Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 203 Anti-Wu Hui Alliance

Zhao Wenxuan had been here before, and led Lin Chen into the room on the left with ease.

There are rows of different styles of menswear, and each style has at least five full-size styles.

"Brother Lin, pick whatever you want. These are free."

Lin Chen took one casually, and found that any one here was a famous brand, and it took at least tens of thousands to put one outside, but it was placed randomly like a uniform.

Lin Chen chose a set of beach casual clothes for herself, which also contained a special changing room and wardrobe. The wardrobe needed to be opened with a membership card, so there was no need to worry about safety.

After the two changed their clothes, they took the elevator.

"There is a restaurant on the second floor. Let's eat a little bit first." Zhao Wenxuan said while pressing the elevator button.

"The second floor is the restaurant, where is the third floor?" Lin Chen asked.

"The third floor is the place to rest. There are private rooms. You can do whatever you want in it, chatting, watching movies, singing, playing cards and gambling, or even playing with women."

Lin Chen shrugged, losing interest in the third floor.

Upon seeing this, Zhao Wenxuan turned the topic to the restaurant again.

"Ge Lin, although he is not well-known outside, the restaurant here is actually the best place in Jeollanam-do. The chef here is the chef who was in charge of the Chinese food in the previous state banquet, and the western food is from overseas Michelin three-star hotels. Chef. Brother Lin, you can taste it later."

"Okay, I might be more interested in eating than women."

"Hahaha, then you are right."

In the joke room, the elevator opened.

Outside the door is a richly decorated corridor.

In the corridor, there are many glass covers everywhere, and inside are all kinds of artworks, including porcelain and Tang Sancai.

Lin Chen glanced casually, and found that these were all genuine products, each of which was at least several million.

On the walls of the corridor, there are many paintings of different styles, including Chinese paintings, oil paintings, and even modern paintings.

Lin Chen doesn't know whose works these are, but under his calculation, every painting here is also invaluable.

The most expensive Chinese painting, the price is even more than 100 million!

Seeing Lin Chen stopped in front of a Chinese painting, Zhao Wenxuan asked, "Brother Lin, do you recognize this painting?"

Lin Chen shook his head: "I don't recognize it, but I think this painting will be very expensive."

Zhao Wenxuan gave a thumbs up: "Brother Lin, you really have a vision, this is Zhang Daqian's "Love Mark Lake"! The club only bought it last year, but it cost 108 million!"

As they spoke, the two of them opened their eyes instantly, and the restaurant on the second floor had arrived.

Compared to the empty downstairs, some figures were finally seen in the restaurant on the second floor.

Lin Chen could see people in twos and threes sitting around a dining table, talking and chatting, drinking and eating.

Lin Chen glanced at these people casually, suddenly a little dumbfounded.

At those tables, he actually saw several celebrities.

For example, Wang Laoshi, a well-known real estate businessman in the south, is having a meal with a middle-aged man wearing glasses, and that middle-aged man is one of the two horses of Lin Chen's first life, the head of the Penguin Company.

These two people were also members of the banquet.

Compared to the surprise in Lin Chen's heart, Zhao Wenxuan didn't pay much attention to the two people. It might be that they had seen too many in the club, no wonder.

Zhao Wenxuan was trying to find a place, when suddenly, someone in the distance called him: "Brother Zhao!"

When they heard the sound, they saw two young men waving at them.

Zhao Wenxuan saw it, smiled at the corner of his mouth, and said to Lin Chen, "Brother Lin, there are two of my friends over there. Let's sit down together?"

"of course can."

When the two approached, the two young men immediately stood up and greeted Zhao Wenxuan on their own initiative.

"Hello Brother Zhao!"

"Brother Zhao, are you coming over to play today?"

Don't look at Zhao Wenxuan nodding and bowing in front of Lin Chen, acquiescing to the younger brother, but still put on airs in front of the two.

" guys come to play today too?"

"Yeah, I heard that the yacht princess at night is very nice. We are both very interested. So are you, Brother Zhao?" A young man with dyed blond hair and earrings was talking. With a wretched smile on his face.

Another young fat man with a big belly pointed at Lin Chen and asked, "Brother Zhao, who is this guy? A fresh face."

"Presumptuous!" Zhao Wenxuan patted his finger off: "This is my Brother Lin! Do you dare to use your fingers?"

"Brother Lin?" The two people wondered, "I haven't heard of it."

Lin Chen introduced himself with a smile: "I am Lin Chen and I just became a member."

Zhao Wenxuan echoed from the side: "Brother Lin is from Donghai! You guys hurry up to say hello to Brother Lin!"

The studded youth and the little fat guy obviously looked forward to Zhao Wenxuan's head, and the studded youth immediately nodded and smiled: "Hello, Brother Lin, this is Han Li! Does Brother Lin smoke?"

"No, thank you." Lin Chen waved his hand.

The little fat man said, "Then sit down first. Brother Zhao, you guys are here for dinner too? Brother Lin, my name is Wu Xiaowei!"

Xiaowei?You are not young at all.

After the four people were seated, a waiter walked over immediately. Zhao Wenxuan and Lin Chen ordered a few dishes and sent the waiter away.

Zhao Wenxuan then said: "Brother Lin, these two guys are my friends. Han Li's family is engaged in electronic processing, and there are dozens of factories in his family. Xiaowei's house is on the theater line. The southern area except for Hong Kong Island Besides, all the theaters belong to their family."

Lin Chen nodded, and being able to enter the club naturally means that these two people have a very background at home, and it is true.

Zhao Wenxuan went on to say: "In addition, these two people have also fought Wu Hui with me before, so Brother Lin, we all have the same topic."

"Huh?" Wu Dawei cried out strangely, "Brother Zhao, you mean that Brother Lin and Wu Hui will not deal with it?"

"Some time ago, didn't someone on the Internet broke the news that Wu Hui was playing starlets on the street? That's your brother Lin doing it!" Zhao Wenxuan said proudly.

"Really? That's a coincidence!" Han Li said excitedly, "Brother Lin, you actually did that thing? What a beautiful job!"

"Yes! To tell you the truth, the two of us had quarreled with Wu Hui's boy before, and that guy is just a scrupulous person, and it makes you disgusting!"

According to Wu Xiaowei, it turns out that the two of them had met Wu Hui before to play in the club, and there was a quarrel at the time, so for Wu Hui, the two of them were very displeased. They both played with Zhao Wenxuan. The reason, at first, was because I saw Zhao Wenxuan bashing Wu Hui at the party.

Knowing that everyone has an antagonism with Wu Hui, the atmosphere at the table has also become easy-going.

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