Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 386: The Birth of the Tmall Empire

It's nine one in the evening.

On the Spring Festival evening, the activity link jointly organized by the Spring Festival Gala program team and Tmall officially appeared.

When the TV, before the host announced that from now until 12 midnight, just scan the QR code in the lower left corner of the screen, you can participate in the red envelope grabbed by Alipay from Tmall. In front of the TV, countless people immediately took it. The phone began to scan the screen.


"Oh my God! Daughter, I got it! There are really red envelopes!"

A middle-aged woman was sitting in front of the TV, looking at the numbers displayed in the software interface made into red envelopes on her mobile phone, her face flushed.

This is all because of excitement.

The middle-aged woman is almost in her fifties. She was originally just a person who could only make calls with a mobile phone and send short text messages.

But this time, because my daughter told me that there was a free red envelope to pick up in the spring evening, I asked her to help her download an Alipay, but she didn't expect that she would get the red envelope in a few simple steps!

Nearby, the middle-aged woman’s daughter also yelled, "Mom! I got it too! I got 8.88 yuan! How much did you get?"

The middle-aged woman raised her head, with a rare look of pride on her face: "Look, I took 16.88 yuan!"

"Oh! Mom, you are so lucky!"

The daughter of a middle-aged woman actually heard from friends that tonight Tmall will give out red envelopes on the spring evening, and then she will try with her family members, but she didn't expect to get it!

Although it's only a few dollars, this kind of pie falling from the sky is simply too exciting!

"No, I have to go to Moments and ask how many red envelopes everyone got?"

Just as the middle-aged woman’s daughter and mother were telling their joy in their hearts, beside them, the father who had not spoken before suddenly took his cell phone and asked, “Daughter, you can help me see, Dad, I’m How many red envelopes did I win? I can't believe it, why is this Tmall company so generous?"

Hearing this, the mother and daughter both looked up and were shocked.

"Dad! You won 888 yuan?"

Seeing the red envelope numbers on the mobile phones, both mother and daughter suddenly had scalp tingling.

OMG!This Alipay's red envelope can reach a few hundred yuan?

"It really has 888? Isn't it fake? Can this money be used?" Father said with a skeptical look.

The daughter hurriedly said: "Dad, try it, haven't you already tied the bank card for you? The TV said that the money can be transferred directly to the card, you try!"

Father used his mobile phone to operate the operation. After a while, he heard a text message reminder from the mobile phone. When he opened it, it turned out to be a notification from the bank: Alipay transfers 888 yuan to the bank card of your account XXXX. Payer: Alipay!

"Oh my God! It's actually paid? What kind of Alipay company is so rich? Daughter, what company are they?"

"They opened the Tmall Mall? Dad, why don't you buy some snacks for this money? Now you buy Chinese New Year goods on Tmall Mall, and snacks are still discounted!

"Well, I'll buy it now... Well, what are you doing with my phone?"

"Let me take a picture first, my dad actually snatched a red envelope of 888 yuan, I must show off in the circle of friends! Daddy, you are great!"

Things like this are happening all over the country.

No way, the ratings of the Spring Festival Gala are too amazing, and anyone who sees this show can't help but give it a try.

Even if I missed the beginning of the program at the beginning, on the Spring Festival Gala screen, there are always rolling subtitles that constantly introduce the QR code that appears on the screen.

Coupled with the introduction of the first audience who grabbed the red envelope, more and more people participated in the activity.

Just register for an account in the next APP and have a chance to get money. Everyone wants to participate in this kind of pie-in-the-sky thing.

Driven by this kind of thinking, the data of Alipay and Tmall began to rise like a rocket.

"Mr. Ma! The number of registered Alipay has exceeded 200 million! Now the red envelope has been distributed 180 million times! Tmall's transaction volume has also increased by 20%! Today's transaction funds have exceeded one billion!"

Hearing this background data, Ma Xiaoyun stood up with a bang, the excitement on her face was beyond words.

It's that he was prepared for a long time, but he didn't expect that just a function of red envelopes could have such an effect?

Now it's only half an hour since the red envelope activity started!

In half an hour, the number of registered Alipay has soared by 100 million!And among the registered users, 80% participated in the event. What an amazing number!

No, this news must not be known to you, you must use it!

Ma Xiaoyun wants everyone to know that Tmall has completely stood up. When the Spring Festival Gala is over tonight, Alipay will become, and will surely become, the number one payment platform in the country, and Tmall will also Become the number one e-commerce company in the country!

An e-commerce empire was finally born!

This night will be a crazy night!

"Quick! Let the people in the Propaganda Department prepare a press release immediately! Weibo, news media! Portal! I want everyone to know this news! Remember! Our red envelope activities should also be the focus of publicity! Before twelve o'clock in the night, let this number rise to the next level!"

Following Ma Xiaoyun's order, Tmall's staff went to work frantically.

The news that the number of registered Alipays on Weibo, portals, and well-known big Vs exceeded 200 million, and that over 180 million red envelopes have been distributed in the red envelope grabbing activity spread across the entire network immediately!

At the same time, the capital.

An old man wearing dazzling glasses, holding his mobile phone, sitting in front of the TV.

After a while, the old man couldn't help laughing: "Hey, I can really get a red envelope! Look, I got 8.8 yuan!"

Next to the old man, there was still a large family of children, and in this crowd, Zhou Ruoyun's figure was also impressive.

A middle-aged man smiled at the old man and said, "Dad, but just a few dollars of red envelopes, are you interested in playing?"

"Heh, I just want to see what the Alipay the boss of Mayfair looks like."

The old man clearly said the word "Fairy", but Zhou Ruoyun seemed to hear the old man mention her again. He couldn't help turning his head and glanced, but said nothing.

On the side, another middle-aged person said: "This year's Spring Festival Gala's program group is too courageous. The above three orders and five applications prohibit advertising in the party. They even dare to engage in such activities with a private company. Are you afraid of the blame? "

The old man shook his head: "You look down on people too much, look at this... It is written on this red envelope. For the 8.8 red envelope I got, Alipay will give an additional 10% of the red envelope amount as a donation to the Cross."

"People have long thought of the rhetoric against people like you. As long as it is charitable, the people above will not care if this activity is advertising to others..."

"Mayfair, the young people you met this time are really interesting. If you like to do charity, after the Chinese New Year, or ask your family to give you some money, and you can be a charity foundation yourself?"

"No, grandpa, I am doing very well now, and will my family give me more than one billion charity?"

"One billion?" A middle-aged man beside him exclaimed, "Mayfair, what do you mean... That Lin Chen gave you over one billion for charity?"

"Yes." Zhou Ruoyun nodded.

The old man thoughtfully said: "Well? Well, if you want to go back to the East China Sea, then continue to do it. Grandpa won't force you anymore. As long as you don't go missing again."

"It's the same for you two. Since Mayfair chose her own way, don't force her anymore! Look at Mayfair. After working out for so long, people are much darker than before, alas!"

"I remembered." The two middle-aged men nodded.

"Thank you, grandpa." Zhou Ruoyun also nodded, his eyes fell on the screen, and his face was thoughtful on the QR code of Alipay.

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