot machine in front of Lin Chen made an electronic sound, and the pattern on the screen began to spin rapidly.

Just as the bunny girl walked to Lin Chen, suddenly, there were three crisp sounds in a row, and three 7 icons appeared on the slot machine screen.


In an instant, the chips gushed out like a fountain, and in an instant, they piled up into a hill at the coin outlet.

777 is the combination with the highest odds in the slot machine. It has a one-hundred-fold odds. Lin Chen just bet $100,000, so he won $10 million in this one!

The bunny girl who came by was stunned for an instant, and the gambler who was delayed by a glass of cocktail grabbed his own hair.

"SHIT! That's my money!"

"777! Brother Lin! You actually won 777! Oh my God! What a great deal! This is the first time I have seen someone win 777!

Fang Han and Angela screamed from the side, if it weren't for the chips in their hands, they would definitely jump forward excitedly.

And the appearance of 777 naturally attracted other guests who were playing slot machines in the casino. Many people ran over from the neighborhood after hearing the news and witnessed the rare occasions in this casino.

"My God, 777!? This Asian is really lucky!"

"Damn Asian guy, I have played thousands of times on this machine, and this 777 also has my credit!"

"Why am I not as lucky as him?"

Seeing that more and more people gathered around, Lin Chen quickly put away the chips, then took out a 10,000 US dollar chip and stuffed it into the bunny girl's chest.

"this is yours."

"Thank you sir!" The bunny girl looked excited, which is almost equivalent to her one month tip!

This is a generous Asian!

The bunny girl only thought that Lin Chen looked particularly handsome. While thanking her, she kept winking at him.

It's a pity that Lin Chen's vision was blocked by Angela at this time.

"Let's go, let's change the chips first."

Immediately after Lin Chen and the others left, many people frantically rushed towards the slot machine with 777. People who wanted to take advantage of the good luck of Lin Chen just now, and those who couldn't get it, also took their seats on nearby slot machines. , Trying to reproduce the lucky moment of Lin Chen just now.

However, most of the people after this have uttered dissapointed laments.

This is Las Vegas, this is the casino, here, there are always more losers than winners!

After reorganizing the two large chip boxes, Lin Chen and the three went deep into the casino again. This time, they directly crossed the slot machine and came to the core area of ​​the casino.

Here, Lin Chen finally felt a little bit like when he watched gambling movies before.

At every gaming table here, different gambling events are being conducted.

There are baccarat, blackjack, roulette, Texas and so on.

While visiting, Lin Chen asked Fang Han about the gameplay and odds of these items, and occasionally went up and threw a few chips to win a few.

After such a lap, Lin Chen made another nearly two million dollars!Together with the previous earnings, he has already made 12 million dollars!

The goal of 300 million US dollars has already taken a small step!

However, after playing around for a while, Lin Chen also discovered a problem, that is, he took it for granted about making money through the casino.

Originally, Lin Chen thought he could earn hundreds of millions of dollars at a time just like when racing on Hong Kong Island.

But after playing a lap today, he discovered that this is simply impossible.

In a regular casino, almost every table has a betting limit. Just like the roulette with the highest odds, a single bet limit of 10,000 US dollars. Even if Lin Chen wins the maximum odds, he can only bet at most once. Earn three hundred and fifty thousand dollars.

Calculating at this rate, if he wants to earn 300 million, he is afraid that he will have to play for a few days and nights.

Alas, it turns out that even if you have cheats, it is difficult to make 300 million in the casino.

Sure enough, YY novels are all deceptive!

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