Rebirth I can see the success rate

Chapter 401: Asking Yu Chen

"Banquet Club? Wow! I've heard of that place! Great husband! Thank you husband!"

The little model girlfriend of Xie Xiao was extremely excited over there, but Tong Feiyan beside Lin Chen trembled when he heard the word "Yeyan".

For her, the Banquet Club is not a place to leave good memories.

Lin Chen felt the tension of his girlfriend next to her, took her hand, and whispered, "There is nothing to be afraid of? Did you forget that we met there too?"

When Tong Feiyan heard this, he felt relieved.

Yes, if she hadn't met Lin Chen at the Banquet Club, she wouldn't have changed later.

It can be said that his life was changed at the Banquet Club in the Southern Metropolis.

Thinking of this, Tong Feiyan hugged Lin Chen's arm tightly.

Everyone left the parking lot and walked all the way to a lake with a pier beside it.

Lin Chen curiously asked, "Xiao Xiao, aren't we going to the club? Still taking a boat?"

Xie Xiaoxiao was also curious: "Brother Lin, aren't you a member of the Banquet Club? Haven't you been here?"

"I've been to the club in Nandu. It's the first time for Donghae. There is a guy I hate who is also a member of the club. You might meet him here."

"No wonder." Xie Xiaoxiao realized in vain.

"It's okay, I have a brother today! If the one who doesn't open his eyes is also there, brother, I'll help you bite him!"

After that, the four of them walked to the pier together, and Xie Xiaoxiao pointed to an island in the middle of the lake in the distance and said: "The club is on that island. The entire island is the place of the club. There are many places to play on the island."

There are club staff on the pier. Before the four people go to bed on the island, they need to confirm their membership.

Xie Xiaoxiao directly took out his silver membership card, and Lin Chen reported his name.

Hearing Lin Chen’s name, the on-site staff was shocked and immediately humbled: “It turns out that Mr. Lin is here, Mr. Lin, we have two ways to get to the island here. You can wait for the speedboat to pick you up here. You can also go directly to the island by helicopter. The helicopter is right beside you. Do you need this?"

Lin Chen thought for a while, and looked at Xie Xiaoxiao: "How to say?"

"Or just take a helicopter, wait for the ship to come and go up again, it will take at least twenty minutes."

"Okay, then take a helicopter."

As a result, the other party immediately led the four people to the edge of the dock. There was a heliport over there, and a helicopter was activated after receiving the news.

Jie's little girlfriend looked confused, and whispered in his ear: "Husband, why doesn't Mr. Lin have to show his membership card? And why didn't they let you take the helicopter just now?"

"Hehe, how can I compare with Lin Ge? They are genuine platinum members! My dad is a member of the same level!"

"Gosh? But he is so young!"

"Isn't it? How about Lin Ge Niu? You and I have been together for a few months, have you seen me calling other people my age brother?"

It was indeed much faster to get to the island by helicopter than by boat. Within ten minutes, the four people had already stepped on the island.

On the edge of the heliport on the island, a beautiful staff member is already waiting.

"Welcome to the Banquet Club, please here."

Xie Xiaoxiao had been here before, and asked as he walked: "Brother Lin, shall we eat first or find a place to play first? I have also been to the club in the Southern Metropolis. In terms of interesting places, there is really no such thing. There are many sides."

"Oh? Is there anything special here?"

Lin Chen curiously asked.

Because the night banquet club in the Southern Metropolis is located by the sea, it is mainly used for beach projects and marine activities. The club in the East China Sea is on the island. I don't know what tricks can be played.

However, Lin Chen thought of the yachting princess activity in Nandu, and quickly said to Xie Xiaoxiao: "By the way, we all have female companions. Normal activities are fine. I am not interested in activities that are too messy."

"Haha, I understand."

After explaining the short novel, he stepped forward and asked the staff who led the way, and then turned around and said, "Brother Lin, I'm sorry, there are people playing where I want to take you to play. Should we eat something first? "

"Okay." Lin Chen didn't mind.

Everyone followed the female staff into the restaurant. The restaurant has no boxes, but uses green plants and decorations to cleverly isolate a relatively closed but non-interfering space.

Xie Xiaoxiao's female companion and Tong Feiyan couldn't resist their curiosity, so they visited the restaurant together.

When the two of them left, Lin Chen sat in his place, drinking the good tea from the waiter, and said to Xie Xiaoxiao: "The environment here seems to be much better than that in Nandu."

"Yes, the style of each branch of the Banquet Club is different. Brother Lin, if you have time, you can actually come more. There are some things here that you rarely can play in other places."


"Gun!" Xie Xiaoxiao said with a smile: "There is a shooting range on this island where you can touch real guns, and not just ordinary pistols, but also military ones! There are both domestic and foreign ones!"

"Really?" Lin Chen immediately became interested when he heard it. Sure enough, guns and other things were a man's romance.

Especially since the last time he personally killed people in Las Vegas, Lin Chen was no longer unfamiliar with guns, but it was a pity that he was busy with things later, and he never had the opportunity to touch those things again.

Unexpectedly, he would still have access to firearms in China.

"Just now I wanted to take Brother Lin to play with you. Unfortunately, someone has already played it again. I need to wait a while."

"It's okay, such a fun thing, of course you can wait more."

After a while, Tong Feiyan reconciled her little female companion back, and all the cold dishes in the restaurant were served.

It was the first time that Xie Xiaoxiao’s female companion had eaten such exquisite dishes. She couldn’t help but start to taste it. Tong Feiyan and Lin Chen ate a lot of delicious dishes in the past two days, but they are like the exquisite ones offered by Ye Banquet Club Chinese dishes have never been eaten.

The two girls had a great time eating by the side. The well-informed Lin Chen and the little two asked for a glass of wine made by the island club themselves, tasting and chatting.

After a few drinks, Xie Xiaoxiao suddenly changed the subject: "Brother Lin, there is one thing I have always wanted to ask you."

"What's the matter?" Lin Chen asked.

Xie Xiaoxiao sat upright and asked, "Brother Lin, I am ashamed to say that, in fact, I am in an investment company just like you. My dad gave me a sum of money to open an investment company in Beijing. But I have been doing it for almost 3 years, and I haven't made any achievements. Unlike you, Lin, you have achieved what you are today in less than a year..."

"So I really want to ask Brother Lin for your advice, how should I start this investment company?"

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