Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 313 The New Starting Point of Huawei Mobile

When Lin Chen said it, the girls on both sides suddenly fell silent.

Tyler's eyes widened and he looked up at Ivanka in disbelief.

It is very rare for a couple to not applaud for love for a month. Has the relationship between the Ivankas been like this for half a year?

Tyler felt as if he knew something extraordinary.

But Ivanka looked surprised: "You, how did you know?"

She deliberately asked a very private question just now. She felt that it was impossible for Lin Chen to know, but she didn't expect Lin Chen to say it accurately, which was simply difficult for Ivanka to understand.

"I calculated it." Lin Chen said with a smile, "Do you want me to count something else?"

Ivanka poured herself a glass of wine, and then asked: "I... I have a pet dog in my house. Do you know her name?"

Lin Chen smiled and dipped his finger into the wine, then wrote on the bar table: "Lucy".

Although Lin Chen didn't understand Bird Language, Bird Language had 26 letters in total. He could easily calculate the name of the pet dog by calculating the probability that each letter was a letter in the Ivanka's pet dog's name.

Seeing the name written in wine on the bar, Ivanka covered her mouth.

She and Tyler are just general acquaintances, and it is the first time that Lin Chen met, so in theory, it is impossible for Lin Chen to know the name of her pet dog, but if this is the case, how should he explain the name on the bar?

Could this Chinese man really know fortune-telling?

"Well, I must admit, Lin you are really a magical man." Ivanka raised his hand to admit defeat, then smiled bitterly and drank a glass of wine as punishment for losing.

With this episode, the topic of the three people's small talk changed from Lin Chen's gambling skills to his talent for fortune-telling.

For girls, mysterious fortune-telling is always their most curious topic. This can be seen from the fact that many girls like astrology.

In this regard, there is no difference between East and West.

Now that Lin Chen, the so-called fortune-telling master, is here, Taylor and Ivanka will naturally not miss it. The two of them rushed to ask a bunch of questions for Lin Chen to answer.

During the period, Ivanka suddenly asked about her father's affairs, and wanted to confirm the future for her father, Tang Pu.

It turned out that at this time, Tang Pu had already planned to run for commander.

Regarding this, Lin Chen could actually give her an answer without any ability, but considering the similarities and differences between the two worlds, he still gave it up.

The probability that Don Pu can be elected as the commander in this lifetime is...


Huh, there is even no possibility at all?

How is this going?

Lin Chen compared the differences between the two worlds in his memory, and finally discovered the reason.

It turned out that in this life, the reality show that made Tempe a well-known figure across the ocean was not released.

You know, in the last life, Tang Pu was able to become a public figure known across the ocean, in fact, most of the factors can be attributed to a reality show.

In this show, Tang Pu went abroad as a referee, and set a number of top ratings in a row, instantly establishing his popularity.

This reality show is indispensable. Without this show, Tang Pu is just an ordinary rich man. In terms of wealth, he is not even ranked among the rich.

But after this reality show, Tang Pu suddenly became the most famous rich man across the ocean.

But in this life, because the reality show did not appear, Tang Pu's popularity is limited to the upper class, and not many ordinary people know him.

After understanding the reason, Lin Chen shook his head at Ivanka.

Seeing that Lin Chen was not optimistic, Ivanka shrugged and decided to find a chance to dispel his father's idea of ​​running for the election.

Before she knew it, Ivanka had been sitting on Lin Chen's side for a long time. Although she didn't feel anything wrong with her, at the party, one person's complexion became worse.

Soon after, a waiter came over and whispered a few words in Ivanka’s ear. After Ivanka heard it, his expression changed immediately, turning his head and looking in a certain direction, Lin Chen glanced at it and saw The husband of Ivanka was looking at here with a cold face.

"Sorry, I have left beforehand. I had a great chat with you today."

Ivanka apologized and left in a hurry.

After she left, Taylor was still a little bit disheartened, and Lin Chen was the same. One person was missing, and the fun of chatting was a little less. Plus it was too late, the two decided to leave.

After that, time flies, and one day later, in the blink of an eye, the opening day of the Las Vegas International Consumer Electronics Exhibition, and this day is also the day when the new product launch conference of Huawei mobile phone is held.

Looking for the stars and the moon, with the help of Lin Chen, the newly born Huawei mobile phone will finally officially release the first mobile phone after Lin Chen took over.

With the help of Lin Chen, this mobile phone is very different from the first mobile phone released after the previous Huawei mobile phone reform.

Lin Chen had high hopes for him. Unlike Yu Chendong who just hoped that the Huawei mobile phone could be sold, Lin Chen not only hopes that this mobile phone can sell, but also hopes that with this mobile phone, the Huawei mobile phone can be launched in China in one fell swoop. The reputation of the market, not the same as the previous generation, the first model after the reform of Huawei mobile phone, only achieved success abroad, but still has no sound in China.

To this end, Lin Chen has prepared a lot of work, from the new operating system, to the supporting variety shows, and new online sales channels. All of these are for the purpose of enabling Huawei mobile phones to reverse the flowers outside the walls of the previous life. The situation, in one fell swoop, also made a name in the country.

Whether this effort can bear fruit, it all depends on today's press conference.

With excitement and anticipation, at one o'clock in the afternoon, Lin Chen and Taylor came to the backstage of the press conference together.

At this point, there is still one hour left before the press conference.

When they arrived, Yu Chendong and the others had already arrived. Boss Bao was checking out the on-site layout of the press conference, while Yu Chendong was looking at the manuscript he had already recited a long time ago with anxiety.

Seeing Lin Chen and Taylor coming, the two immediately greeted them with a smile.

"Lin Chen, you are here, and I thought you, the big boss, didn't care about your products."

Lin Chen said with a smile: "This time there will be you, I naturally put a hundred hearts on it. I am here today, just to send you a spokesperson."

"Fortunately, you still remember, I'm really afraid that Miss Taylor won't come today." Yu Chendong smiled and asked the staff to take Taylor to familiarize themselves with the process of the press conference.

Lin Chen didn't let Yu Chendong accompany him when he sent Tyler away: "You go to work, I'll be an audience in a while, you must perform well."

"Guaranteed to complete the task!" Yu Chendong smiled and bowed to Lin Chen, and then continued to prepare.

As for Lin Chen, he walked around the venue and led Lei Long to the front row to sit down and looked up at the stage.

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