Rebirth I can see the success rate

The 405th chapter really cheated

One hundred thousand one ring?Hit to admit defeat?


Xie Xiaoxiao is full of confidence and doesn't think he will lose to a layman like Liu Ming in shooting.

"Okay! You are ready to call Dad! Remember to give in early and be careful not to pay me your company too!"

After all, Xie Xiaoxiao signed the gambling agreement with a swipe of his pen.

Liu Ming still sneered, and called the staff at the shooting range for notarization.

Notarizing the betting appointments of members and ensuring the travel of the betting appointments is a special service provided by the Banquet Club.

Lin Chen had already experienced this before at the Banquet Club in Southern Capital.

After a while, the two came to a shooting stand separated by bulletproof glass.

On the shooting platform, a military rifle has been put on each.

The shooting range is actually in China.Xia is available all over the country, and the price is not as high as everyone imagined.

But compared with the shooting range of Donghai Night Banquet Club, there are places that other shooting ranges cannot match.

That's in this shooting range, there are new military rifles that can be played.

And what Xie Xiaoxiao and Liu Ming are going to use is this new rifle.

Compared with ordinary pistols, military rifles have greater recoil. Ordinary people have no training, and bullets can hit the sky. Jie Xiaoxiao has played various military rifles abroad, so he is naturally confident and quickly familiar with it.

In contrast, although Liu Ming should have touched it before, it is impossible to completely master the shooting skills of a gun in just one or two hours.

These are the source of Xie Xiaoxiao's self-confidence.

Sure enough, when the two started shooting, others could see the gap between the two.

The two tried a 50-meter target with 10 rounds of bullets. Xie Xiaoxiao almost hit three times and five divided two, and he finished 10 rounds.

There is also a fully automatic target system in the shooting range. After solving Xiaoxiao's shooting, less than a minute later, his results appeared on the electronic screen above the shooting platform.

"67 ring!"

The total score of ten bullets is 100 rings and 67 rings, which is already a good result for an ordinary person.

In contrast, Liu Ming was clumsy and had to slow down his recoil after shooting a shot before he could continue to pull the trigger.

When Liu Ming finished the ten rings, the results appeared on the screen, making Xie Xiaoxiao laugh unsteady.

"12 rings!"

Xie Xiaoxiao burst into laughter through the bulletproof glass: "Liu Ming, even at your level, you are better than me with marksmanship? Give up early and call Dad!"

According to the gambling agreement, Liu Ming now concedes defeat. In addition to kneeling down and calling Jie Xiao Dad, he has to pay him 6.7 million.

Although a lot of face will be lost, the difference in strength between the two is actually obvious. If Liu Ming continues to fight, not only will the face be lost, but a lot of money will be lost.

Therefore, if you change to a sane person, I am afraid that you will immediately admit defeat.

However, I don't know if Liu Ming really has a problem with his brain, or if he has another plan. Liu Ming didn't admit defeat. Instead, let someone get a new magazine and continue shooting.

Xie Xiaoxiao sneered, changed her magazine, and continued firing.

In the second round, Jie Xiao made a few mistakes and scored only 55 rings, but Liu Ming was still embarrassed, with only 8 rings, not even 10 rings, which meant that he had at least several shots all missed.

Xie Xiaoxiao looked at Liu Ming with a grin, and said, "Liu Ming, 122 ring, you now owe me 12.2 million! Don't you call him Dad?"

What's strange is that Liu Ming didn't panic at all, instead he narrowed his face with a smile: "Xie Xiaoxiao, you played well, if that's the case, then I'll replace it. Wood!"


Xie Xiaoxiao was taken aback for a moment, and then saw Liu Ming actually put down his gun and walked out of the shooting platform.

Among the group of Wu Hui and others, foreign men who were short, but lean and muscular came out.

Liu Ming said a bird's-eye to the foreign man, and the other party nodded and stood in front of the shooting platform instead of Liu Ming.

"Fuck! Liu Ming, what do you mean? Also bring substitutions?"

Liu Ming smiled and said: "Xie Xiaoxiao, our betting agreement didn't say that we can't change players. My hand hurts. Change someone to continue to play with you. There is no problem."

"Shit! What is the rule?"

The staff on the side said: "Mr. Jie, there is indeed no provision in your gambling agreement that you cannot change people."

"Fuck!" Xie Xiaoqi almost threw the gun.

Liu Ming laughed: "Xie Xiaoxiao, you can give up if you are not convinced! It's just sending me your horse. Compared with losing tens of millions of me, your horse is not worth that much!"

"Liu Ming! You have too many spooky ideas!" How could Xie Xiaoxiao admit defeat, he took a deep breath, picked up the gun, and started the third round.

However, I don't know if it was emotionally affected. This time Xie Xiaoxiao only hit 45 rings, and several bullets also missed the target.

In contrast, the foreigner who replaced Liu Ming showed amazing strength.

He loaded and fired, he almost finished in one go, and then he shot ten smooth bursts, and the final result turned out to be an astonishing 97 ring!

This is completely professional level!

Liu Ming laughed and said: "Xie Xiaoxiao, have you seen it? Wood is the bodyguard of the Blackwater Company and a former special soldier who participated in the Gulf War! Are you stupid than marksmanship with him?"

"If you want me to be you, you can give up as soon as possible. 11.7 million plus a woman, don't you TM make an investment? Do you understand the principle of timely stop loss?"

"Cao Nima, Liu Ming, you yin on me! Veteran bodyguards, right? You have me too! You wait for me to call someone!"

Liu Ming smiled and said: "Okay, I just don't know how long it will take to wait for your one to come over. By that time, I am afraid that my Wood will reach 10,000 rings..."


Xie Xiaoxiao finally understood now that Liu Ming had never thought of dignifiedly with him from beginning to end.

From the very beginning, he thought of using a gambling contract to trap Xiaoxiao, and then halfway through someone else.

Compared with the former professional soldier, no matter how good his marksmanship is, it is impossible to beat him in shooting.

And if he wants to ask someone for help, it will take a lot of time to come back. This time is enough for Liu Ming's people to ruin Jie Xiaoxiao's family!

Liu Mingyin laughed. He didn't intend to understand Xiao Xiao at all. Instead, he ordered Wood: "Continue to fight me! Fight until he admits defeat!"

Under Liu Ming's order, Wood immediately replaced the bullet and continued firing.

Shooting a 50-meter target with a rifle is almost a piece of cake for a former professional soldier like him. Soon ten bullets were shot, and this time the score was 100 rings!

Counting the previous results, Liu Ming’s total number of rings has reached 217. If the solution of Xiaoxiao admits defeat, he will lose 21.7 million!

And this is just the beginning.

With Wood's shooting speed, if Jie Xiaoxiao does not admit defeat, the opponent will soon be able to score more than one thousand rings, and one thousand rings means a hundred million bet!

As long as you don't admit defeat, Xie Xiaoxiao will owe more and more money to Liu Ming!

At this point, Xie Xiaoxiao realized that Liu Ming's proposal to concede defeat at the beginning was actually for this purpose.

This is to force Xie Xiaoxiao to surrender!

As long as Xie Xiaoxiao does not admit defeat, for every minute he persists, the money he owes Liu Ming will be 10 million more, 10 million a minute, how many 10 million Xie Xiaoxiao can accompany?

For a while, Xie Xiaoxiao felt cold all over his body, and his unprecedented sense of humiliation and anger made his body tremble.

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