When Fang Han understood Lin Chen's meaning, he also fell into a big contradiction.

"Brother Lin, you have caused a problem for me!"

With Fang’s wealth, 200 million US dollars is not unavailable, but the problem is that Fanghan’s money is not eligible to be used.

Although Fang Han is the heir of the Fang family, the funds he can control at the moment are only a few million Hong Kong dollars per month in pocket money.

"Don't think about it too much, I just need you to sign, because I will win the next hand." Lin Chen said confidently.

His confidence fell in the eyes of Zhiling, but she felt a little stupid.

Obviously, I have lost almost 100 million, why don't you wake up?He even dragged his friend to die together, this man really lost his red eye.

But to Zhiling's surprise, Fang Han actually nodded in agreement.

"It turned out to be like this. I'm relieved if you say that Brother Lin, isn't it just signing? Let's go up."

Seeing the two people walking onto the stage, Zhiling wanted to stop them aloud, but was pulled by Angela: "Sister Zhiling, it's okay."

"Are you crazy too? They are not gambling now, they are going to die, can't you tell? Mr. Lin is not Li Tiancheng's opponent at all."

"Whether it's an opponent or not, we will know by looking at it!"

After Fang Han came to power, he quickly wrote an endorsement for Lin Chen.

When the two of them registered in the hotel, their identities had already been recorded by the hotel, so the people at the casino did not verify Fang Han's identity on the spot.

As for this endorsement agreement will the Fang family repent?

Ha ha ha, not to mention the Li family behind Li Tiancheng, just on the casino side, there is a way for Fang family to honor the endorsement.

After seeing Lin Chen with another 200 million US dollars in chips, the audience suddenly boiled over again.

The gambling that lasted for more than half an hour had already cooled the audience's enthusiasm a lot, but unexpectedly, Lin Chen's raise made everyone watch it.

"Two hundred million? That's two hundred million chips, right? An additional two hundred million?"

"Crazy! Is this Chinese mad? He has already lost almost 100 million US dollars, so he has to lose another 200 million?"

"Haha, this is a red eye, right? Unexpectedly, you can see such a gambler on such occasions."

At this time, Li Tiancheng had checked Fang Han's $200 million endorsement.

"Fang Han, I hope your Fang family will recognize the money."

Seeing Lin Chen walked to the gambling table again, and the croupier was about to start dealing cards, Lin Chen suddenly raised his hand to stop him.

"Li Tiancheng, do you think you are determined to win? Oh, although you are good at card skills, I will never lose to you than luck."

"Luck?" Li Tiancheng frowned, wondering what Lin Chen meant.

Lin Chen stood at the gambling table, leaning forward slightly: "I don't look at the hole cards for this hand. As long as you don't run away, I will follow to the end!"

"Don't look at the cards?"

There were people around who could understand Chinese, exclaiming.

Others felt weird, so they asked curiously, and then the exclamation spread like an infectious disease.

Playing Texas without looking at the cards?Is that kid crazy?

Texas Hold'em is one of the most computationally intensive items in casinos. A true expert needs to look at all directions and calculate the probability of each hand.

And now, Lin Chen actually said that he didn't look at the cards and was in comparison with Li Tian, ​​which was simply pretending to be a fool.

To bet on luck, you will not be compared with Li Tian on roulette or dice from the beginning?

"Arrogant..." Li Tiancheng snorted coldly, but couldn't help but said: "Okay! If you want to die with the tired Fang family, I will fulfill you."

Li Tiancheng sneered and nodded to the croupier: "Go!"

The sexy croupier began to deal the cards.

And this time, Lin Chen did what he said, he embraced his hands, and never even touched his hole cards.

This scene made the onlookers gasp.

Who is this person named Lin Chen?

Is it a member of a top consortium in China?Or the trendy ones from the hidden families?

Or is it a lunatic?

Otherwise, why would he do such a thing at the 200 million bet table?

Li Tiancheng glanced at his trump card, and an imperceptible light flashed in his eyes.

His hole card is so big that even if Lin Chen didn't have those fancy tricks just now, he would definitely follow this one.

Li Tiancheng's hole cards are a pair of Aces. Such a hole card is almost the best hole card in Texas.

Li Tiancheng put down his hole cards and looked at Lin Chen: "You really don't look at the hole cards?"

"As long as you play this to the end, I won't watch it." Lin Chen said calmly.

"Humph!" Li Tiancheng sneered in his heart, "You asked for it."

After all, Li Tiancheng directly placed a blind: "One million!"

Without saying a word, Lin Chen said immediately: "With you, add another 10 million!"

Li Tiancheng was stunned. Lin Chen didn't even look at his hole cards, so he dared to raise?

Sure enough, he is already crazy, and only crazy gamblers who care about the consequences can do such a stupid thing.

"Let me deal with the cards."

The croupier began to distribute three community cards.

The three community cards are 8, 8, and K.

Seeing this card, Li Tiancheng was determined.

On the current card, Li Tiancheng is the smallest pair, and Lin Chen cannot win unless he has an 8 in his hand to make up three.

If this situation does not continue, Li Tiancheng does not have to play.

"Ten million." He said calmly.

But Lin Chen was more indifferent than him: "Follow! Add you 40 million!"

Fifty million?

Li Tiancheng was stunned for a moment, Lin Chen didn't look at anything, so he bet a quarter of his chips?


He wants to steal chicken!

This idea immediately came to Li Tiancheng's mind, thinking that Lin Chen wanted to scare him.

After all, this kid had a lesson before.

ridiculous!This kind of trick thought I would be fooled?

"With you!"

As a result, the chips in the gambling pool broke 100 million in an instant!

Just a table of gambling, the bet broke 100 million!

Feeling the smell of gunpowder on the stage, the audience gradually calmed down, holding their breath.

The person who was still looking for excitement with the beautiful girl also stopped.

After all, what beauty can be more exciting than 100 million dollars?

Next, is the fourth community card, the ace of spades!

Seeing this card, Li Tiancheng almost couldn't help laughing.

The ace of spades, in this way, his cards can be used as a captive, that is, 3 aces and a pair of 8s.

In a two-person game, this is almost a must-win hand.

What's more, there is a fifth community card. If another Ace is played, he can even make up four!

After thinking about it, Li Tiancheng found that his winning percentage was almost 80%!

In the Texas gambling game, this is already a terrible winning rate.

A wicked smile appeared on Li Tiancheng's face.

This one has such a big win rate, and the other side is not looking at the cards. What is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity?

He wants to win or lose!

"Lin Chen, did you just say that as long as I don't run away, you will follow to the end? It's getting late now, and we have almost the same bargaining chips in our hands. It's better to go straight to ALLIN! I wonder if you dare to follow? "

Lin Chen couldn't help but stunned after hearing this.

Because of allin, he originally wanted to raise it, but he didn't expect that Li Tiancheng spoke first.

But Lin Chen figured it out and understood the reason.

It is precisely because of his previous failures that the desire in Li Tiancheng's heart continues to expand.

And this swelling desire finally broke out at this moment.

"Are you sure you want ALLIN?"

"Just ask if you dare?"

Lin Chen didn't reply, but directly responded with actions.

All the remaining chips in front of him were pushed out by him.

Similarly, Li Tiancheng also launched all the remaining chips!

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