Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 345 Beating on Tempo

Ivanka dressed up very beautifully today, a fiery red silk sling dress, a pair of sequined high heels, and exquisite diamond jewelry on her neck and ears, which complemented her long golden shawl hair.

The men passing by, no matter their age, almost couldn't help but cast their eyes on her.

The two looked at each other for a while, and finally, Ivanka stroked her hair and walked with a smile.

"Lin, I didn't expect you to come so early."

"I heard that Mr. Tempe is used to getting up early, so he came as early as possible."

Ivanka was a little curious and said, "How did you know?"

Lin Chen chuckled, "Since I plan to help your father, of course I need to know his situation in advance."

I can't tell you that I saw your father's variety show in my last life to find out that he has this habit, right?

"Then let's go up now? Have you had breakfast? I can have someone prepare a breakfast for you, and my father is eating too."

"That would be nice."

So, under the guidance of Ivanka, Lin Chen walked all the way to the elevator, and then took an elevator to the hotel restaurant.

At the moment when the elevator door closed, Ivanka suddenly turned around and hugged Lin Chen, kissing wildly on his cheek.

At the same time, Ivanka whispered in Lin Chen's ear: "Lin, I knew you would definitely win! You really won!"

"Ivanka, there is a camera in the elevator..."

"Don't worry about it!"

Ivanka didn't let Lin Chen go until the elevator stopped.

She took a deep breath and walked out pretending that nothing happened.

Regarding this, Lin Chen can only sigh, the married women are really different.

The place Ivanka took Lin Chen was a box in the hotel restaurant.

When the two entered, Tang Pu was really eating breakfast inside. Seeing Lin Chen coming, he immediately stood up from the dining table and said with a big smile: "Welcome, welcome! It is an honor to see the legendary God of Gamblers." !"

Tempo doesn't speak Chinese, but fortunately, Ivanka was there, and she stood by as the translator for the two.

"Mr. Tempe, I am also glad to meet you."

The two exchanged greetings for a while, and then sat down again, but the two sides did not officially start the conversation, but waited for the waiter to send Lin Chen a breakfast.

"Lin, this is the steak made by our best chef in the Tangpu Hotel. Its quality is definitely something you haven't tasted on the other side of the ocean. Come, try it!"

Tang Pu was similar to what Lin Chen had seen on TV in his last life. Although he was over sixty years old, he was energetic and liked to brag.

However, under Tang Pu's somewhat flashy and weird character, you must admit that this is a guy full of wisdom, but his character is really a bit weird and not very flattering.

For example, the steak in Lin Chen’s mouth is honestly no different from what Lin Chen tasted at MGM Grand, but in Tang Pu’s mouth, this steak seems to be cooked by the best chef in the world. Something seems to be.

Lin Chen just took a bite, and Tang Pu began to question Lin Chen's feelings.

Ivanka seemed to understand Lin Chen, but only translated a few sentences for his father, and then began to urge him not to forget the business.

Tempo coughed, and then said: "Dear Lin, I heard Ivanka say that you are willing to advise on my election? Are you sure you can make my election successful?"

"Yes, Mr. Temple."

Seeing that Tang Pu finally started the topic, Lin Chen also put down the knife and fork, and said with a serious face: "I have already told Ivanka about the specific details. If you want, I can repeat it for you."

"But before that, I want to ask you Mr. Tempe first, are you really interested in that position, or do you just want to use the election to do a commercial show?"

In fact, as early as this year, the world’s Tempo had already participated in the election several times, but every time, he basically ended at the beginning, and its purpose is generally regarded as a commercial show. To promote his business.

"Of course I hope to bring real change to the government, Mr. Lin, every time I run for the election is from my sincerity, I..."

The probability that he is telling the truth is...0%!

Seeing this result, before Tang Pu finished speaking, Lin Chen, who had already confirmed with his ability, immediately interrupted: "Mr. Tang Pu, I have to admit that I will propose to help you run for the election. It is entirely up to Ivanka. It saves face. But I don’t want my efforts to turn into a big commercial show to cooperate with others. If this is the case, I can only apologize."

After that, Lin Chen stood up.

Lin Chen is willing to make suggestions for Tang Pu, the essential purpose is to help Ivanka gain freedom.

But he didn't want Tang Pu to assume a high posture in the cooperation between the two for this reason, as if Lin Chen took the initiative to ask him, this would not be a good thing for the future cooperation between the two.

Therefore, Lin Chen had to beat and beat Tang Pu before that, to let him know who was at a disadvantage in the cooperation between the two of them, and at least he had to make this old man willing to be sincere to himself. Only in this way, two people Only in the future can there be a basis for cooperation.

"Dear Lin, you misunderstood me. I definitely don't mean to do a show. I want to run for the sake of the people across the ocean..."

The probability of truth...0%!

"Mr. Tempe, I don't know if Ivanka has told you before. Lies are useless in front of me. I can see through your hearts."


Hearing Ivanka's translation, Don Pu suddenly changed his color.

"Mr. Tempo, if you really want to ask for my help, please at least show your sincerity. In addition, the camera on your side had better stop, if you want to take my identity as the god of gambling in the future. Your company does publicity, and I advise you to not do it."

Upon hearing this, Ivanka immediately turned to look in the direction Lin Chen was pointing.

Only then did she discover that in the corner of the box, on a bookshelf as a decoration, there was actually a small camera hidden.

"Father!" Ivanka screamed, his face turned black instantly.

Tang Pu looked embarrassed. He never thought that he would encounter such a thing. In front of this young man, all his secrets seemed impossible to hide.

His eyes seemed to see through people's hearts.

Indeed, when he met with Lin Chen this time, although Tang Pu was very interested in Lin Chen's proposal, he did not take it too seriously, especially after he suspected that this kid might have an affair with his daughter. There is a kind of psychological contempt inborn, thinking that this kid did something that I am sorry for.

What he wants more is to let the name of his Tempo Group appear on the public news by speculating on the identity of the God of Gamblers in Las Vegas. Times.

To seize every opportunity to promote his company is almost already Tang Pu's instinct.

So it's no wonder that his several campaigns were regarded as commercial shows.

After Lin Chen broke his plan and was glared at by his daughter, Tang Pu was embarrassed, so he could only get people to remove the camera quickly.

Before the camera was taken away, Ivanka took out the memory card in angrily and smashed it with her high heels in front of Tangpu.

Seeing his daughter's black face, and Lin Chen's expression as if to see through everything.

Tang Pu rubbed his hands and smiled helplessly: "Mr. Lin, you really deserve a reputation... Please give me another chance, I think we can talk frankly and honestly..."

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