Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 364: Buying a house, the kind of whole community

Liu Shan, the sales office manager of Yida Haojing Building of Yida Group, is hurriedly asking everyone to check the sales office one last time to make sure there is nothing wrong.

Recently, due to the purchase restriction order of the East China Sea, the property market is tightening, and the market is not good. Very few guests come to visit the real estate every day.

Coupled with the approach of the Spring Festival, fewer people are willing to buy a house, so the business in these two days is really deserted.

If it was normal, Liu Shan might have hid in his manager's office to rest.

It’s just that today there was news from the group that it was the group’s young master Xie Xiaoxiao that might come to visit the real estate in a while, so Liu Shan could only keep up his spirit and instruct the sales office staff to clean up immediately to ensure Can give Xie Xiaoxiao a good impression.

I heard that Young Master Xie has a bad temper. If he gets annoyed, he may be sent to another place if he is not careful.

It is said that there used to be a real estate manager in Beidu. Because he did not recognize Xie Xiaoxiao, he was assigned to develop a real estate project in the Middle East.

What real estate can be developed in the Middle East?The manager heard that as soon as he landed, he was involved in a car explosion and disappeared!

Thinking of that horrible rumor, Liu Shan couldn't help but shudder.

At this moment, he saw three people walk in swaggeringly.

The two leaders seem to be brothers and sisters, and one of them is holding an ice cream cone.

And behind the two young people, a strong big man followed.

This combination is a bit weird, and it doesn't look like a visitor to the house on weekdays.

Liu Shan looked at it carefully, and after confirming that the two men were not his own son Xiaoxiao, he greeted him.

These three people didn’t look like the guests who came to buy the house. If it’s normal, it doesn’t matter if he let them come in and take a look. But now is a very moment, if the ice cream cone in the little girl’s hand is accidentally taken away If it gets dirty, that would be bad.

Therefore, after Liu Shan greeted him, he greeted him: "Hello, three, can I help you?"

"We are here to see the house." Lin Chen said.

Liu Shan heard this, but he didn't agree, and smiled slightly: "Alright sir, but before that, can you let this lady come in after eating?"

Liu Shan pointed to Yang Xiaofeng.

Upon hearing this, Yang Xiaofeng immediately speeded up the licking cone.

Lin Chen glanced back at her and smiled: "Okay, then we'll come in later."

After all, the three of them walked to the door and waited for Yang Xiaofeng to finish the egg cone.

Seeing the three of them talking so well, Liu Shan breathed a sigh of relief, but he also cast a low look at them.

If these three people were rich sons, they would certainly not be so easy to talk, so maybe they were just passers-by who came here to take a look.

Where did he want to get it? Even though he is rich now, Lin Chen doesn't have the domineering habit of nouveau riche at all. As long as you speak well, he will naturally be polite.

As for Yang Xiaofeng, she didn't even feel that she was a rich person. In her heart, she was still the little girl in the Dragon Mountain.

After a while, when Yang Xiaofeng finished eating, the three of them walked into the sales office again.

At this time, the sales office had almost cleaned the floor. Seeing that the three people came back, Liu Shan randomly found a female salesman to deal with them.

However, within a few minutes, the female salesman hurried over with a shocked expression on her face.

"Liu, Manager Liu!"

"What's the matter?" Liu Shan asked the female salesperson who was serving the three people, "What happened to them?"

"Manager Liu, then, those three people are here to buy a house!" The female salesman stammered.

"Buy a house?"

Liu Shan is strange, isn't he just buying a house?What's all the fuss about.

And just because of the appearance of those three people, they don’t look like rich people who have the money to buy their real estate. Maybe they just ask about the price and just deal with it. As for the fuss?

But Liu Shan didn't expect that the female salesperson was shocked, but there was actually a reason.

"Manager Liu! What they want to buy is not a set of houses! But a hundred sets!"

"A hundred sets?"

Liu Shan's eyes widened.

Their Yida Plaza is a high-end real estate, so the number of listings available for sale in the real estate is much less than that of ordinary real estate. There are only 165 houses in total. Those three people have opened 100 sets, and almost two-thirds of them have been bought. Community!

Liu Shan suddenly snorted: "They are pranks, right? You just need to deal with them casually, don't take it seriously."

"No, no. Manager Liu, they said they really want to buy." said the female salesperson.

Liu Shan glanced at the time, and now the time notified by the headquarters has passed. Xie Xiaoxiao may come at any time. He doesn't want anyone to be in trouble.

So Liu Shan said, "I know, I'll take care of those three people, and you can check if there are any places that have not been cleaned?"

Then, Liu Shan came to Lin Chen's three people.

"Good three, I heard from my colleagues just now, do you need to buy a house?"

"Yes. Your community is good, I like it very much," Lin Chen replied.

Liu Shan calmly asked, "This gentleman, how many suites do you want to buy?"

"One hundred sets, didn't that person tell you just now?" Lin Chen pointed to the female salesman who had left.

Liu Shan squeezed a smile on his face: "Sir, our Yida Grand Plaza is one of the few residential properties of the Yida Group recently. Because we are positioned as a high-end residential complex, our prices are much higher than those of the surrounding properties. The price is around 89,000 a flat..."

"I know this, the price is not a problem, but I need to buy at least 100 sets here, can you help solve the procedures?"


Seeing that Lin Chen didn't seem to be joking at all, Liu Shan was shaken instantly.

A house in Yida Grand Hotel costs at least 10 million yuan, and some may be more expensive. One hundred houses is one billion yuan...

Oh my God!

And if they sell a house, they can get a five-thousandth commission, one billion, that is 5 million?


Liu Shan was ecstatic for zero and one second deep in his heart, and then he came back to his senses, and then a deep disappointment enveloped his body.

Because he suddenly discovered, how could anyone in this world spend a billion to buy a hundred houses?

Not to mention whether he has the money, the policy alone is not allowed!

"Sir, the East China Sea limited purchase order, individuals can only buy a house..."

"I know that."

Before Liu Shan finished speaking, Lin Chen said, "Don't worry, I bought it under the name of the company."

"My company is about to hold an annual meeting, and I want to give them the house as a prize."

"I will pay the down payment for these houses first, and let the employees come to register after the results of the lottery come out, and these employees will bear the final payment."

Lin Chen thought he had explained it very clearly, but he did not expect that Liu Shan, who was originally a little doubtful, would not believe Lin Chen's words after listening to his words.

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