Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 194 The Box Office Miracle

Although he lost to Lin Chen again, Wu Hui was really not half a bucket of water in terms of his understanding of the entertainment market.

Because as he expected, just one afternoon after the release of this Weibo, the situation has changed 180 degrees.

The headlines of the Weibo hot search list were immediately occupied by "the most hypocritical celebrity guy"!

Relying on this eye-catching headline, the Weibo All-Star Tent attracted countless people's reprints.

Many people were just curious at first, thinking that a low-key Guzai had something wrong with this time.

But after I clicked it, I discovered that the All-Star Detective made a title party this time.

However, after reading Weibo, many people feel that the title party of the All-Star Quest is really good!

If it weren't for this title party, I am afraid that many people would not know that the big star Gu Tsai in their minds had done so many good things in private!

This year, star charity is commonplace. Every year, various charity dinners are held in the name of charity. For these dinners, countless stars compete to participate.

However, after the dinner, no one knew how much charity these stars did and how much they donated.

The media are always concerned about the costumes of the stars at the charity dinner. As for the charity nature of the dinner, no one has ever mentioned it.

So in the impression of many people, any charity activities linked to celebrities will always be selling dog meat under the head of a sheep. A truly charitable artist may not be found under a lantern.

But this time, people's prejudices were broken.

It turns out that there are really celebrities who are down to earth and doing charity!

And this person is the lead actor and director of "Xun Qin Chuan", Gu Zai!

However, because the source is a paparazzi, many people still have doubts about this news, and wonder if this is another hype in "Xun Qin Chuan".

After all, the Internet today is too lively. Before this day has passed, several hot searches related to "Xun Qin Biography" appeared one after another.

People would think that Gu Tsai’s charity news this time is hype and human nature.

But this suspicion was finally completely broken after a central media official Weibo also named and praised Gu Zai's charity.

"Have you seen it? Central Media's Weibo reposted the Weibo written by All-Star! I also liked it!"

"What? Central media have all transferred? So Gu Zai really used all the money he earned to build the school?"

"Damn, this is too good? I heard that Gu Tsai has built 28 schools now? Fuck! He can build more schools than other celebrities in China combined?"

"So the All-Stars are right! Gu Zai is a man who can only be dark by the sun!"

"No! I'm going to watch "Xun Qin Chuan"! Gu Zai is such a good person! I owe him a movie ticket!"

"I only know now that Gu Tsai built a school in my hometown! I also want to watch "Xun Qin Chuan"!"

"I even posted before saying that "The Legend of Xun Qin" might be a junk film. I'm going to buy three movie tickets to make up for it! Gu Tsai, I was wrong!"

This kind of thought does not just happen to a few people, but many people who have watched this Weibo have this thought. They are not because they want to watch the movie "Xun Qin Chuan", but just because they want Thanks to Gu Tsai’s charity, and going to the cinema to support his directorial debut.

That night, a new topic appeared in the hot search on Weibo.

"I owe Gu Zai a movie ticket!"


"Lin Sheng, did you post the Weibo of the all-star detective on the Internet?"

A few days later, Gu Zai called Lin Chen, "Xingshi asks the crime".

When receiving the call, Lin Chen admitted with a smile: "It's me, and besides solar energy black him, he really doesn't have black spots on his body or I think, Gu Zai, do you like it?"

"Lin Sheng, you are embarrassing me. I didn't want to let others know about doing charity." Gu Zai smiled bitterly, "And, when it comes to charity, you are no worse than me."

"But I am the boss, and you are the star." Lin Chen apologized: "I also know what you think, but I'm sorry. This is also for the needs of this movie promotion. Who asked you to add a sentence after the movie? Thanks? We'll make a peace."

"Okay... In short, Lin Sheng, thank you! Without your help, this movie could not be as successful as it is now! You didn't come to the final celebration banquet last time. You must come this time celebration banquet!" Gu Zai said excitedly.

"Haha, okay! We won't be drunk by the time!" Lin Chen said.

"This is what you said, not drunk or returning!"

After speaking, Gu Zai hung up.

Although there were complaints on the phone just now, in fact, Gu Tsai came to announce the good news.

After experiencing the Internet public opinion turmoil on the second day of the premiere, Gu Tsai's "Xun Qin Chuan" finally lifted the clouds to see the sky, and Lin Chen's constant moves ushered in a box office counterattack.

Moreover, because of this wave of public opinion, the recognition of "Xun Qin Biography" among the audience has been improved.

Many audiences who were not interested in movies and original works were attracted to the cinema because of this.

The continuous increase in the number of movie viewers has also forced the filming rate of "Xun Qin Biography" to increase.

At the beginning, due to the cross theme of "Xun Qin Chuan" and the attributes of the Hong Kong film, the cinemas were not very optimistic about the film’s box office. Only 15% of the film was arranged. By the next day, because of the Internet For the bad reviews, the theaters also once made the plan to jump to 13% of the films.

However, immediately afterwards, public opinion reversed, and Gu Zai’s Weibo detonated new public opinion. Suddenly, there was a big wave of watching "Xun Qin Chuan" in the theaters. At night, almost every theater was showing it. Qin Chuan's sessions were full!

The theater line that reacted immediately began to increase the platoon.

On the second day of its release, 15% of the filming of "Xun Qin Chuan" was the same as the first day.

However, on the third day afterwards, the lineup of "Xun Qin Biography" reached 20% all at once.

On the fourth day, 25%.

On the fifth day, 30%!

Accompanied by the platoon rate like a jump, it is a box office that takes off like a rocket.

On the fifth day of its release, the box office of "Xun Qin Chuan" has exceeded 1.2 billion, setting a record of the fastest box office growth in the history of Hong Kong films. The professional media's estimate of the future box office of "Xun Qin Chuan" has already Reached a staggering 4 billion!

If this result is achieved, it will be the highest box office of China Films so far.

This is simply a box office miracle!

It was precisely because of this that Gu Zai specifically called to tell Lin Chen good news.

Gu Zai knew very well that without Lin Chen and his subsequent hype, "Xun Qin Chuan" might not have reached such a height!

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