Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 389 Helping Brother Demon Tong Feiyan

It was the first time for Lin Chen to come to Beijing, but at this moment, his attention was completely attracted by Tong Feiyan, and he couldn't take into account the scenery of the capital outside the car window.

As Tong Feiyan drove the car, her eyes were a little red and said: "About the situation, I also told you that day. Although I am from Xijiang, my parents and my younger brother are currently working and living in Beijing."

"My brother was admitted to a university in Beijing that year. In order to take care of him, my parents also moved over. They sold the house at home, plus some money I earned from filming, and bought a set outside the 5th Ring Road in Beijing. Three-bedroom house."

"When my brother came to Beijing to study, he talked about a girlfriend. The other party is from Beijing. They have been talking for several years. They have talked about it for several years. They were about to get married, but they didn’t expect the other parent to ask us. Unacceptable conditions."

"What are the conditions?"

On the night of New Year's Eve, Tong Feiyan had already mentioned this matter, but did not discuss it in detail, but Lin Chen already had some speculations in his heart.

"Speaking of it, I have to blame me for this matter. The TV series I starred in was broadcast at the beginning of the year, and the other party recognized me after seeing it at home. They thought that I was all starring in TV, and should be regarded as a big star. New conditions were proposed."

"They want my family to prepare a lot of money for the wedding, and my brother to provide a house and a car, and the house cannot be shared with my parents."

Lin Chen asked: "How many gifts do they want?"

"Eight eight hundred and eighty thousand...The car must also be around one million, and the house must also be within the third ring road. I have seen the house they fancy. It is probably more than 9 million... and there is no loan." Tong Feiyan said solemnly.

Lin Chen raised his eyebrows immediately: "Such a high level? They really treat you as a big deal?"

In the eyes of many ordinary people, they always feel that celebrities must be very wealthy people, who go to high-end places all day long, but in fact Lin Chen knows that this is not the case.

Especially now is 2012, which is far from the day when an 18th-line star of his previous life could earn millions a year.

Tong Feiyan's recent career has gradually improved.

But like her now, she is only paid a few hundred thousand for one episode of a TV series, and she can get a little bit more for endorsements and advertising, but it will not exceed one or two million.

After all, Tong Feiyan's previous agent level was too low, and her talents were wasted for nothing. Tong Feiyan's real career began to take off, which only started after signing an agreement with Chenling Entertainment.

But since she joined Chenling Entertainment, it hasn’t even been half a year now, and it’s still a long time since Tong Feiyan really became popular, so the request made by Tong Feiyan’s brother’s in-laws was really difficult.

I am afraid that even if Angela, who has become famous overnight and cannot be hot anymore, it is unlikely that you want her to meet these conditions.

"What about your parents? They didn't talk about it? They won't all agree?"

"Yeah." Tong Feiyan nodded: "My parents are actually the same as them, and they think I can achieve these conditions. I said that I can't spend so much money, so they said I wouldn't pay for my brother..."

"Later I had no choice but to say that I needed to save some money to get married, and they asked me to call my boyfriend to Beijing. If I really had a boyfriend who was going to get married, they would find another way."

"Do they really think of another way? I don't think so." Lin Chen said.

To be honest, he really didn't expect that Tong Feiyan, a woman who looks so strong on the outside, is actually a helper demon.

She became a star, made a fortune, and took some money to take care of her family. It was no problem, but she had to pay all the expenses for her brother to marry his wife, which was totally unreasonable.

Tong Feiyan earned the money by herself, what does it have to do with her brother?

Her brother is also a person who has a job. He makes money to buy a car and a house. Is there any problem in supporting his family?Why do I have to pay for my sister?

Is it her brother or Tong Feiyan who got married?

Lin Chen really looked down upon such a woman.

However, every family has scriptures that are difficult to recite, and if Tong Feiyan is willing to do this, Lin Chen can't say anything.

"Actually, I don't think you should be involved in this matter. Your brother wants to get married. You can just give him a sum of money as a bride price if you are the older sister. Can you let him figure out the rest?" Lin Chen asked tentatively Tao.

"You don't understand... When we were young, my brother almost fell ill and died because I didn't take good care of him. At that time, I made a wish and will take good care of him in the future..." Tong Feiyan said.

"So you are a sister and a mother? Tong Feiyan, you are my employee and I told you that. If a man cannot be independent, he will not be able to do anything in the future, and the first thing to be independent is financial independence."

In the last life, Lin Chen had heard of some problems in Tong Feiyan's family. He didn't expect that this kind of problem seemed to be more serious in this life. Lin Chen didn't want Tong Feiyan to become a slave to her family in the future, and wanted to remind her.

But before he finished speaking, Tong Feiyan interrupted: "Lin Chen, do you think my family is so inappropriate to me?"


"Thank you for feeling this way. Actually, I also know that my parents' attention was always on my brother before at home, and they hardly cared about me. No matter what I did before, they would never praise me."

"If I got good grades, they said I was lucky. Others praised me for being beautiful. They told me not to be stinky and asked me to cut my hair short. I went to the capital and they said that I didn't want this home, and deliberately Find them to suffer. No matter what I do, they will never say good things about me. Except when I help my brother."

"I still remember that when I made money and bought a house for them in the capital, and also wrote the head of the household on my brother's name. Only that time, my parents praised me for the first time."

"So, if it weren't for this time that I really couldn't spend so much money, I would still be willing to spend my savings on my younger brother..."

Hearing Tong Feiyan's words in her heart, Lin Chen suddenly understood why Tong Feiyan lived so humble in her last life. All this is precisely because she had never received love in her family since she was a child.

Because of the lack of love, she has been living to satisfy others, even if she is hurt by it, she will still bear it silently.

Subconsciously, Lin Chen suddenly blurted out: "Yanyan, you don't actually need to live for others. Although your parents don't love you, there are still many people who love you in the world. You should think about it for yourself."

Lin Chen's words surprised Tong Feiyan, but she was still a little moved. She suddenly wanted to know, among those who liked her, did Lin Chen include Lin Chen?

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