Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 155: Damn, a pack of wolves

After repeatedly confirming that Lin Chen really wanted to invest, Ma Xiaoyun smiled.

Had it not been for his age, he would be crying excitedly at this time.

Only those who have experienced failure know how difficult it is for those who have experienced failure to gain the trust of others.

But with excitement, Ma Xiaoyun is still Ma Xiaoyun after all, a thorough businessman.

When discussing with Lin Chen about the specific investment amount and shares, he still argued with reason.

Finally, Lin Chen and Ma Xiaoyun reached an agreement.

In the future, Ma Xiaoyun will establish a Tmall company to operate and set up Tmall Mall and Alipay.

Ma Xiaoyun and his team will own 49% of the shares by then, and Lin Chen will invest 3 billion, own 51% of the shares, and have a controlling stake.But Lin Chen will add a clause to the contract, that is, he will voluntarily give up the right to exercise controlling rights.

In other words, although Lin Chen has a nominal controlling interest in the company, he will not participate in the company's operations. In most cases, there will be only one person for the new Tmall company, and that is Ma Xiaoyun.

Such conditions have far exceeded Ma Xiaoyun's initial plan.

Therefore, the two people signed a preliminary agreement without entanglement for long.

But like the acquisition of Huawei mobile phone, Lin Chen did not immediately give Ma Xiaoyun the 3 billion, but first gave him 500 million as the company's preparatory fund, let him choose office space and recruit employees.

As for the remaining funds, they will be allocated in succession.

The reason is naturally that Stardust has invested a large amount of money, and now it is all preparing for the subsequent yen speculation.

The 500 million Lin Chen gave to Ma Xiaoyun was still a reserve fund he prepared for the company just in case.

Although he didn't get all the money right away, it was only 500 million, which already made Ma Xiaoyun overjoyed.

Ma Xiaoyun, who has failed once, is also an activist. After getting 500 million, he immediately got up and left. He is now a lonely man. The start of a new company, from recruiting staff to finding an office location, has to deal with all kinds of licenses.

If you don't act quickly, you may not be able to start the company in a month or two.

Ma Xiaoyun can't wait that long. Now he can't wait to start the company tomorrow and get results the day after tomorrow. He wants to prove himself and tell those people that he is back again!

Not long after Ma Xiaoyun took Lin Chen's check and left, Lin Chen also left the company and went to the Dust Cloud Foundation.

Zhou Ruoyun called him, the bodyguard he wanted had already been invited, and the other party had already arrived at the Dust Cloud Foundation right now, waiting for Lin Chen to come to see someone.

When he arrived at the foundation, Lin Chen hadn't seen Zhou Ruoyun yet, Lin Chen had seen the bodyguards she had brought for herself.

There is no way, who made these people too conspicuous in the Foundation!

A total of six big men with heads over one meter and eight heads stood in a row in the foundation. They were straight and motionless, just like sculptures.

Next to them, the female employees invited by the foundation all looked at these masculine men with care, not smiling, but these men did not squint, and no one looked at them. Shaken.


Lin Chen couldn't help but admire it just looking at it from the side.

"Lin Chen! You are here!"

At this moment, Lin Chen suddenly slapped him with a palm behind him, making Lin Chen startled.

Looking back, Zhou Ruoyun was looking at him with a smile.

"How? Did you see the person I helped you find?"

"I saw it! So amazing, are they all veterans?"

Zhou Ruoyun smiled, didn't say much, took Lin Chen directly to one of the six big men.

"Lin Chen, this is Lei Long! Captain Lei! The six of them were in the same team before."

"Team?" Lin Chen was stunned.

"Yes, these six are all from a small team in the army. They used to be scouts."


Lin Chen was startled. He knew that, in fact, the strongest soldiers in the army were not the soldiers of special forces, but the scouts, the true kings of soldiers, who were always soldiers from scouts.

Now Zhou Ruoyun actually found him a whole squad of scouts as bodyguards, this...this...this is simply a violent thing.

"Hello, Captain Lei." Lin Chen and Lei Long said hello.

Captain Lei is 1.8 meters tall and has a sturdy head. Although his body is not the strongest among the six, his eyes are the most determined among the six.

Lei Long did not shake hands with Lin Chen, but directly saluted him.

"Mr. Lin, we have all heard about you. My team members and I have already gone through the procedures for dismissal from the army, and are ready to serve you."

Zhou Ruoyun said from the side: "Lin Chen, Captain Lei and his team members were found by me with great effort. Each of them has an international driver's license, has received professional bodyguard training, and has a professional qualification certificate. In addition to English, there are one or two foreign languages."

"So awesome?!" Lin Chen couldn't help but be happy.

He just asked Zhou Ruoyun to help him find a bodyguard, but he didn't expect Zhou Ruoyun to help him find a group of war wolves!

He has no doubt that these six people, including Lei Long, will definitely not be weaker than the Wolf Warrior Leng Feng in Wu Jing's movie in terms of strength.

"Of course! It's not me, even if you are a bodyguard company that travels across the country, you may not be able to find them so powerful." Zhou Ruoyun said with a proud face.

"I told you in advance that you can't give them a lower salary, otherwise I can never end with you."

"Don't worry."

Lin Chen turned his head and looked at Lei Long and his subordinates. He was very satisfied with the six of them, but for the sake of insurance, he still used his own ability to calculate.

The probability that the situation of the six of them is really the same as Zhou Ruoyun said...


Among the six people, the probability of future loyalty problems is...


Ability is no problem, loyalty is also reliable.

So Lin Chen asked, "Captain Lei, do you know the approximate market for bodyguards?"

Lei Long was stunned, and Pan Heng said for a while: "My former comrades mentioned that they seem to be a person with a monthly salary of about 20,000 yuan, including food and housing, and insurance and pensions."

Lin Chen nodded, and then said: "I roughly understand that, in this case, Captain Lei, you, as the captain of the bodyguard team, will give you 200,000 a month for you, and the other five will each have 150,000. What about food and lodging, how about?"

"Mr. Lin, you..."

Hearing Lin Chen's conditions, Lei Long was surprised.

Two hundred thousand a month, put it in the army, I am afraid that even the generals will not enjoy such treatment, right?

Even those colleagues who protect the leaders of the country will find it difficult to receive such treatment.

Those people are wandering on the line of life and death every day, but for this little salary, they are suddenly going to double it several times...

Lei Long suddenly felt that they could not afford this treatment.

As soon as he was about to refuse, Zhou Ruoyun said from the side: "Captain Lei, don't save money for him, this is a local tyrant! You don't need to have any psychological burdens if you can rest assured that you can take his.

Hearing Zhou Ruoyun's words, Lei Long hesitated before nodding.

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