Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter One Hundred and Thirty Nine

"Considering the threat of the Wu family, I have now decided to temporarily focus the company's future investment on foreign exchange, supplemented by futures. What do you think of Lin Chen?"

While Lin Chen was thinking hard, Tang Xin also finished speaking.

Lin Chen came back to his senses and said, "You can figure it out, after all, you are the general manager."

Lin Chen naturally trusted Tang Xin 100%.

But Tang Xin obviously lacks self-confidence in himself: "Doesn’t I want you to see more? Lin Chen, you are so good, just look at it when you have time. Before you come, we are still analyzing and think that the yen may be in the future. Continue to depreciate, want to consider hype the yen."

"Well, I'll watch it when I have time."

Lin Chen nodded. Seeing that Tang Xin was almost talking, he hesitated and decided to tell her the truth.

After all, Tang Xin is also the general manager at any rate. Without telling it now, she will know one day.

"Tang Xin, I have prepared the money for Huawei's mobile phone. You will have someone inform Huawei in a while and tell them that we will go to Nandu tomorrow."


Tang Xin was really taken aback when he heard this: "Lin Chen, have you figured out a solution for the remaining billions?"

Before Lin Chen left this time, Tang Xin's call was to go out and settle the purchase of the Huawei mobile phone.

Although Tang Xin was full of confidence in Lin Chen, he didn't expect that he would actually settle the money in less than a week.

"Of course." Lin Chen held up six fingers, "This time I went out and made 600 million US dollars."

"Six or six hundred million?! US dollars?!"

If he hadn't seen Lin Chen's power, Tang Xin must have thought that Lin Chen was just talking about it.

But now, she can only shook her head feebly, and said with a sullen expression: "Lin Chen, I think you should actually stop opening this company. So many of us make a week without even a tenth of yours. ."

"That's different. I was lucky this time, and I will never have such a chance next time."

Lin Chen didn't lie, because he had been blacklisted by the global gambling industry group. Unless he used some special methods, he would never want to enter the casino to make money in his life.

"How did you do it? Lin didn't do something illegal, did you?" Tang Xin frowned and asked in a low voice.

"Don't worry, this money is coming from an upright path."

"But..." Tang Xin still didn't believe it. They only made 100 million yuan in foreign exchange speculation in the past seven days. How could Lin Chen go out for a few days by himself, how could it be faster than the money they made?

"Don't worry, I also traded stocks outside, US stocks, Sands Group, have you heard of it?"

It turned out to be like this... Tang Xin was relieved. Naturally, she had also heard of the sensational news that happened across the ocean recently.

Sands Group’s stock price plummeted because of the Venetian incident. At that time, Tang Xin also wanted to take the opportunity to speculate. Unfortunately, the company’s funds were all in the foreign exchange market, so in the end he could only watch a lot of dollars pass by.

Unexpectedly, Lin Chen would seize the opportunity to discuss business outside.

Thinking of this, Tang Xin suddenly thought of another thing. I heard that the Chinese stock goddess seemed to have the last name LIN?


Not so coincidental, is it Lin Chen?

No, it shouldn't be. Tang Xin shook her head in her heart. She had known Lin Chen for so long, but she had never heard of him being able to gamble. That Chinese gambler should be just a coincidence.

After discussing tomorrow's affairs, Lin Chen asked Tang Xin to announce that the company will leave early today and the employees will have dinner.

Having earned 600 million U.S. dollars from the other side of the ocean, why did Lin Chen want to show that a group of people went directly to a high-end restaurant for dinner.

At the dinner table, Lin Chen announced another thing, in order to commend everyone's performance, reward everyone with a one-year salary bonus.

"Lin Chen, isn't this bad?"

Tang Xin felt sorry for Lin Chen's money. After all, most of the money in the company was actually earned by Lin Chen, and the others only made a small contribution.

Moreover, the company is inaugurated and there are still many places to spend money...

But Lin Chen waved his hand directly: "It's okay, so it's decided, just a little bonus, the company is not bad for this little money."

