Huawei mobile phone is on fire!

In this regard, all the staff who participated in the Huawei mobile phone conference have no doubt.

Because after the press conference was over, when Taylor had returned to the background, there were still many reporters spontaneously applauding the Huawei mobile phone.

Seeing this scene, Yu Chendong burst into tears.

The hard work and sleeplessness for more than half a year finally bear fruit today.

In the backstage of Huawei mobile phone, Lin Chen took Taylor to shake hands with every Huawei mobile phone staff who participated in the conference, and then took a red envelope from Lei Long and gave it to each of them.

"Thank you for your contribution to Huawei Mobile."

"Thank you for your dedication during this time."

While giving out red envelopes to everyone, Lin Chen even said to everyone: "XS nightclub tonight, please! Come all! Let's High together!"

XS Nightclub is one of the most famous nightclubs in Las Vegas. The staff of Huawei Mobile has been here for several days. Naturally, I have heard of the name of this nightclub. Now that Lin Chen wants to treat him, everyone cheers immediately. stand up.

"thank you boss!"

"Lin Chen..." Yu Chendong frowned and said, "There will be exhibitions later."

Lin Chen hooked Yu Chendong's shoulders and smiled: "Old Yu, everyone has been tense for several days. It's time to relax. Come, let us feel the corruption of capitalism. Then you can go back to give I am preparing for Donghai’s press conference."

Although the Las Vegas conference is over, in the East China Sea, Huawei Mobile also has a Huaxia conference to be held.

So Yu Chendong will return to China to make preparations soon.

"So you are still trying to squeeze my idea!" Yu Chendong smiled.

"I want to come too!" Tyler also raised his hand and jumped his feet.

Hearing this, a burst of screams and cheers broke out at the scene, and everyone's faces were filled with excitement and joy.

After the Las Vegas press conference, everyone's hearts were temporarily put in their stomachs.

Judging from the situation at the scene, the success of the conference will undoubtedly make Huawei mobile phone famous in the global market.

In fact, it is true.

Just after the press conference ended, the impact of this press conference has just begun to spread on the Internet.

Although at the beginning, a lot of attention to this conference was focused on Taylor, the global spokesperson for Huawei Mobile.

But in addition, quite a few of the media who attended the conference began to release press releases about Huawei mobile phones after the press conference ended. Many people went directly to the Huawei mobile phone after the press conference. At the booth, play with the new mobile phone on the spot and send out reviews.

"The new global mobile phone power! A new generation of machine emperors from China!"

"The thinnest mobile phone in history! The beautiful first shot of Huawei mobile phone!"

"Huawei Mobile's ambition, future mobile phone giant?"

"What is the origin of the new mobile phone that Taylor has praised?"

At the same time that foreign media are enthusiastically discussing Huawei's new mobile phone MATE1, it is naturally impossible for domestic technology media to subdue to this wave of Huawei mobile phones.

A large number of foreign media reports have been moved back to China, and more original reviews are being prepared.

However, due to market factors, when it was only afternoon in Las Vegas, Huaxia was late at night.

Therefore, the topic of Huawei mobile phone causing a sensation in Las Vegas has not attracted much attention at the moment.

A few hours later, in a state of excitement, the staff of Huawei Mobile finally ended today's exhibition, and their long-awaited carnival is about to begin.

After enjoying a luxurious buffet in the restaurant of the hotel, Lin Chen took all the staff in a chartered car, including nearly forty or fifty people, to the XS nightclub.

In fact, MGM Grand Hotel also has a nightclub, but it is still not as good as the XS nightclub.

XS nightclub has the reputation of being the king of the nightclub on Las Vegas Casino Boulevard. The LOGO of this nightclub is inspired by the human body curve. The interior decoration is luxurious, almost composed of three colors of black, gold and coffee, with giant crystal lights. It is retro and noble under the psychedelic lights.

The dance floor of the nightclub is almost 40,000 square feet, and the dance floor is directly connected to an open-air swimming pool. Playing on it will definitely make people happy.

But because of this, it is not easy to get in this nightclub.

If ordinary people lined up in the past, please be prepared to queue for three or four hours.

Even Lin Chen managed to book a few boxes for his employees through Taylor's name.

The lights in the nightclub were dim, and countless exposed young men and women writhing crazily on the dance floor. The deafening music made many Huawei mobile phone employees who came to this occasion for the first time dizzy.

Most of the employees of Huawei Mobile were born as engineering men. Before that, many people did not even visit places like overnight shops. For example, Yu Chendong was like this. The first time they came here, they seemed to be Grandma Liu. After entering the Grand View Garden, I was curious about everything, and then I couldn't let go.

But it doesn't matter, alcohol is the best courage medicine.

After a few cups of strong whiskey, the employees who were still reserved immediately let go. Even Yu Chendong followed the dance floor to get crazy, danced the popular breakdance of his time, and watched the guests nearby. Are dumbfounded.

As for Lin Chen, he naturally enjoyed music with Tyler. During the period, Tyler was invited by some DJs to show on the stage. Her appearance made the atmosphere in the store even more hot. Came in admiration just to see her.

"Honey, how is my performance?"

When he stepped off the stage, Taylor immediately rushed into Lin Chen's arms and gave a kiss.

"You are the best!"

At this moment, a voice suddenly rang from the side: "Taylor! Mr. Lin, I really thought I would meet you here!"

Lin Chen and Taylor turned their heads and saw Ivanka looking at them with surprise.

"Miss Ivanka!" Taylor excitedly hugged Ivanka, while Lin Chen came up and shook hands.

Later, Taylor sent an invitation to Ivanka: "Ivanka, we are having a party. Lin Chen's company just held a successful press conference today. Would you like to come together?"

"No, my husband is there too." Ivanka pointed to the distance, Lin Chen looked over, and saw that the old Jew of Ivanka looked at them from a distance. This guy’s expression was as bad as last time. It seems that I really don't like Ivanka's approach to Lin Chen.

Tyler shrugged: "That's a shame, next time you dump your husband, let's play together!"

Ivanka smiled bitterly: "Have a chance."

After that, she wanted to leave, but at this moment, she suddenly thought of something, then turned around and said to Lin Chen with a serious face: "Mr. Lin, you better leave here as soon as possible!"

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