Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 198 New Movie and Blood Wolf 2

Lin Chen asked Zhiling to find Angela, and this time he brought Zhiling, on the one hand as a female companion, and on the other hand, he wanted Zhiling to talk to Angela about joining the new company.

And he himself, Gu Zai and Fang Han came to a dining table and sat down.

After seated, Gu Zi smiled and picked up a bottle of red wine, filled Lin Chen a glass, and he poured it himself.

"Lin Sheng, this time "Xun Qin Chuan" is really hot. Many famous directors failed to make it at the box office. They even let me do it. But I know that there was no such thing as you and Fang Sheng. Investment, "Xun Qin Chuan" can not make this step. Lin Sheng, Fang Sheng, this cup, I respect you!"

After Gu Zai said, he raised his glass and drank it.

Fang Han smiled at the side, and raised his wine glass, and said to Lin Chen and Gu Zai: "Brother Lin, Gu Zai! I also want to respect you. Without you, I am still a spoiled son! It's up to you to give me a chance to raise my head in front of my parents! I also toast you!"

Putting down the wine glass, Gu Zai said: "Lin Chen, although the first part of "Xun Qin Chuan" has not been released yet, I am ready to shoot the second part. This time I plan to shoot two or three parts in a row. Investment is possible It will be a bit big."

"Money is not a problem, just speak up."

Gu Zai smiled: "Now, this is what you said, when you ask for money, don't you deny it!"

"Guzai, don't forget to count me too! We are still the same, how about I covered the publicity fee for you?"

"no problem."

"That's right..." Speaking of investment, Lin Chen has something to say in advance: "Gu Zai, this time I will invest through Zhiling's new company. Then you will find someone to contact her directly."

"Ms. Zhiling's new company? I seem to have heard of it. It is called Chenling Entertainment, right?"

Seeing Lin Chen nodding, Gu Tsai was a little surprised and couldn't help smirking, "Lin Sheng, you really have you!"

Lin Chen smiled and accepted Gu Zai's compliment.

At this moment, his eyes suddenly caught a man walking towards them.

"Mr. Lin, can you toast you?"

"Wu Jing?"

Lin Chen stood up immediately and had a drink with Wu Jing.

Wu Jing was taken aback for a while, a little surprised that Lin Chen was refreshed, but he immediately recovered, and then had a drink with Lin Chen.

"Come on, let's do it together." Lin Chen greeted Wu Jing and sat beside him.

Chinese actor, Hong Kong Island, his favorite is Gu Zai, the mainland is Wu Jing.

Now that these two of his favorite actors were sitting next to him, Lin Chen was a little excited.

"Mr. Lin, I heard Gu Zai said that you recommended him to come to me? Did we know each other before?"

After sitting down, Wu Jing asked.

"Of course not, but I like your movie very much, and that "Blood Wolf" is very good." Lin Chen said.

When Lin Chen mentioned "Blood Wolf", Wu Jing's expression was a little sad.

Because the movie "Blood Wolf" is the pain that Wu Jing doesn't want to mention at the moment.

At the beginning, Wu Jing invested a lot in this movie, and for this reason, she also joined the army for a year and a half of military training, but in the end, the movie "Blood Wolf" came to an end.

For this reason, Wu Jing also suffered from the cynicism of others.

"I didn't expect Mr. Lin to like that movie? That box office was terrible. I thought few people had seen it.

Lin Chen has seen the experience of "Blood Wolf" in this world, and he said: "The box office is not necessarily linked to the quality of the film. I think that the film was cold, there are actually two reasons."

"Two reasons?"

Wu Jing froze for a moment: "Mr. Lin, can you tell me?"

"Of course." Lin Chen said calmly, "The first reason is that your movie was released too early."


"Yes, your movie was made two years ago. At that time, the society did not pay much attention to patriotic films. On the one hand, it was because patriotic films had already had a stereotyped influence, and they felt old-fashioned and boring. On the one hand, it was also because at that time our Huaxia was not strong and people in society generally had an inferiority complex and felt that our Huaxia people could not compare with foreign countries."

"But if you shoot this movie now, things will be much better."

Lin Chen was not talking nonsense that Wu Jing in this world didn't know what she thought. He actually shot "Blood Wolf" in 2009. As a result, the box office came to a violent death and almost made Wu Jing because of The movie went bankrupt.

But in fact, in Lin Chen’s previous life, although the first part of "Blood Wolf" was far less successful than the second part, it had already made Wu Jing a lot of money, and therefore she planned to shoot the second part. .

So in Lin Chen's view, "Blood Wolf" in this life can only be said to be untimely, and it was shot too early.

"The second reason is that the original "Blood Wolf" was not properly promoted. As I said earlier, the society did not pay much attention to patriotic films. If you want everyone to enter the cinema, you must compare Ordinary movies are more intensively publicized, but it is obvious that you did not do that back then."

Wu Jing looked helpless and said: "Mr. Lin, you don't know. I borrowed money to make that movie at the time. The military equipment in it was provided to me by the army for free. I really didn't have the money to make too much. Announcing..."

"Yes, so this is why you failed later, not because your movie was bad, but because there were too many off-site factors."

Wu Jing shook her head and looked at Gu Tsai with envy: "Mr. Lin, you don't know how envious I was when I heard Gu Tsai talk about your investment in the first place. If I could meet you then Well, as long as there are enough publicity costs, "Blood Wolf" may really be successful."

"I think, maybe you don't have to regret it. Although "Blood Wolf" is too late, if you plan to make a sequel, I can invest."

"Mr. Lin, would you like to invest?" Wu Jing was taken aback, and then smiled: "Mr. Lin, stop joking. Now that other investors can't hide from me, you are not afraid to invest in me. I will shoot another one. Come on the street? Forget it, Mr. Lin, I am already very happy that you have this intention."

"I'm serious." Lin Chen said, "Unless you tell me, you don't plan to make a sequel at all?"

"I..." Wu Jing hesitated, "Of course I do! Tell you the truth, Mr. Lin, at the beginning of this year, our country was evacuation of overseas Chinese in Syria. I was thinking when I saw this news, How good is it to be able to arrange this into a movie? So I looked for the screenwriter of "Blood Wolf" at the time, and two people worked on a script together. But the script came out, but I found that it was impossible to make it because it was already No one is willing to invest in me..."

"Is the script still there? Can you show it to me?" Lin Chen said.

On the side, Gu Tsai and Fang Han also came to be interested.

Wu Jing was stared at by three people and hesitated for a long time: "I'm sorry, Mr. Lin, how could I carry the script now, but I remember the general story of the script. If you want to listen, I can tell you."

"Talk about it!" Lin Chen ordered immediately.

Wu Jing gave a wry smile, and probably said the script in his mind.

Hearing the familiar plot ringing in his ears, Lin Chen, as a person who had watched movies in the previous life, couldn’t tell where it was. The sequel plot in Wu Jing’s mouth was surprisingly from the sensational Blood Wolf 2 in the previous life Plot?

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