Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 124 A group of lunatics?

After receiving the chips, Lin Chen and his group walked all the way into the casino.

Although the bodyguards had changed into casual clothes, so many people came in mightily together, which naturally attracted the attention of many people.

Among them, some of them recognized little Kokolian, and even exclaimed.

"Isn't that Mr. Kirklian Jr.? How could he come to Venetian?!"

"Oh my God, I have a hunch, I'm afraid something big will happen today!"

"Damn it, it's a pity that you can't take pictures in the casino, otherwise there must be a lot of news about the appearance of the young Corcorian at The Venetian!

Among the guests at the scene, there were also many Chinese tourists. They didn't know Little Koklian, but many people knew the beautiful figure in the crowd.

"Isn't that Zhiling?"

"Really! She's also in Las Vegas? Wait for me, I need her to sign!"

"Idiot, wouldn't you look at the occasion? Those people over there are obviously not easy to mess with!"

"It's strange, how could Miss Zhiling be with so many ghosts?"

Lin Chen and the others crossed the slot machine area and went straight to the casino, in front of the most lively and popular gaming tables.

This is the roulette area. A row of tables are all roulette.

Lin Chen swept his eyes and said to the little Kekerian: "Mr. Kekerian, it's really the same as you said."

Little Kirklian smiled: "Of course, roulette is simple and easy to understand, and has always been the most popular item in the casino." "Then do as I said before."

Little Kekelian nodded respectfully to Lin Chen, and then winked at the bodyguards behind him.

Soon, these people gathered around a gaming table.

This scene made some people around who knew little Kirklian feel very strange.

In the casino's monitoring room, casino manager Goldstein was even more stunned.

Who is that Chinese?How would you let little Kokrion treat him so respectfully?

At this time, a smirk appeared at the corner of the little Kirklian's mouth in the casino. He knew that next, a breathtaking scene would appear.

During the three days when Lin Chen and Xiao Kekelian were in the stock market, apart from letting the securities company help them operate in the market, they did not relax in reality.

For this day, they have formulated a special plan.

Although when he first heard about Lin Chen's plan, Little Kekelian felt like he was listening to the fantasy world.

But after seeing Lin Chen demonstrate his plan with his own eyes, he was shocked by Lin Chen's ability and no longer had the slightest doubt about his words.

Above the casino, Lin Chen is the god!

As for the instructions of the gods, little Kirklian dare not disobey!

For the expressions on the faces of the Sands Group for a while, Little Kirklian is now looking forward to it.

The croupier in front of the gaming table had already heard the instructions from the higher-ups in the headset, and knew that it was the little Kokerian and his party who had just arrived at the gaming table.

He took a deep breath and tried to maintain a smile: "Dear guests, please place your bet."

In the monitoring room, Goldstein's gaze fell on the small Kekerian group.

He wanted to know, what would these people do in a while?Are they really here to play?Or did the Venetian people make trouble?

The answer will be clear soon.

"Betting the number 20, one hundred thousand!"

At this moment, Goldstein saw from the monitor that Lin Chen had put one hundred thousand chips on the table, in the number 20 betting area.


He actually pressed a single number?!

Goldstein was shocked.

Roulette is a game of luck.

It has many ways to play, you can buy singles and doubles, you can also buy red and black and size, as long as you are lucky, you can win, and the winning rate is very high, almost 50%.

But again, the odds of roulette are also very small.

All of the above three methods have only 1 to 1 odds.

However, in roulette, there is a game that has the highest odds in the entire casino, except for slot machines.

This is the bet number alone.

As long as you can guess, it is 35 times the odds.

However, the winning percentage of betting on a single number is less than 3%!So generally speaking, no one will bet on a single number. If they want to bet, they will only use small chips for casual entertainment.

But Lin Chen actually bet 100,000 chips on the number 20!

Is he crazy?!

Doubt is the money is too many people stupid?Don't treat money as money?

When Goldstein thought so, the guests at the gaming table also exclaimed.

"One hundred thousand chips? Isn't this already the upper limit?"

"This kid is crazy. One hundred thousand chips pay the bill. Has he ever played roulette?"

Everyone felt that Lin Chen was a madman or a prodigal, because only a madman and a prodigal would bet 100,000 chips on a number.

This is not a way to play roulette at all!

However, what made them crazier happened at this moment.

Just after Lin Chen placed the chips, Angela and Zhiling also put down their chips, followed by Fang Han and Xiao Ke Keli, and then the bodyguards brought by Xiao Ke Keli.

And these people, who are so unified, have put their chips in the betting area of ​​the number 20!

And everyone has paid 100,000!Bet against the single limit on the table!

Because there were too many chips in the number 20 betting area, some chips were even squeezed into the next room.

The bodyguards who had placed those chips had to promptly remind the croupier that they had placed the number 20, not other areas!

Are you crazy?!

The croupier was completely stunned.

What is going on with these people?Are they crazy?Put all your chips on the number 20?

What kind of routine is this?

Even if the Chinese was a fool, how about the others?Are they also fools?

Why would these people bet a number without hesitation?

It's not just the croupiers and guests who don't understand, but Goldstein in the monitoring room is also at a loss.

"Hey! Alright, I can't open it yet? Are the Venetian croupiers so slow?"

At this time, the little Kokolian suddenly patted the gambling table, making the stupefied croupier regained consciousness.

He reacted and immediately said to the others; "So, are there any guests who want to bet?"

No one was betting. Except for the people brought by Kokolian, the rest of the guests didn't plan to bet anymore. They wanted to see what the result would be like.

"Buy it!"

Seeing no one bet any more, the croupier started the turntable.

The white marbles began to spin quickly in the roulette.

Everyone's eyes are firmly nailed to the roulette wheel, and their eyes keep moving with the pulsating marbles.

Gradually, the marbles slowed down, and the gamblers began to make excitement.

"Stop! Stop!"

"20! Will it be 20?!"

"Over! Over! Over!"

In the crowd of yelling and screaming, the marbles became slower and slower, and then...


The marble jumped into the number 20 grid.

"Come!" Fang Han, Angela and the others jumped excitedly.

The bodyguards of Little Kirklian also excitedly yelled out "Yeah!"

As for the other people in the casino, whether it was the tourists or the staff of the casino, they were all stunned!

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