Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 205 The Coal Boss Arrived

Things were really as he thought,

What a princess is not a princess, in fact, it sounds good, in essence, it's just a bad activity of a rich man.

Lin Chen had no interest after hearing this.

He wanted to directly refuse to go back, but looking at the three of Zhao Wenxuan, his expression was full of interest.

After thinking about it, Lin Chen decided to endure it first.

Although I am not interested in this kind of activity, Zhao Wenxuan and others do.

If they refuse to go, the three of them may not be angry with themselves, but they will be somewhat boring.

He didn't need to do such a sullen thing.

So, that's it, just open your eyes and watch those legendary, extravagant and rich activities.

When everyone came to the stage, everything on the scene had been arranged properly.

Looking at the well-arranged stage, neatly arranged audience seats, as well as the magnificent lights and deafening sound equipment, Lin Chen could hardly believe that there was still a beach with nothing but more than half an hour ago.

Sure enough, the power of money is amazing.

While thinking about it, Lin Chen and Zhao Wenxuan walked forward.

At this time, Wu Xiaowei stopped the two of them suddenly.

"Brother Lin, Brother Zhao! You have gone wrong, our position is behind!"

Han Li also explained: "Brother Lin, you don’t know when you come here for the first time. Whenever the Banquet Club engages in activities, the seats are arranged according to the membership level. However, there are no black gold members present today, so as long as they are platinum members, they can sit. front."

"Brother Zhao, I don't know if Brother Lin came for the first time, why would you forget?"

Zhao Wenxuan was so angry and funny. He was about to explain that Lin Chen was a platinum member and they could sit in front of him, but Lin Chen already said, "Really, let's just sit in the back."

"Brother Lin..."

Zhao Wenxuan wanted to say a few more words. Seeing that Lin Chen had already sat down with Han Li and the others, he had to walk over and sit with them.

"Brother Lin, you..."

Lin Chen interrupted him with a smile, "It's okay, it's a good location."

Zhao Wenxuan smiled helplessly.

After a while, some people came over one after another.

Moreover, the number is quite large.

In addition to the four of them, more than ten people came to the scene, among them there were a few rich people whose names Lin Chen had heard of.

Seeing the evil smiles of these people, Lin Chen couldn't help but sneer.

Sure enough, some people don't like to pretend to be high-minded, but the queen is not a good person at all.

Compared with these people, Wu Xiaowei and the others are more likable, at least they will not pretend to be high-minded, and they will not be the first to follow the other.

Just as Lin Chen was thinking about the matter, an arrogant laugh suddenly came from the side.

Lin Chen followed his reputation and saw a middle-aged man with a face of Chinese character and a big belly, weighing about two hundred jin, walking by.

The figure of this middle-aged man, Wu Xiaowei is insignificant compared to him.

I saw this middle-aged man with a cigar in one hand and a beautiful woman in the other. Behind him was a tall and thin man with a sharp-mouthed monkey cheek, as if he were his secretary.

Among the many members that came, this one appeared the most exaggerated.

"Fuck! Who is that? So arrogant?" Wu Xiaowei asked disdainfully.

Those who can come to the banquet club are high-class figures with a face and a face, and their style of behavior has naturally far exceeded that of ordinary upstarts, so few people are like this one. character.

"Don't pay attention to him, just a fool." Zhao Wenxuan looked disdainful.

Wu Xiaowei curiously asked: "Brother Zhao, do you know that person?"

"Yes. Li Zhonglin, the coal boss from Sanjin."

Zhao Wenxuan said it relaxed, but Wu Xiaowei and Han Li were taken aback.

"Li Zhonglin? So it was him?"

This Li Zhonglin, in fact, can no longer be described as a coal boss. He is the chairman of Sanjin Power Group. It is said that there are more than 80 coal mines under his name, with total assets of more than 10 billion, and he is a real billionaire.

Among the three, the Zhao family behind Zhao Wenxuan was able to stabilize him. As for the Wu family and the Han family, neither of them had this strength.

Han Li said strangely: "Brother Zhao, why are these three Jin's coal bosses coming to our southern capital? If you want to come to the club, isn't the northern capital club closer than our southern capital?"

"That guy is here to do things. He wants to take part in the gambling boat the club is preparing."

When Zhao Wenxuan said this, Wu Xiaowei and the others immediately understood.

At this time, Li Zhonglin, who had finished greeting others, walked to the front with his arms around the beauty and sat down in the position of a golden member.

Zhao Wenxuan retracted his gaze, and was about to continue talking about other things, but saw Lin Chen's gaze still fell on Li Zhonglin's side.

Zhao Wenxuan wondered: "Brother Lin, do you know the coal boss?"

Lin Chen recovered, shook his head and said, "He? I don't know. I'm looking at the beautiful woman next to him. Isn't that Tong Feiyan?"

Tong Feiyan is still a newcomer in the entertainment industry who has just debuted not long ago. At the beginning of this year, he became famous for a Gongdou opera.

Lin Chen never expected that he would see her on this occasion.


Zhao Wenxuan and the others are not surprised at all.

"Brother Lin, it's common to see female stars here." Wu Xiaowei also said.

Han Li said, "Brother Lin, there must be stars among the fifteen yacht princesses in a while. If you are interested in celebrities, pick one of your own in a while?"

Lin Chen shook his head, he was just a little curious, how could an actress with a decent prospect appear here.

Especially based on his understanding of Tong Feiyan in his previous life, this female star doesn't seem to be the kind of person who can be taken care of by someone, so he feels a little strange.

As for choosing a female star for myself...

Haha, once enjoyed Zhiling's gentleness, ordinary celebrities can no longer see him.

As everyone talked, all the members who participated in this event today seemed to have entered, and the music on the stage immediately began to sound.

Immediately afterwards, a female host walked out, and Lin Chen listened to Han Li excitedly talking, only to realize that the female host was not an ordinary emcee, but a famous female host on Nandu TV. , But was invited by the Banquet Club to host this kind of activity.

"Good evening, distinguished members. Welcome to the Yacht Princess event tonight. Please allow me to introduce you to the rules of this event first."

"For this event, the Banquet Club selected fifteen yacht princesses for you. These princesses have their own characteristics and all have talents."

"In a while, these fifteen princesses will perform for you one by one."

"When the performance is over, you can start to raise your placards. The highest bidder will have the right to go out on a yacht with the princess and spend the night at sea.

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