Rebirth I can see the success rate

Three hundred and sixty-sixth chapter three million? Xiongtai is funny?

On the day of death, in the afternoon before the company's annual meeting, Lin Chen announced early that he would leave work early today, and everyone would go to the Pinghe Hotel to prepare for the annual meeting.

"Long live!"

Hearing the cheers of the people in the company, Lin Chen smiled. He was about to go back to his office to prepare, but saw that the men and women in the company took out various cosmetics and styling water, and directly dressed and dressed in the office, regardless of gender.


Lin Chen couldn't help asking Tang Xin, who walked back to the office with him: "What happened to the people outside?"

Tang Xinjiao smiled: " don't know everything? How can you not see the thoughts of those outside?"


Today, as Lin Chen’s family member, Yang Xiaofeng, who is going to attend the annual meeting with him, also smiled: "Brother Lin Chen, don’t you understand too? Don’t the people from Chenling Entertainment also come to attend today? So many handsome men and beautiful women are coming. Everyone wants to dress up well!"

Beauty Lin Chen understands, handsome man...

The first thing that came to his mind was the silly smiling faces of Wang Bo and Wang Baobao.


"Then I don't need to dress up. Anyway, I am better than Wang Bo and the others."

"That won't work, don't forget that there are Lin Shangxin and Zhen Kai. Although Chen Chichi is a little fat, he is a handsome boy who loses weight. As the boss, you can't be worse than them!"

As he said, Tang Xin suddenly took out a tie: "It's a gift from the watch."

"Huh? Thank you."

Lin Chen took the tie and was about to bring it to himself, but Tang Xin stretched out his hand, picked up the tie and said, "I'm coming! Today is a big day, you must tidy it up."

When Tang Xin gave Lin Chen a tie, Yang Xiaofeng smirked, "Brother Lin Chen, you are so happy."

"Go! What do kids know? Go out and wait." Lin Chen wanted to drive the light bulb away impatiently.

"Well, I won't make light bulbs."

Yang Xiaofeng joked, then went out.

When she left, the office suddenly became quiet, only the voice of Tang Xin silently tying Lin Chen's tie.

A moment later, when Tang Xin tied Lin Chen's tie, Tang Xin suddenly stood on tiptoe and kissed Lin Chen's mouth.

"Okay, perform well in the evening."

"Before or after bed?"

Tang Xin was stunned, and suddenly realized that what he had just said was somewhat ambiguous, and Lin Chen took advantage.

"You fellow, I won't tell you anymore!" She immediately covered her face and ran out quickly.

Yang Xiaofeng stared at Lin Chen and shouted: "Brother Lin Chen, you really are a playboy!"

Then he also ran out.

Lin Chen saw the two of them leave, a smile on his face.

The lobby on the first floor of Donghai Pinghe Hotel was once rented by the Cross to hold charity evenings.

Lin Chen took a fancy to the environment here, so this time he also set the location of the annual meeting of Stardust Investment here.

Although the first floor of the Pinghe Hotel today is just a company annual meeting compared to the time at the Cross Society, the layout of the scene is not as good as that of that day.

On the innermost stage of the hall, it has been carefully arranged, and there are still many staff like TV stations busy.

However, these people are not from the TV station, but from the variety production team of Morning Bell Entertainment. The team that has already received the baptism of "Running Brothers", preparing for this annual meeting is completely easy.

Originally according to the plan, before Lin Chen came to the scene, he would first go to the Chenyun Foundation, and then bring the team there.

Because among the several teams under Lin Chen, the others who belonged to the Dust Cloud Foundation were the most unfamiliar.

But the plan couldn't keep up with the changes. Lin Chen was on the way, and when he received a call from the restaurant, he hurriedly called him over.

When he arrived at the hotel, Lin Chen saw Miao Feng, the commander-in-chief behind the annual meeting, and he was embarrassed with the hotel staff, and there was a middle-aged man with glasses who he didn't know.

Although Miao Feng is a screenwriter, he has also learned to be a director. This time he is the commander-in-chief behind the scenes. This time he asked for his own initiative, hoping to accumulate experience for himself. Obviously, although he is very talented in screenwriting, when it comes to human relationships and sophistication, after all I'm just a college student who hasn't graduated yet, and I can't live there yet.

"What's wrong? Miao Feng, do you know that I went to pick you up with beautiful women?"

"Dong Lin!"

When Miao Feng saw Lin Chen, it was as if he had seen the mainstay: "They...the hotel is going to break the contract..."


Lin Chen turned to look at the hotel manager on the side: "What's the matter?"

The hotel manager's surname is Wan, and he sneered: "This gentleman has misunderstood. We are not breaking the contract. In fact, this gentleman here wants to exchange venues with you."

"Swap venues?" Lin Chen turned to look at the man with glasses, "Who are you?"

The middle-aged man with glasses coughed, and said, "This gentleman, I am..."

Just at the beginning of his words, Lin Chen stunned and went back: "I care who you are. We have paid for the money here. We have set up the stage. It is impossible to change places!"

The middle-aged man with glasses was choked by Lin Chen's words and coughed again and again.

"Do you, do you know which company we are? We belong to the Green Grass Group! Our company's venue is upstairs. There is still some time before the meal, and it is still too late for everyone to exchange venues."

"Don't worry, we can also compensate for your loss, and let you speak within three million..."

While talking, this man actually took out a check.

In fact, this is the director of the Human Resources Department of Green Grass Group.

He is responsible for this annual meeting of Green Grassland.

They just didn't expect that they had a problem this year. They used last year's data when counting the number of people at the annual meeting. As a result, the scheduled meeting place might be overcrowded.

In order not to be scolded by President Guo of the Green Grass Group, this man thought of various methods, but finally his eyes fell on the stardust in the lobby on the first floor.

The lobby on the first floor is the largest lobby in the entire Pinghe Hotel. If you use it here, the venue will definitely be enough, and someone has already done the decoration on the spot, so you only need to change the company name.

With this idea in mind, the man immediately found the hotel and asked to change places with the company on the first floor.

The other side's backstage is Greenland, a well-known real estate group in the East China Sea. Looking at the real estate alone, Greenland Group is a real estate giant that is not even comparable to Mingyue Group.

Therefore, the people at Pinghe Restaurant should not neglect, and immediately led them to Miaofeng.

Miao Feng was naturally unwilling, but he knew that the other party was a real estate giant in the East China Sea. Miao Feng, who was just an ordinary college student more than a month ago, was panicked and had to call Lin Chen over.

Just after Lin Chen learned the fate from Miao Feng, the middle-aged man with glasses also wrote the check.

"Thank you for understanding. Just take the money. Just change the place. Isn't it a waste for a small company like you to use such a large place? It's more cost-effective to buy some prizes with some money, isn't it?"

Whether it is Miao Feng or Lin Chen, they all seem to be young people under 30. How could the company of such a person be a big company?

While the other side thought so, he saw Lin Chen accepted the check.

He smiled, thinking that the matter had been discussed, and was about to speak, but when Lin Chen glanced at the check, he suddenly sneered: "Three million? How funny is Xiongtai?"

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