Rebirth I can see the success rate

The 315th chapter press conference begins

Jamie doesn't know what the other party is going to do?Raised a hand quickly: "Hey buddy, you are..."

But at this moment, the dear man suddenly took out a wallet, and then said: "Brother, I'll give you 10 dollars. How about you selling me this invitation letter?"

"What?" Jamie thought he had heard it wrong.

"10 dollars, buy your invitation letter!"


"20 dollars! It's all for Taylor!"

"But isn't this invitation letter sent?"

"30 dollars! I threw my invitation letter just now! I'm an idiot!"

"Well, then why don't you go to the entrance to have a look? Maybe the Chinese company is still sending out invitation letters?"

"I've seen it, all have been robbed, okay, 40 dollars! No more!"

Jamie stuffed the invitation letter into his pocket and said with a firm expression: "Sorry buddy, I am also a Taylor fan, you can try someone else."


In the regretful cry of the fat guys, Jamie walked quickly towards the scene of the Huawei mobile phone press conference.

Before he got even closer, he heard a bustling sound coming from ahead.

Many people gathered at the entrance of the Huawei mobile phone press conference and shouted: "Please let me in! I want to see Miss Taylor."

"Sorry sir, please show the invitation letter!"

"Fuck the invitation! No, I mean I had an invitation, but I lost it."

"Sorry sir, I can't enter without the invitation letter."

"Then you can't send me another one?"

"Sorry, sir, the invitation letter has been sent out. We will not send any more invitation letters unless there is room for a while."

At the same time, the crowd surrounded by the entrance suddenly burst into a roar: "Thief! This man is a thief! He stole my invitation letter!"

In the crowd, a black guy yelled, and another white guy with glasses rushed to the entrance in a panic, holding an invitation letter for the press conference in his hand.

It's just that he hadn't walked a few steps before two security guards suddenly emerged from the crowd, and suddenly pressed him to the ground.


There was a burst of exclamation at the scene.

The white guy was crushed on the ground, with a look of reconciliation: "Let me in, I have an invitation letter! I have an invitation letter!"

However, the security guards ignored him, instead directly tied him up and took him away.

The black guy was also unlucky and sad. After the invitation was stolen, the security guards had no plans to return him.

He could only shout angrily from the side.

Seeing this scene, Jamie immediately put his hand into his pocket, confirming that the invitation letter was in his pocket.

Afterwards, he squeezed through the crowd and showed his invitation letter in front of the staff.

"You are welcome, sir!"

After checking the invitation letter, Jamie was finally released.

And when he walked into the venue, there was already a crowd of people inside.

Jamie has been to press conferences of many companies, and he has only seen similar scenes at press conferences of some large companies.

But today's press conference here is completely an unknown small company, or a Chinese mobile phone company.

Jamie believes that there are probably many people here for Taylor.

"I hope Taylor will be on stage soon so I can leave." Jamie thought.

At the same time, just at the backstage of the press conference, Yu Chendong looked at the full of deeds sitting outside, and couldn't help but sigh: "How come there are so many people?"

In fact, at this press conference, they originally expected only a dozen media to be present, and the media were mainly from China.

But now, if you look outside, there are at least four to five hundred people, right?

When did the Huawei mobile phone become so famous that it could attract so many people?

Someone explained to him: "General Yu, they seem to be coming for Miss Taylor."


"Yeah, Miss Taylor posted a photo on Twitter, and those people came for her. Do we want to change the order of the conference? I'm worried that if Miss Taylor gets off the stage, these people will leave..."

According to their pre-arranged plan, in order to increase the popularity of the conference, Taylor will be on stage in the middle of the conference.

Now it seems that it might be better to put Taylor's stage at the end.

Yu Chendong frowned, thought about it carefully, and shook his head: "No, everything went according to plan. These people leave if they want. If our products can't attract them to stay, even if we leave Taylor at the end, they won't Will waste time reporting to us."

Yu Chendong took a deep breath, and he didn't believe it. Although Taylor's charm is great, but their Huawei mobile phone has gathered the brainchild of thousands of people, is it inferior to this female singer?

At 1:53 pm, the conference site was full, but the outside was still crowded with people who wanted to enter.

Sitting in the corner, Lu Weibing looked at the crowded audience, and his heart was overwhelmed.

Just now, seeing so many spectators flooding into the venue, he was shocked by the sturdiness, but fortunately, when Lu Weibing asked a foreign audience, he realized that they were coming for Taylor.


Lu Weibing didn't expect that the Huawei mobile phone would be so big this time that he would invite Taylor, a star.

I didn't expect that just a star could have such a big effect.

Lu Weibing immediately wrote a note in his small notebook. In the future, they might consider inviting some big stars to support the scene at their rice press conference.

After a few minutes, the entire scene was dimmed, and the press conference was finally about to begin!

In an instant, the scene also fell silent.

In the darkness, a figure gradually walked onto the stage, and a bright spotlight came up, revealing the figure's real body.

Lu Weibing recognized that this person was Yu Chendong, the new president of Huawei Mobile, who had recently made a splash on China's domestic Weibo.

Because the other party said a lot of big talk on Weibo, he is still nicknamed Dazui.

Ha ha……

I really don't know what kind of performance this big mouth will bring today?

Compared to Chen Dong's excited expression on the stage, the audience below was calm, and few even picked up the camera.

No way, most of them don't know Yu Chendong, and even many people have never heard of Huawei mobile phones.

Yu Chendong was on the stage, not nervous because of the silence below, he squeezed his fist, and then began to speak.

"Dear viewers and friends, good afternoon everyone!"

"I'm very happy and thank you for having so many friends here to participate in today's press conference!"

Hearing Yu Chendong's speech, Lu Weibing almost didn't laugh from underneath.

Because the English at Big Mouth is really not authentic. I heard that he is from Shaanxi. I didn't expect that even his English had a strong Shaanxi accent, and I didn't know that foreigners could not understand it.

He raised his head and looked around, and found that those foreigners really frowned.

"Does that guy speak English?"


"Oh my God, it turns out that the accent of the Chinese is the same as that of the Indians."

Lu Weibing snickered when he heard the whispers of these people.

Let me just say, a good Huaxia mobile phone, why do you hold a conference abroad? Are you okay in China?

It seems that he can already expect the results of this press conference.

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