Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 191 The Usage of Success Rate

Seeing this completely one-sided bad review, Fang Han was completely panicked. He was responsible for the publication of "Xun Qin Chuan". If something goes wrong, it is naturally his responsibility.

He quickly called himself to invite the team responsible for the propaganda work, and finally got news from them. It turned out that the bad reviews on the Internet turned out to be maliciously hacking "Xun Qin Chuan"!

Is this okay?

Fang Han is still young after all. After knowing the news, he immediately panicked. They are just a movie. How could anyone hack them?And it's so dark?

In panic, Fang Han naturally thought of Lin Chen.

In his heart, the current dilemma, I am afraid that only Lin Chen can solve it.

Next, there was the scene of Fang Han eagerly calling Lin Chen.

While Fang Han was explaining things on the Internet, Lin Chen had also turned on the computer in the room and saw the scary bad reviews on the Internet.

Such extensive abuse and slander, as well as the ultra-low scores on film review websites, are indeed the work of the navy.

"Fangzi, I already know the matter, don't worry, I will solve it."

"Really? That's great, Brother Lin, I'll beg you for everything."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Chen was about to think about countermeasures when he found Zhiling standing by his side, looking down at the bad reviews.

"Who did this? That's disgusting!" Zhiling looked angrily.

As someone in the entertainment industry, she naturally knows how badly these malicious negative reviews have on a movie.

Many people say gold, accumulate and destroy bones.

The power of these naval forces is sometimes not lost at all by the regular media.

It is even more powerful than the media.

The first movie that Zhiling participated in was the jealousy of some actresses in the circle. She felt that she was just a model and was not qualified to become a heroine at once, so she found someone to maliciously hack her on the Internet.

On the Internet at that time, there was a lot of bad reviews about that movie. Many people were still interested in the movie, but they were dispelled by the swearing on the Internet and the ultra-low ratings and bad reviews on film review websites. The idea of ​​watching movies.

After going back and forth, the movie by Zhi Ling hit the street directly.

Although there was also a reason for the poor quality of the movie itself, it is undeniable that the navy at that time did a great deal of harm to this movie, and it was the same for Zhiling. It took her several years before she took over the new movie.

Therefore, Zhiling reminded Lin Chen from his own experience: "My dear, you must find a way quickly, otherwise, after these bad reviews ferment and produce a chain reaction, it will affect the theater, and everything will be too late."

Lin Chen nodded.

He knows that time is tight and the situation is grim.

Because Gu Tsai’s "Xun Qin Chuan" has no big stars and cannot attract large traffic, word-of-mouth is very important. If the word-of-mouth is not good, it may affect the number of viewers in the future, resulting in poor box office.

And if the box office is not good, then the theater will not hesitate to reduce the schedule, giving other movies pain.

When this point is reached, even if they recover their reputation, it will be too late.

Therefore, Lin Chen must act as soon as possible.

But how should we deal with things like the navy?

It seems that real technology must be used again.

Lin Chen flexed his muscles and stood up.

Afterwards, in Zhiling's strange eyes, he called Lei Long and the others and asked them to come to his side.

Soon after, everyone was concentrated in Lin Chen's living room.

After finishing talking about the trouble he was facing, Lin Chen gave each of them pen and paper, and then said, "Everyone, I hope each of you will at least think of a solution to this crisis for me."

"Huh?" Lei Long and the others were stunned.

"Boss, we don't understand anything about the entertainment industry."

"Yes, boss, we used to be a group of soldiers. I have heard of the navy for the first time."

Lin Chen shook his head and said, "It's okay. You can think about it anyway. There is no problem with whimsical things. I agree with the old saying that three heads are worthy of Zhuge Liang. There are eight of us here. I think I can think of a good idea."

Zhiling frowned. He didn't understand why Lin Chen would do this kind of thing at this time. Can he figure out a way just by relying on a few of their bodyguards and two of them?

However, under Lin Chen's insistence, everyone had no choice but to follow suit.

After ten minutes of contemplation, a group of people finally wrote something out.

Lin Chen collected their thoughts and looked at it roughly.

Find someone to fight back.

Expose those people as navy.

Intensify propaganda and tear each other with the navy.

These are relatively normal, and they are what Zhiling thought of.

Find someone to kill the navy and kill the chickens and monkeys directly.

Call the police.


Blew up the website.

These... At first glance, Lei Long and his bodyguards came up with it.

But no matter how nonsensical the thoughts were, Lin Chen didn't say anything. He needed ideas now, and the more ideas the better.

Finally, after everyone had finished writing, Lin Chen put the paper full of methods in front of him.

Then, the ability is activated!

The probability that these methods may succeed is...

With his own ability, Lin Chen began to calculate all the possibilities at the same time.

So the numbers appeared on these papers, and then...


Lin Chen's eyes suddenly lit up, and he found a way with a success rate of 90%!

He picked it up and saw that this method was... to buy the navy!

Lin Chen smiled.

You are the one.

Just how to buy the navy?

Lin Chen didn't think too much, but took out his mobile phone and turned on the communication rate.

He couldn't do anything like buying the navy.

But he believed that some people he knew would be able to do this.

Otherwise, this method of buying off the navy would not have such a high success rate.

In my address book, the probability that everyone can help me buy the navy is...

Boss Bao, Boss Li, Boss Liu, Su Ningyu, Tang Xin...

Lin Chen's gaze swept across every name in the address book.

Finally, an unexpected name fell into his eyes.

I didn't expect that I would need this help this time?

A faint smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and Lin Chen pressed the dial button.


"Xun Qin Biography" is over!

Wu Hui triumphantly looked at the negative reviews on the screen, smoking a cigarette while enjoying Gu Luolan's head massage behind him.

"Wu Shao, you are amazing! With so many bad reviews and low scores, no one will want to watch that movie anymore."

"Hehe, even if you teach Lin Chen a lesson this time, let him know the methods in the entertainment circle, only you can't think of it, no one can't do it."

"Yeah, that Lin Chen wanted to get involved in the entertainment industry. He really suspected that he had nowhere to spend his money. It's a pity that Gu Tsai was implicated by him."

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