Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 333 Stock Market Sniper

"A major problem has occurred in the operation of Wynn Group casinos! A single day loss may exceed hundreds of millions of dollars!"

"All business at Wynn Tai O Casino has ceased, and tourists are checking out!"

"Mysterious character sniped Wynn Casino! Las Vegas Gamblers declared war on Wynn!"

Sure enough, the situation was just as Stephen had guessed.

Early this morning, before the opening of the stock market on the other side of the ocean, all kinds of news about the true and false of Wynn Group were flooded with newspapers, magazines, TV stations and the Internet.

Although these news did not have much impact on the group's business, don't forget that the Wynn Resorts Group of the Wynn family is a listed company.

Almost at the same time when these rumors were flying all over the sky, as soon as the stock of Wynn Resorts Group opened for trading, it began to plummet and dive!

Before the opening, the stock price of Wynn Resorts was as high as $110 per share, which is a high-priced blue-chip stock in the stock market.

But three minutes after the market opened, the stock price dropped straight to $100, and it was about to fall below the hundred yuan mark.

As the major shareholder of Wynn Resorts Group, the shares of the group are closely related to the interests of the Wynn family, so Stephen immediately asked people in the public relations department of the group to dispel the rumors, and at the same time let people in the securities department take stocks in the market to prevent the decline.

Under Stephen's operation, the resort group's stock finally hovered above the $100 level.

However, the good times did not last long. At this moment, several heavy empty offers suddenly appeared in the market.

With just one blow, the resort group’s stock lost $100, and it is still plummeting.

These new blockbuster empty markets, coupled with the negative news before the opening, finally caused a chain reaction.

The drop in the morning when the market just opened was actually just a hedging measure taken by investors out of fear after seeing the news.

There are not many of these people, but because most of them are watching the resort group because of the negative news in the morning, there is not much trading enthusiasm in the market, so only a few people's selling has caused the stock price to fall.

However, when these large empty markets appeared, all the retail investors who were still waiting in the market seemed to have seen a signal.


In the stock market, the information between retail investors and large investors is always unequal. These retail investors can only know some news about group companies through the news media, but large investors are different. They have their own news channels.

Therefore, in most cases, small retail investors will regard the actions of large investors as the vane of the stock market.

And this time the emergence of a big empty offer told them that Wynn Resorts Group really had an accident!

Otherwise, it is impossible for such a large empty disk to appear!



If you don’t run, I’m afraid it’s really too late!

The incited retail investors ran out of the resort group stocks one after another, hoping to stop losses in time at this time.

But soon, they discovered that the stock price had fallen below their listed price as soon as they listed the stock.

The speed at which these retail investors place orders is not even faster than the rate of decline?

Is this okay?

In order to escape for their lives, retail investors became more panicked and put the stock price at a very low level. These selling orders made the price drop of the stock even more terrifying.

For a time, the market almost completely lost confidence in Wynn Resorts Group.

Especially during this period, new news continued to spread in the market.

One of the biggest blows to the market is that the casino business of Wynn Group will be unable to open for a long time!

Because the Las Vegas gambler who once forced the Venetian Hotel and Casino to suspend business has made another move.

And the other party is even more arrogant on the Internet, as long as he is there, all the casinos under the Wynn Group will never make any more money!

Don't think that this is crazy talk, the casino business at Wynn Tai O is completely stopped because of this gambler's shot!

As a high-priced stock in the stock market, why can Wynn Resorts Group's stock stay at a high level of more than $100, higher than those of high-tech companies, such as Qualcomm?

Isn't it just because their casinos can make money, and the money comes quickly?

Now their casino business is dying, and Wynn Group is nothing more than an ordinary hotel group, which simply cannot afford such a high stock price!

When such thoughts generally appeared in the market, a wave of selling shares of Wynn Resorts Group emerged.

Moreover, compared to the China stock market, the U.S. stock market can be shorted!Many people sell their stocks, not to mention, they still short Wynn Resorts Group in the securities company!

Such a vicious circle made Wynn Resorts Group's stock finally unsustainable, diving all the way.

One hour after the opening, the group's stock has fallen by 10%.

Faced with this situation, Stephen, the head of Wynn Resorts Group, is already going to blow up.

In just ten minutes, he received calls from at least a dozen major shareholders of the company, asking him what happened to the group?Why did the company's stock fall so sharply?

Although Stephen and his Wynn family occupy the majority of shares in the group, there are still some major shareholders within the group.

Their questioning caused Stephen to be overwhelmed and he could only vent his anger on his subordinates.

"What's the matter? I want an answer! An answer!"

In Stephen's office, except for his violent rage, everyone else was silent.

Finally, when Stephen was silent for the time being, the director of the securities department opened his mouth and said: "Chairman, we have investigated, and now the group stock market is no longer a pure market panic, but large funds are deliberately shorting our group stocks!"

"What you are talking about is nonsense! I want to know who it is! Who it is!"

Just some rumors, of course, will cause the company's stock price to fall, but this decline is limited, not to mention that Stephen has long let the securities department intervene in the stock.

Now that the stocks outside are still falling so badly, it is only possible that someone is maliciously suppressing the stock price.

The director of the securities department said: "Chairman, I have already asked an acquaintance of the exchange. The other party seems to be MGM. They are attacking us!"

The person in the public relations department also said: "Chairman, we also asked the media, and their answer is the same. In addition to the news they dug up, there is also a batch of news, which may be provided by people from MGM Group!"

"MGM? Cochrian?"

Stephen's eyes lit up and he immediately looked aside. He asked the director of casino operations to investigate the strange happenings over there.

The latter lowered his head and said, "Chairman, that's right, we checked, and the one who instructed to distribute the flyers is the member of the Kirklian family!"

"Cocklian? Cocklian!"

Stephen raised his eyebrows, and the truth finally came to light, and this result was completely reasonable.

It's just that Stephen really didn't expect that the kid from the Kirklian family should be so courageous. Doesn't it count to find someone to deal with his casino, even if he wants to attack the stock market?

Unreasonable!When I was in the stock market, you kid was not born yet!You dare to do it to me?

He immediately picked up the phone on the desk.

"Get me Kirkrian from MGM! I want to talk to him personally!"

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