Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 391 Lin Chen's love rival?

When Lin Chen heard the words, his eyes flickered, and he replied: "Auntie, this is true. Yanyan and I hit it off right away, and both of us have thoughts of getting married."

"Xiao Lin, if you really want to get married, we won't object. Yan Yan is a woman after all. Even if she is a star, she still has to get married."

"It's just this money... It's not that I don't speak bad words. Since you want to marry Yanyan, you should bear more. Look at Xiaolei, he wants to get married. The other party will let our man pay all the money. So if you want to marry Yanyan, shouldn't we also cover all the money for marriage?"

Tong Sheng spoke from the side: "The child's mother is right, Xiao Lin, if you really marry Yan Yan, she will belong to your Lin family. After arriving at the Lin family, I only hope that she will do her housework well and take care of your family. People, do more work, cook well and serve you well."

Listening to Tong Sheng telling Tong Feiyan that she wanted her to become Lin's servant, Lin Chen quickly said, "Uncle, what are you talking about? How can I let Yanyan live this way?"

Tong Sheng said: "The water thrown out by the daughter who married out, Xiao Lin, don't worry about us, as long as the marriage is really done, how will Yanyan live in your house in the future, we parents will have nothing to say."

"But relatively..."

Speaking of this, Tong Sheng's conversation suddenly changed: "If Yanyan is married to your family, the dowry and gifts are also indispensable."

"We don't mean to ask for more money from you. It just so happened that Xiaolei's in-laws offered marriage conditions, as long as you can help Xiaolei pay out the money for Yanyan."

"Mom! How can you make such a request?"

Tong Feiyan cried, her expression aggrieved, but also some despair.

Obviously this time, the parents had agreed with her in advance that as long as they called their boyfriend, they would find another way.

Unexpectedly, their so-called method turned out to be to let Tong Feiyan's boyfriend pay the money for her.

Lin Chen was also eye-opening.

The money that my son wants to marry his wife does not allow their son to find a way to earn it, but he wants to earn it back from his daughter's dowry.

What is the difference between Tong Feiyan's parents and selling her daughter?

As parents, shouldn't they first care about their relationship with Tong Feiyan, and whether Tong Feiyan can be happy after being with herself?

Fortunately now, they only care about one, as long as you can solve the conditions of the dowry marriage for Tong Feiyan's brother, nothing else.

It was as if Tong Feiyan was not their daughter, but the tools they used in exchange for Tong Feiyan's brother to get married.

When Tong Feiyan complained, Tong Feiyan’s mother Mao Yan took it for granted: "Yanyan, how can we make such a request? We have treated you very much, okay? You suddenly said that you want to get married, you see Do we have any objections? Although this young man is just a small boss, as long as he can resolve Xiao Lei's dowry, we will agree to the two of you together!"

"But, but Xiaolei's betrothal gift, I really have no money! Mom! I really give you what I can give you!" Tong Feiyan said helplessly.

Tong Sheng said with a cold face, and pointed to Lin Chen, "Isn't there still Xiaolin? Your mother said just now, you have no problem getting married, as long as Xiaolin settles Xiaolei's offer for us."

"He can't get the money!" Tong Feiyan categorically refused, "Lin Chen has said that he earns millions in a year. We can't satisfy Xiao Lei's girlfriend with the sum of money for a year. Home’s requirements!"

Tong Feiyan turned to look at her younger brother, with a look of apologetic expression: "I'm sorry Xiao Lei, my sister really can't help it. How about you discuss with your girlfriend at home and see if the dowry can be reduced? Although your sister is a star, But there really isn't that much money..."

"Sister, I..." Tong Lei seemed to move, but Mao Yan immediately interrupted him: "Silly boy! Don't say anything, just leave it to your parents here!"

Mao Yan then said to Tong Feiyan: "Yanyan, you want to get married. We don't care what you want, but Xiaolei must not suffer. If you want him to talk to his girlfriend's family, you never thought What would his girlfriend's family think of him?"

"His sister is a big star, but she can't even take out her dowry. Do you think Xiao Lei can raise her head in front of her in-laws in the future?"


Mao Yan raised his hand to stop her and said, "Don't tell me, Yan Yan, since you can't pay, we won't force you. We just need to ask Mr. Lin. Mr. Lin, can you pay for Yanyan? Did you get Xiao Lei’s dowry money?"

Lin Chen glanced at Tong Feiyan and said, "Sorry, Auntie Yanyan is right. We have some money, but the conditions you put forward are really too high. One million cars and nearly ten million houses are not enough. There is a loan. The money is really beyond our budget. If it can be less..."

"As far as Yanyan looks, you still want to bargain?" Mao Yan raised her eyebrows.

Tong Sheng said in a cold tone: "Mr. Lin, since you are not able to take care of everything for Yanyan, let the capable person do it."

After that, Tong Sheng stood up suddenly and went out.

Lin Chen and Tong Feiyan looked at a car at a loss.

"What is your father doing?"

"I do not know either."

After a while, I saw a man of about 30 years old with a fat belly wearing a suit and a big belly walking in with Tong Sheng.

Then, regardless of whether Tong Feiyan had invited or not, the fat man sat next to her directly, shocking Tong Feiyan.

"Dad! Who is he?" Tong Feiyan stood up in fright, then took a circle around Lin Chen, hiding behind him.

"Yanyan! Sit with Xiaowei!" Tong Sheng shouted.

"Xiao Wei? What Xiao Wei?" Tong Feiyan asked in surprise.

"Yes, who are you?" Lin Chen also asked.

The fat man couldn't help but smiled and said, "My man, Wei Yuan, is the owner of this restaurant. At the same time..."

He looked at Lin Chen and said with a smile: "I can also say that it's your love rival, brother..."

"Rival in love?"

Tong Feiyan raised her head and looked at Tong Sheng.

Tong Sheng said: "Yanyan, Xiao Wei is an alumnus of my father’s current school. He is a fan of your movie. He has liked you for a long time since you filmed Zhao Feiyan. After people knew that I was your father, they kept begging me, hoping I introduce you two to each other."

"Xiao Wei is not only the owner of this restaurant, but his father also has a construction company with a net worth of over 1 billion!"

"Compared to some people, don't you think they are more suitable for you?"

After hearing Tong Sheng finished speaking, Wei Yuan squinted and smiled like Maitreya Buddha: "Miss Tong, I have really liked you for a long time. I didn't expect to see you with my own eyes this time!"

After that, Wei Yuan stretched out his hands towards Tong Feiyan, as if to shake hands with her.

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