Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter One Hundred and Seventy Three: Add 20 million, no more

Soon after the voice of the emcee fell, the music on the stage changed.

Immediately afterwards, a 9-meter-long Big Mac slowly drove out of the backstage and stopped at the specially arranged booth.

Amidst the excitement of applause, the car door opened, and a ghost got out of the car first. He waved to everyone in the audience, and then took out a thin white hand from the car.

At this moment, a scream broke out at the scene.



"Miss Roland!"

There seemed to be many Gu Luolan fans on the scene, and some people waved with Gu Luolan's support card.

In their cheers, the figure that Lin Chen almost forgot, slowly got out of the car.

Long curled hair, an egg-like face, and slender eyebrows are matched with a white dress that sets off the tall figure.

Today's Gu Luolan is gorgeous, she is simply a superb stunner.

Just her appearance has nearly doubled the audience.

"Wow, is Gu Luolan so popular?"

"You don't know this, Gu Luolan is now a first-line actress! She has a lot of TV dramas in the second half of the year alone, and of course her popularity is booming!"

"I heard that Gu Luolan's divorce was initiated by her ex-husband? I really don't know if her ex-husband's brain was shot, and she would let this stunner go?"

"That is, if I can marry Gu Luolan, so that I can only live for one year, I am willing!"

The comments of others continued to sound.

In fact, Gu Luolan today is very beautiful.

Since the news of the divorce with Lin Chen was exposed by reporters, Gu Luolan’s star journey has not been affected too much. On the contrary, it is because of her singleness and the strong and independent personality created by the team behind her. More vigorous popularity.

This can be seen from the crazy audience below.

However, don't look at Gu Luolan on the stage with a smile at the moment, but in fact she is in a bad mood today.

Because according to the original plan, she was actually going to endorse another brand of sports car. That brand is more famous and the cars underneath are more high-end.

Unlike Cadillac, the business atmosphere is too strong.

But there is no way, who asked her to be the endorsement that she had talked about, she was suddenly robbed by a Moss Island actress.

Although Gu Luolan is now very popular, she is a divorced actress after all. Taking this into consideration, the manufacturer finally chose the Moss Island female.

This made Gu Luolan very angry.

To make matters worse, just before, the Cadillac DTS presidential model she was riding in was booked by a coal boss.

As the spokesperson of this model, Gu Luolan had to meet the coal boss. The greed in his eyes made Gu Luolan feel sick.

A soil bun!Wait for me!

When I go back to see Wu Shao, let him take care of you!The toad still wants to eat the hawk moth meat, and doesn't take a picture of itself by soaking in urine?

By the way, where is Wu Shao?Didn't he say he will come today?

Thinking of what Wu Hui had said on the phone yesterday, Gu Luolan couldn't help but glance down a few more times to see if Wu Hui was in the audience.

At this moment, Lin Chen saw Gu Luolan on the stage looking around under the stage, and took the sunglasses with him.

"Huh? Boss, can you still see on stage with sunglasses?" Lei Long asked strangely.

Lin Chen said lightly, "It's none of your business, by the way, is this the official car you chose?"

"Yes, boss." Mentioned this car, Lei Long said with excitement: "Boss, this car is the twin brother of the presidential car on the other side of the ocean. Except for the body is not bulletproof, some unnecessary protective measures have been removed. The rest of this car is almost exactly the same as the car used by the current president!"

"You guys..." Lin Chen shook his head a little funny: "Your bodyguard car uses the presidential bodyguard car, and even my car also uses the presidential car. Do you want me to be the president?"

Lei Long chuckled, "Boss, don't you think the car we picked before is not domineering? Now you can't say anything? Is there any car in the world that is more domineering than the president's equipment?"

"Well, you succeeded in persuading me. Let's go, go to their person in charge, just buy the car, and the one just now!"


Lei Long agreed and immediately let his two subordinates clear the way in front, so that Lin Chen could approach the booth to find Cadillac's people.

"excuse me!"

Two of Lei Long's men were tall and powerful, and they pushed the people in front of them aside without any effort.

"What the hell? First come first..." The person who was pushed away turned his head to curse, but when he looked back to see Lin Chen's bodyguard, he swallowed his stomach again.

In this way, Lin Chen and his party conspicuously squeezed a way among the crowded audience.

Because the movements were too conspicuous, Gu Luolan, who was speaking on stage, noticed them without surprise.

Then, Gu Luolan who was speaking suddenly got stuck.

Because, she unexpectedly discovered that the man with sunglasses, surrounded by several bodyguards, was actually similar to her ex-husband Lin Chen?

Lin Chen?

impossible!How could that man have a bodyguard?

Moreover, Lin Chen is just a dick, how does he resemble the young man below, a domineering president?

Just then, the emcee on stage called Gu Luolan, and when she recovered, Lin Chen and the others had already left.

Gu Luolan only thought that she was wrong, and didn't think about it anymore.

However, at the end of Gu Luolan’s speech, according to the order of the rehearsal, it was the turn of Cadillac’s head of China, that is, the ghost who came on stage with Gu Luolan to speak, the ghost was suddenly caught by a staff member. Called backstage.

The plan was disrupted, and the embarrassing emcee could only temporarily change the plan to save the field, while Gu Luolan was a little curious, what caused the ghost to rush back, could it be that something happened?

Gu Luolan didn't know that Lin Chen was negotiating with the person in charge of the ghost at the backstage of Cadillac's exhibition.

Hearing that Lin Chen planned to buy the presidential model on stage, the person in charge of Gui Lao immediately showed embarrassment.

"Sir, I'm really sorry, this car has been shipped to China at present, and it has been booked in advance." The person in charge of Gui Lao said regretfully.

Lin Chen listened, but looked calm: "Since it's a reservation, it means it hasn't been sold yet. You just said that the car is sold for 18 million. That's OK, I can buy it at an increase of 10 million."

"Sir, Cadillac is a professionally ethical company. Since this car has been booked by customers, we cannot change it. If you really want it, I can ask the company to order one for you. What do you think?"

"How long will it take?"

"About half a year will do."

Half a year?

Lin Chen couldn't wait so long. Fortunately, he had been to Las Vegas and knew the temper of these ghosts, so he said directly: "I add 1 million, and this car is for me!"

"Sir, this is a question of integrity, we promise..."

"2 million!" Lin Chen raised two fingers.

"Sir, please understand..."

"3 million!" Lin Chen raised three fingers.

This time, the person in charge of Gui Lao waited with eyes widened.

Although he did not speak, Lin Chen continued to increase the price: "10 million!"

Ten million?

The person in charge of Gui Lao hesitated. For a car with an original price of less than 10 million yuan, an additional 10 million yuan?In contrast, it seems that the company’s failure to trust others has become less important.

Gui Lao was still hesitating, Lin Chen was already impatient, he still had other cars to see, and said directly: "I can add 20 million, no more!"

"Twenty million?!" This can almost buy two presidential models!

The person in charge of Gui Lao smiled greedily, and immediately said: "Sir! Thank you for your love and support of our brand! This car is yours!

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