Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 380 Alipay's Big Plan

"Big Brother Lin Chen! Is it really Sister Feiyan? Is she going to be fine?"

Seeing the news on the big screen, Yang Xiaofeng couldn't help feeling a little nervous.

"Go, let's return to the car first."

Holding large bags of things, Lin Chen and Yang Xiaofeng returned to the car, and then called Zhiling to confirm the situation of Tong Feiyan.

"Hello, Zhiling? How is Tong Feiyan?"

"Lin Chen? Did you read the news? Feiyan is fine, but her foot is hurt."

"How did she do it?" Lin Chen had a little temper, "It's almost New Year's Eve but accidentally hurt her body. Is Tong Feiyan anxious to go home for the New Year?"

Zhiling heard the displeasure in Lin Chen's words and explained: "Lin Chen, Feiyan did not concentrate when she was filming. But she also had difficulties. Recently, something happened to Feiyan's house. I can't concentrate my mind."

"What's the matter? Did she say it?"

"That's not it."

"Forget it, since she is injured, let her go home early to recuperate."

After hanging up the phone, Lin Chen didn't bother much.

After all, Tong Feiyan is just an artist in his company and not his girlfriend, so he doesn't need to bother too much.

Just after the episode ended, the time finally came to the Spring Festival. After bidding farewell to his colleagues in the company, Lin Chen took Yang Xiaofeng and returned to Wuyang County by plane.

This time there were only two of them on the road. Lin Chen and the others were on vacation. Although Lei Long felt that at least two people should be left to protect Lin Chen's safety, he still refused.

There is no need for himself to prevent others from going home during the Chinese New Year. He is not Ma Xiaoyun's black-hearted "capitalist". For the Spring Festival plan, most of the people in Tmall have stayed in southern Zhejiang to work overtime.

Of course, this sentence is actually a joke.

Although Ma Xiaoyun did allow most of the people on Tmall to stay and work overtime, he also paid them a lot of overtime.

Moreover, after learning from Lin Chen's teachings, Ma Xiaoyun paid a special sum of money this time.

Those non-local employees who are left to work overtime can invite their relatives to southern Zhejiang to spend the New Year with these overtime employees. Tmall will reimburse the expenses during the period.

Such user-friendly benefits also make Tmall employees voluntarily happy to work overtime.

Tmall company headquarters, technical department office area.

I saw that in front of nearly a hundred computers, an engineer was sitting in front of the computer, concentrating on it, and keyboard tapping sounded constantly under his hand.

Ma Xiaoyun stood behind them, followed by the head of the technical department and several senior executives from Tmall. Everyone looked at these engineers with serious expressions.

Ma Xiaoyun asked: "Are the new features online? I'm talking about the most important one!"

The head of the technical department replied: "Mr. Ma, that new function has been launched at 12 noon, and the number of users has exceeded 3 million!"

Ma Xiaoyun said solemnly: "Our users are almost 80 million, and the number of users of new features is only 3 million, not many."

On the side, the head of the product department immediately said: "Mr. Ma, the publicity of the new function started at noon today. At the beginning, not many people knew the new function. This number is normal. We judge that at night, the new function Peak usage will begin to appear, and on New Year’s Eve, it will be a peak!"

"I understand that the technical department must ensure the stability of the new functions. Lin Dong has high hopes for our new functions. Don't forget. This time he spent 500 million yuan on the spring evening to cooperate with the new functions. We made a special event link for us! If someone makes these 500 million things go wrong, I will never bypass him!"

A chill sounded around immediately.

The head of the product department smiled and said, "Mr. Ma, you always say that Lin Dong is partial. In fact, in terms of investment, Lin Dong has invested no less on Tmall than on Huawei mobile phones."

Ma Xiaoyun smiled and said, "Of course I know this, but don't you know why a crying child has milk?"

Hearing this, everyone gave out knowing smiles.

But at this moment, in the streets and alleys across the country, a future will affect all of China.The new features of Xia Ren's New Year's method have also quietly started to go online.

This new feature is a new feature developed on Alipay by Tmall under the guidance of Lin Chen: "Send red envelopes!"

In addition to "sending red envelopes", Alipay also has several new features that are also online simultaneously. These are Alipay's scan and QR code functions.

Earlier, Alipay also launched a chat function and friend function that imitated WeChat.

Before Lin Chen invested in Tmall to develop Alipay, Penguin's WeChat and mobile QQ had become dominant mobile chat tools.

But their dominance will be wiped out with the launch of three new functions of Alipay today.

Scanning the QR code and giving out red envelopes are the three tricks Lin Chen prepared for Alipay.

The first two functions will completely change mobile payment, and issuing red envelopes will shake the foundation of the mobile communication software WeChat and QQ that have formed a monopoly in the market.

Just as Ma Xiaoyun and the others monitored the data of all parties when the new function was launched, all over the country, the three new functions of Alipay have begun to have an impact silently.

In a vegetable market somewhere in southern Zhejiang.

A pair of young people had just selected the vegetables they wanted to buy and asked about the price. Just as they were about to start digging out their wallets, the shopkeeper suddenly said, "Young people, do you have Alipay?"

"Yes," said the young man with his wallet.

"Then you can pay with Alipay, there is a new feature in it, you can use your mobile phone to pay me directly, and you can get red envelopes!"

As he said, the shop owner took out a strange tag, on the tag, it was something like a ghost symbol that the two young people had never seen.

"Come on, this is the QR code, just scan it."

Upon hearing this, the girl in the couple immediately took out her mobile phone and opened Alipay on her mobile phone. She really found out that on the homepage of the software, she did not know when there was an eye-catching scan function. She followed the prompts and opened the scan, and just tapped the phone twice, and the payment was really successfully completed.

"So convenient!"

At this time the shop owner reminded again: "Little girl, how many red envelopes did you take?"

"Red envelope?" The girl looked at it, and said in surprise: "Oh my God, I actually took a piece?"

"Little girl, you are so lucky, usually only a few hairs." The shop owner also smiled.

Because of the red envelopes that the other party got, he, as the shop owner, can also get the same red envelope cashback.

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