Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 122 The Ghost Fights, Want Me To Help?

Fortunately, there is one thing that makes Lin Chen feel fortunate, and that is that Las Vegas is not owned by the MGM Group.

In addition to MGM Group, Las Vegas also has Sands Group and several other scattered hotels. The future leaders will all have casinos here.

They have a rival relationship with MGM Group, so although Lin Chen has been blacklisted here, the casinos probably haven’t got the news yet. If you hurry up, maybe you can add him to those casinos. Make a fortune before the blacklist.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen was about to say goodbye to Little Kekelian. He didn't want to, but the other party suddenly said, "By the way, Mr. Lin, if possible, I would like to ask you to do me a favor.

"Help?" Lin Chen was a little surprised: "Mr. Kirklian, the person in charge of the dignified MGM Group, would he need my help?"

"Of course, since I saw you yesterday, I have always had this idea. Your performance last night has deepened my judgment. You are the person our MGM Group wants to find!"

Kirklian stood aside and made a please gesture: "If possible, I hope Mr. Lin can listen to me. Don't worry, it won't take you too long."

Seeing the other party being so solemn, Lin Chen was also a little curious.

The other party just put himself on the blacklist, yet he asked himself for help?I don't know what exactly Cocorian was making...

"Well, I can listen."

Kekelian nodded his head satisfied with Lin Chen's reply, and then led Lin Chen to a box by himself. The rest of the matter should not be leaked out. He wanted to talk with Lin Chen alone.

After a while, the two sat opposite each other in a box in the restaurant.

Kirklian said straightforwardly: "Mr. Lin, I'll just say it, I hope you can help me deal with Sands Group."

"To deal with the Sands Group?" Lin Chen was stunned.

Kokkrian replied: "Yes, Sands, they are our biggest competitor for the Kokkrian family in Las Vegas."

"I am dissatisfied with Mr. Lin. My grandfather, Kekerian, is already in his advanced age and is already a little weak in family affairs. So now I control most of the group's business. Just this year, our MGM Group and the Dubai Consortium invested together The MGM City Center Casino in New York has just started operations. We have high hopes for this casino and hope to overwhelm Sands in the Las Vegas gambling industry."

"The competition in Las Vegas is like this. There are so many tourists in total. If gamblers come to our casino, naturally no one will go to the Sands Casino, so Sands Group treats our new casino Has always been regarded as a thorn in the eye."

"What does this have to do with me?"

Lin Chen interrupted: "Mr. Cokerian, I'm just an ordinary person. You MGM and Sands' business competition, I shouldn't be involved in it?"

"Please be patient, dear Lin, if you can't help with this, I won't come to you."

"In fact, the Sands Group has done everything to hinder the MGM City Center casino. After the casino opened, they hired top professional gamblers from all over the world and paid them to come to our casino to make trouble."

"Although there are many people on the blacklist of our casino, Sands Group has forged the identities of these gamblers and invited Hollywood special effects masters to disguise them. Because these professional gamblers, the city center casinos Operations have been greatly affected."

"This incident is not only a serious blow to our group, but also a provocation to me!" Little Kirklian suddenly raised his tone: "People in the group think that the other party is acting because they despise me. If my grandfather is in charge of the group with this kind of trick, it would be impossible for the other party to do this..."

"So! I must defeat the Sands Group's attack and prove myself! And Mr. Lin, you are the one who I think can help me!"


"Yes!" Little Cocorian said with some excitement: "I have seen hope in you since the first time I saw you. In my opinion, you will definitely not be an ordinary person, if With your help, it is not impossible to deal with Sands Group."

"Of course, I won't let you help free! As long as you are willing to help us, money, women, these are not problems! Dear Lin, do you have any impression of Taylor who performed at the party yesterday? If you need, She can also be delivered to your bed!"

Lin Chen couldn't help rolling his eyes suddenly, this little Kokolian wouldn't treat him as a pervert, right?You even asked to send Tyler to his bed?

Lin Chen sat up straight and asked, "Mr. Cokerian, you can talk about the remuneration later. Let me talk about how you plan to deal with the Sands Group first, right?"

"I remember that there is an old saying in Huaxia, saying that the way of using the other is to return to the other body. We will deal with them as the Sands Group deals with us."

A cold light flashed in Xiao Kekelian's eyes: "Mr. Lin Chen, I want you to go to the casino of the Sands Group to make them pay for the past."

"Broken up in the casino?" Lin Chen thought for a while: "Aren't they going to kick me out?"

"If you are the only one, of course it will, but I will go with you, and we will go with integrity. Unless the other party uses force, no one can drive you away."

"At that time, I will offer Mr. Lin 50 million US dollars in gambling. This money, together with the money you won at Sands Group, can all be used as your reward."

"Five million?" Lin Chen must admit that he was moved.

And the most important thing is that with the words of Kokolian, it means that as long as he is with him, he can not worry about being driven out of the casino and grabbing money in it.

This was what moved Lin Chen the most!

He doesn't have to worry about whether he will be detected by the casino or being kicked out. All he has to think about is how to grab money as soon as possible!

"When will we start to act?" Lin Chen asked.

"How about today? I can't wait to see the stock price of Sands Group plummeting!" Little Kekrian said with a grin, the expression on his face was completely gone when Lin Chen first saw him as a gentleman.

When Lin Chen saw it, he couldn't help but muttered in his heart, these ghosts really have two faces before and after...

At this moment, a bright light flashed in Lin Chen's heart.

"Mr. Kirkrian, Sands Group has stocks?" he asked.

"Of course, they and our MGM Group are both listed companies..." Little Kirklian didn't understand how Lin Chen would mention this suddenly.

Lin Chen blinked at Xiao Kekelian suddenly: "Mr. Kekelian, since we are going to deal with Sands Group, I wonder if you are interested in earning a vote in the stock market?"

Little Kirklian's eyes lit up suddenly.

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