Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 157 The Ten Billion Dollar Bet

At this time, most of the people in the financial investment department in Stardust Investment's trading room were already on duty.

However, most of the people present were not quite sure about what they were going to do next.

A group of people sitting on the big sofa in the middle of the trading room for people to rest, drinking tea and chatting, guessing with each other what the company's big move will be this time.

However, a group of people discussed it for a long time, and there was no convincing conclusion.

But at this moment, Lin Chen and Tang Xin walked in.

When everyone saw it, they immediately got up to greet.

Lin Chen nodded at them, and asked Tang Xin casually: "Are everyone here?"

Tang Xin glanced at the people in the room, nodded and said, "Well, it's all here."

"Okay, then, everyone, I know that you have doubts in your heart. I don't know what you are going to do today. Now, please allow me to solve the mystery for you."

Hearing this, everyone in the investment department opened their eyes wide, and their eyes fell on Lin Chen.

I can finally know the answer!

Lin Chen saw their hopeful faces and smiled and said, "Everyone, our target of action this time is the foreign exchange market, to be precise the yen and foreign exchange!"

"Japanese Yen Forex?"

Lin Chen nodded, he took out a remote control, turned to the center of the trading room, and clicked on the largest screen. Then, the exchange rate trend of Japanese yen appeared on the screen.

Lin Chen pointed the remote control at the screen and said to them: "Everyone, before today, your manager Tang has contacted major overseas brokerages and got 200 times the foreign exchange margin leverage. From now on, I ask you every One person immediately used his account to buy me yen with all his strength."

Foreign exchange margin trading is that investors conduct foreign exchange transactions with trusts provided by banks or brokers.

Simply put, leverage with futures actually means the same thing.

"At present, Mr. Tang has raised a total of 400 million US dollars for the company. Before two o'clock in the afternoon, I want you to buy all this money into Japanese yen foreign exchange."

400 million US dollars, 200 times leverage, in other words, the total amount of funds that everyone is responsible for is as high as 80 billion US dollars!

This number made everyone's eyes widened and their breathing became heavy.

Although the $80 billion is not for one person to operate, on average, ten people in the investment department need to operate at least $8 billion!

8 billion!

This money, even if they work for a few lifetimes, they may not be able to make it, but now they have to control it.

Everyone felt the tremendous pressure on their bodies.

"Boss! Are we going to make a short Japanese yen?" someone asked.

The Ministry of Finance and Investment had analyzed the yen before. At that time, everyone was unanimously bearish on the yen and felt that the yen would depreciate for a long time.

But in this case, the question arises. If they want to be short, why would Lin Chen let them buy yen?In this case, once the yen depreciates, won't they suffer heavy losses?

"No, we don't short the yen, we go long!" Lin Chen said.

"Long? Boss, do you think the yen will appreciate?"


The crowd was in an uproar, and someone immediately objected.

"Boss, the overall trend of the yen has now begun to weaken, and the future depreciation of the yen is the general trend!"

"Yeah, boss! If you want us to short the yen, we will do it now, but you have to buy more...this...isn't it the same as throwing money away?"

Seeing his subordinates discouraged him, Tang Xin looked around, but shook his head.

If Lin Chen's mind changed so easily, she would have already succeeded.

But I don't know why, Lin Chen's confidence in the appreciation of the yen cannot be shaken at all.

Seeing that this will not work, Tang Xin had no choice but to say: "Well, everyone, don’t forget who gave you investment guides in the past. Everyone must have confidence in the boss’s vision. Don’t forget, the money belongs to the boss after all. , He will not have this action."

Lin Chen glanced at Tang Xin and smiled gratefully.

"Mr Tang is right, everyone, I'm not sure, I won't let you buy Japanese yen, don't forget, if the investment fails, you are just looking for another job, but I will jump off the building."

When Lin Chen said this, the others burst into laughter.

Yes, they are just small clerks. Although they have to operate billions of dollars in a while, the money is not theirs after all, but Lin Chen's.

They only need to resign if they fail, but Lin Chen will go bankrupt as a result, and even bear huge debts. No one will joke about his future, so Lin Chen must have his intention to do this.

At 10 o'clock in the morning of island country time, Dongjing Stock Exchange.

This is the time for securities trading, and the exchange is crowded.

Trader Shimada was holding the phone in one hand and making records in the other, and kept his mouth "Hi, Hi, Hi".

When he hung up the phone, a strange expression suddenly appeared on Shimada's face.

The call just now was from his boss, telling him to operate an account and buy Japanese yen worth a billion dollars.

It's weird. At this time, someone will buy Japanese yen with US dollars?

At present, the exchange rate of the U.S. dollar to the yen is 82.97 yen per U.S. dollar. Compared with the closing price yesterday, it has fallen several points. Although the magnitude is not large, in the long run, the yen has continued to fall for more than ten days. , Any economic expert can see that the general trend after the yen will be a long-term decline.

So he was very puzzled that some people would buy yen at this time. If it is not a business need, wouldn't it be better to buy US dollars?

Although surprised, Shimada just thought about it for a few seconds and then left the matter behind. As a trader on the busiest stock exchange in the world, Shimada's work is never finished, but there is no time to waste. Thinking about things.

But a few seconds later, this commission was completed by him.

Similar situations are actually happening everywhere on the exchange, and many traders suddenly discovered that a large amount of money is buying yen.

However, compared with the huge Japanese yen market, billions of dollars in transactions are amazing, but they are not uncommon, so most people are just surprised for a while and forget about it.

The time lasted until 1 pm, in the trading room of Stardust Investment.

Lin Chen heard Tang Xin's report: "Lin Chen, we have now spent 54 billion U.S. dollars and bought 4,482 billion Japanese yen."

Tang Xin's tone was particularly solemn.

Because during this period, the yen has fallen by 5 points.

For every drop, they lose 5.4 million U.S. dollars, so Stardust Investment has lost more than 27 million U.S. dollars so far!Nearly 2 billion Chinese Yuan!

It was only a few hours, and they had lost so much. If they continued, Tang Xin could not imagine the final result.

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