Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 324 One Night in the Desert

The desert at midnight is dark and cold.

However, under the stimulation of alcohol and beautiful women, Lin Chen felt that a fire was burning in his chest.

The whiskey Ivanka took away from XS nightclub is really worth a thousand dollars.

The awkward atmosphere between Lin Chen and Ivanka had disappeared because of this bottle of wine.

Under the influence of the whiskey, the two people chatted very happily.

"So, you are there today because you quarreled with your husband?"

"Yes! That damn Jew! He is the smallest man I have ever seen! I just said a few words to you, and he will complain!"

Ivanka complained and took another sip.

But Lin Chen took the wine bottle and smiled: "No, although he is small, I must thank him today, because if it weren't for him, you wouldn't be by my side!"

"Toast him!" Lin Chen also took a sip.

Ivanka sneered. The stimulation of alcohol gave her the urge to confide in the man in front of her.

"Lin, you don't know. Actually, it's not the first time today!"

"That man, he thought I didn't know, but he actually kept several models privately outside, and one of them was even an employee of my company! He didn't love himself, but asked me to belong to him! You! Don't you think this man is very selfish?"

"Well... if you are so angry, why not divorce him?"

Ivanka smiled bitterly and took a sip of wine: "Lin, you don't understand! My marriage was originally a deal."

"You know my father, his business is actually not as successful as many people think. The last economic crisis made him almost bankrupt."

"It was Kushner's family who extended a helping hand at that time, and as a condition, we need the marriage of our two families."

"Actually, my father didn't like him, but there was no way. We didn't have many choices at the time.

"So, even for my father, I have to endure all this..."

Speaking of this, Ivanka's expression is also a little more sad.

Lin Chen didn't expect that the Tangpu family, who was so beautiful before others, would have such difficulties behind them.

It is a pity that Ivanka had to sacrifice his lifelong happiness for his family.

Lin Chen said: "If you want to start, in fact, it is normal for men to have other women..."

"Do you have other women?" Ivanka's eyes lit up.

"Yes. And Taylor also knows." Lin Chen did not hide.

"God! She actually knew?" Ivanka asked in a bit of surprise: "How can Taylor stand it?"

Taylor's rich love history is also famous in Hollywood, and she also has a feature that every time she has a new boyfriend, she will write them into her new song.

Ivanka has heard these songs, so she knows how many of Taylor's boyfriends were dumped by her because of cheating.

Such a Taylor, would he be willing to share his boyfriend with others?

This is simply subverting Ivanka's common sense!

She looked up and down at Lin Chen with her beautiful eyes, really wanting to know how attractive the man in front of her could make Hollywood princess Taylor also play the sex scene.

Do not……

Speaking of this, she may already understand.

Recalling the awakening and exciting racing chase before, and the scene where Lin Chen killed four killers with bare hands just now.

After contacting Lin Chen as the God of Gamblers in Las Vegas and the boss of a big company, it seems that the reason why Taylor would do that is also clear.

The man in front of him is so perfect that anyone in front of him will be dwarfed.

Only such a man would prevent Taylor from having exclusive thoughts.

The girls on the other side of the ocean have been full of illusions about heroes since childhood, and the men in front of them are like those living heroes who have come out of movies.

Maybe he looks ugly, but the charm of him makes Ivanka unable to help.

Thinking of this, Ivanka suddenly woke up.

What's wrong with me?

How could I have such an idea just now... I am already married...

Ivanka slapped her hand and said to Lin Chen, "Lin, do you feel a little hot?"

"Hot? No." Lin Chen opened the car window slightly, and the biting cold immediately got in, making him excited, and quickly closed the car window.

The cold night in the desert can only be known if you have experienced it yourself.

"Really? Then why am I so hot?" Ivanka's cheeks were red, like a ripe apple.

"Maybe you drank too much," Lin Chen said.

"How is it possible? We only drank so much..." Ivanka said while trying to pour herself a sip, only to find that the bottle was already empty.

Before they knew it, the two had already drunk a whole bottle of wine.

Ivanka took strong whiskey, which was drunk with ice in the nightclub, but now it was drunk directly by them. No wonder Ivanka had a red face like an apple.

But after drinking one bottle, Ivanka felt it was not enough.

She pushed the car door and walked outside.

"I, I will look for it again! There should be wine in my car!"

Seeing this, Lin Chen got off the car quickly.

"Miss Ivanka, if you don't go, let me go."

It was dark outside, and Ivanka couldn't walk steadily. It was too dangerous to let her get the wine by herself.

Walking to Ivanka's side, Lin Chen was about to push her into the car, but Ivanka pushed Lin Chen away: "No! I'm fine!"

Ivanka tried to push Lin Chen away, but forgot that she was already unsteady. This suddenly made her lose her balance and fell backward.

In shock, Ivanka grabbed Lin Chen tightly.


With the sound of landing, the two smashed together.


Ivanka fell to the ground and couldn't help shouting.

But Lin Chen seemed to smash on a ball of cotton, not only did not hurt, but also a little comfortable and irritating.

But soon, seeing Ivanka under him, Lin Chen immediately put his hands up and wanted to stand up.

"Sorry Ivanka..."

However, before Lin Chen stood up, Ivanka suddenly hugged Lin Chen and threw him down.

This time, Lin Chen also realized the feeling of hitting the ground with his back.

"Now we are even." Ivanka pressed against Lin Chen, her face glowing red with a smirk.

Lin Chen didn't expect that this woman who had been married as a mistress would have such a mischievous side.

"Miss Ivanka, you..."

Lin Chen was about to speak, but found that his line of sight just happened to have a clear view of a certain place.

Today Ivanka was wearing a black evening dress. This dress was originally thin. Ivanka leaned on Lin Chen so that he could fully feel the softness of the opponent's body, coupled with visual stimulation, which is inevitable. , Lin Chen reacted.

"You bad guy, I'm a married woman..." Ivanka felt everything, but didn't move, but looked at Lin Chen and said leisurely.

At this moment, her drunkenness seemed to disappear.

"Sorry, I'll get up now..."

Lin Chen has his own principles. He must admit that he has been attracted by the woman in front of him, but the other party is right, she has her own family, and Lin Chen does not like to destroy other people’s families, even Ivanka’s family. , And now has nothing to do with it.

But unexpectedly, Ivanka suddenly kissed at this moment: "Lin, just this night..."

It was like being isolated from the world, far away from the crowded environment, the stimulation of strong alcohol, and the alluring hormones in Lin Chen's body, made Ivanka finally unwilling to bear it at this moment.

Even if it was only one night, she didn't want to hide her emotions.

Feeling Ivanka's heart, Lin Chen didn't care about everything, and began to respond to Ivanka.

In the empty canyon, commotion began to sound gradually.

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