I'm dizzy.

Everyone's salary in a year adds up to tens of millions, which is also called a small money.

Tang Xin felt very distressed.

Unexpectedly, a female employee under her saw the boss's expression, and suddenly laughed: "Ahhh! The lady boss feels distressed!"

"Don't be kidding, what kind of boss?!" Tang Xin blushed immediately when he heard it, but it caused more people to laugh.

"Okay, okay. Everyone sits down." Lin Chen relieved Tang Xin: "In short, everyone is a member of Stardust Investment. As long as the company makes money, everyone has a share! My goal , Which means that every employee of Stardust Investment can drive a luxury car and live in a villa in the future!"

"Long live the boss!" I don't know who shouted first.

But immediately, other people around also yelled.

"Long live the boss!"

"Long live Stardust Investment!"

Even Tang Xin shouted, very happy that he was able to come to Stardust. He gave up his past ideals and started a business with his old classmates. It was really right.

Early the next morning, Lin Chen arrived at the airport, planning to go to Nandu to sign a formal contract with Hua Wei.

In the same industry, there is also Boss Bao, one of the shareholders of Stardust Investment.

Boss Bao went to Nandu together this time, with Lin Chen's intention.

In the future, Stardust will invest in Huawei Mobile, so it will naturally need to place its own personnel in the company.

This person does not need to interfere with the daily management of Huawei mobile phone, but must be Lin Chen's eyes and ears, paying attention to the future development of Huawei mobile phone.

For this candidate, Lin Chen's favorite person is actually Tang Xin.

It's just that Tang Xin, as the head of the company's financial investment department, is also inseparable from the company.

Now it is too late to recruit people from outside, and loyalty is also difficult to trust.

So Lin Chen thought of the three company directors, Boss Bao.

So after the dinner yesterday, he went to find three people and discussed with them.

Boss Li and Boss Liu both have their own businesses in the East China Sea. One focuses on antiques and the other focuses on jade. They cannot go to the southern capital.

Only the package owner is most suitable.

Boss Bao’s family is actually a big landlord. Every month he collects rent from more than a dozen sets of properties in his family.

So after the three of them discussed, they decided to hand over this important task to Boss Bao. In the future, he will act as Lin Chen's agent and move into the company's management.

Boss Bao couldn't help feeling a little nervous when he thought of being the owner of a lottery shop and becoming an executive of a high-tech company.

But soon, his anxiety was washed away by Lin Chen's private plane.

"What? This plane is yours?"

Sitting on Lin Chen's Gulfstream G550, Boss Bao was stunned.

They never thought that Lin Chen even had a private jet?

"Mom, Lin Chen, your business is really getting bigger and bigger. When did you buy the plane? I haven't heard you talk about it last week."

"Nothing, this one is only second-hand, not worth a few dollars. A business friend gave it to me. If the boss wants it, I can give it to you."

Boss Bao shook his head quickly: "Don't, I heard that the maintenance cost of a private jet is 10 million yuan a year. I can't afford to use it. It's good to borrow it from me. I will be based in Nandu in the future. It will be convenient to have a private jet to and from the East China Sea. "

"Okay, I don't usually need it. If you want to use it, you can use it as a benefit from the company. But the boss, the Huawei mobile phone will be developed in the future, I think you can buy one by yourself soon. It's up."

"I borrow your good words!" Boss Bao smiled, and he was full of illusions about the future in his heart.

Private jets are much faster than civil aviation. It didn't take long for Lin Chen and Boss Bao to appear at Huawei's headquarters.

Accompanied by the well-prepared Ren Zhengfei who had received the news in advance, Lin Chen signed the final shareholding agreement, transferred the remaining funds to Huawei, and formally obtained 55% of Huawei Mobile from the other party.

Seeing Lin Chen sign the final agreement, Ren Zhengfei shook the hand of the young man in front of him with emotion.

"Mr. Lin, congratulations, from today, the Huawei mobile phone will be yours."

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