The morning after the premiere of "Xun Qin Biography".

In a high-end villa complex in the East China Sea.

In the European-style bedroom, a man and a woman are sleeping soundly on a big bed.

The two of them were Wu Hui and Gu Luolan.

Suddenly, the phone rang quickly.

The men and women on the bed did not respond.

But the phone ringing didn't stop, instead it continued to ring again and again. Finally, Gu Luolan who was lying on the bed was awakened first. She looked at the phone and found that it was Wu Hui's, so she pushed him.

"Wu Shao, your phone rang."

Wu Shao said in a daze: "Whose phone call, don't answer, I want to sleep for a while."

Gu Luolan turned over, picked up Wu Hui's phone and glanced at it: "Huh? Wu Shao, it says Old Dao."


Old knife?

Wu Hui finally opened his eyes, grabbed the phone, and then connected.

"What's so urgent?"

"Wu Shao, yesterday was the premiere of "Xun Qin Biography"..."

"The Legend of Xun Qin? What the hell is that?"

"A Hong Kong movie..."

"Old Dao, I paid you to investigate Lin Chen for me! Why did you tell me about a Hong Kong movie early in the morning? You won't give me an explanation, believe it or not, I have someone stripped of your skin! "

When he heard the words "Lin Chen", Gu Luolan, who was already lying down and about to take a beauty nap, suddenly opened his eyes and sat up from the bed, not even caring about the spring light on his body.

"Ha ha ha, Shao Wu is really angry about getting up. I mentioned that movie, of course it has something to do with Lin Chen." On the phone, the person called Lao Dao was calm and joking.

Hearing him said that the movie was related to Lin Chen, Wu Hui gradually calmed down: "It is related to Lin Chen? Didn't you say that it was a Hong Kong movie? How could it be related to Lin Chen?"

"Wu Shao, there was an easter egg at the end of that movie. It was a special thanks. It mentioned special thanks to Lin Chen."

"Thank Lin Chen? What is going on?" Wu Hui suddenly became curious.

"I have checked it, and it seems that Lin Chen has invested in this movie."

"Investment? One of my mother's poor cock also plays movies? How much did he invest?"

"Five hundred million Hong Kong dollars..."

"What?" Wu Hui thought he might have just woke up, and hallucinations appeared in his ears, "You say it again, what is it?"

"Five hundred million Hong Kong dollars."

"Five hundred million Hong Kong dollars?"

Gu Luolan also covered her mouth: "500 million Hong Kong dollars?"

In the film industry, the investment of 500 million Hong Kong dollars is not a small sum!

Gu Luolan really became more confused. Where did Lin Chen get the money. He only spent more than 100 million on a car a few days ago, and now he actually took another 500 million Hong Kong dollars to invest in movies?

Is this the Lin Chen she knows?

Wu Hui took a deep breath, changed the posture of answering the phone, and asked, "What does that movie say? Will it hit the street?"

"I'm afraid it will be difficult." Lao Dao said on the phone: "Last night was the premiere of the movie, and the attendance was good. It is now the second largest box office in yesterday's box office. The first is a Hollywood blockbuster. But this morning there is already good multimedia. The reports were all well received, and many media reprinted them."

"I asked. Someone was spending money to promote this movie, and those media reporters and film critics received big red envelopes."

After finishing the call with Lao Dao, Wu Hui immediately turned on the computer in the room and searched the Internet.

"Unforgettable travel through blockbusters, classic novels reappear on the big screen!"

"Shocking special effects, Gu Tsai's director virgin is unexpected!"

"A rare domestic war drama!"

"For real big productions, domestic films can also make epic dramas!"

Lao Dao is right, and there are indeed media reports about "Xun Qin Biography" everywhere on the Internet.

From portal sites to Weibo to film review sites, you can see good reviews of "Xun Qin Biography" everywhere.

It seems to be huge and rave reviews.

In addition to those good reviews, Wu Hui also saw the hot search related to Lin Chen on Weibo.

"Who is Lin Chen?"

Wu Hui's mouth twitched, and he just glanced at it, and he knew that Old Dao was right. There was indeed a special thanks to Lin Chen in the movie.

Since Lao Dao has confirmed, then this Lin Chen should be the one he hates most.

With the previous media praise, plus the hype about Lin Chen's identity.

If this continues, I'm afraid it won't take long for this movie to top the box office.

At that time, Lin Chen, as an investor, will probably make a fortune.

Wu Hui has invested several steps in the movie, and it is natural to see the future possibilities of the movie "Xun Qin Chuan" at a glance.

As an old actor, Gu Luolan at the side can naturally see it.

"Wu Shao, this..."

"Huh! That kid dared to invest in the film industry, he doesn't know how deep the water is here!"

Wu Hui hugged Gu Luolan and sneered while he tossed him with his hands: "Look at it, I will teach that kid a good lesson and tell him that movie circles are not that easy to mix up. I want to let him This kid has lost his money this time!"

When Wu Hui was preparing to attack "The Legend of the Qin", in Suite 1 of the Peninsula Hotel Apartment, Zhiling was sleeping in bed Zhengxiang.

Lin Chen sat by the bed, looking at the phone.

Zhiling was very active last night, and the two played new tricks. Therefore, this morning, Zhiling slept without accident.

Lin Chen did not sleep late, but got up at nine o'clock and looked at the phone.

He is watching online reviews related to "Xun Qin Chuan". After all, he is also an investor in the film and needs to pay the necessary attention to the film.

Although it was only one night, the word-of-mouth of Xun Qin Chuan has fermented, and the Internet has received rave reviews.

Of course Lin Chen knew that part of it was the navy invited by Fang Han, but in addition to those professional media, there were also many spontaneous praise propaganda from the audience.

In Douban Movies, "Xun Qin Chuan" scored 9.3 points!

On Weibo, the topic of "Xun Qin Biography" has ranked first in the hot search list.

But everyone who has watched it is blowing up this movie.

These are all spontaneous propaganda by the audience, and have nothing to do with the navy arranged by Fang Han.

In addition to these, what made Lin Chen feel dumbfounded is that he himself also contributed to the promotion of "Xun Qin Chuan".

Because the topic of "Who is Lin Chen" on Weibo is now ranked third, which is only two different from the topic of "Xun Qin Biography" itself.

Sure enough, after seeing Gu Tsai's special thanks yesterday, Lin Chen knew that he might not be able to keep a low profile anymore.

Fortunately, it's just a name, and it doesn't have a big impact on your privacy.

After watching the promotion, Lin Chen checked the box office again.

From last night to now, the box office of "Xun Qin Chuan" has exceeded 200 million!

This data has set a record for Hong Kong films' first-day box office in the Mainland!

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