Rebirth I can see the success rate

The 409th chapter will not admit defeat

The security guards in the shooting range of the Banquet Club are all highly paid veterans. These people logically say that they should ignore everything on the scene and sit honestly with a wooden person.

However, this special test finally made these veterans who have been dealing with guns for many years unable to help but talk in private.

"Who is that kid? Is it someone else's bodyguard?"

"No, I heard it seems to be a member of the club."

"Members of the club? Impossible? Have you seen club members play so accurate? These are more than 200 rounds and more than 2,000 rings. We don't necessarily have the results when we go up!"

"God knows how Donghai has such a member? Didn't he have been a soldier?"

"I don't know, the foreigner should be dysfunctional anyway. Tsk tsk, I heard that the foreigner is a special soldier of a gringe? Even the special soldier can win, this kid is really awesome!"

The eyes of these security guards are indeed vicious.

In fact, although the competition is still going on, the foreigner named Wood has indeed revealed his defeat.

After reaching the 12th round, Wood's shoulders began to feel a little unbearable.

His stamina is actually much more than this. It’s just that in order to compete with Lin Chen, he fired too fast. From the twelfth round onwards, his shoulders were a bit stinging, even a little swollen. stand up.

After the tingling of the shoulder caused the fourteenth to get more than 80 rings, Wood had no choice but to temporarily slow down so that his shoulders could rest for a while.

As a result, when he hit the nineteenth round, Lin Chen had already reached the twenty-fifth round, and his hit rate far surpassed Wood.

On the one hand it is tireless like a robot, on the other it is exhausted, making mistakes again and again, which side will win, it seems that there is no need to say more.

What's more, with Lin Chen's Yiqi Juechen, Wood and Liu Ming and others behind him are already under great pressure at the moment.

You know, this competition is a game that will not end unless one party actively admits defeat.

Even so, as long as the head is iron enough, Liu Ming and the others will not be a problem until tomorrow.

But in fact, it can't be the case, because with the continuous progress of the game, they have an astronomical amount of gambling debt that is constantly expanding.

For example, Lin Chen has already hit the 2492 ring, one ring is 100,000, which means that Liu Ming and Wu Hui now need to compensate Lin Chen 249 million!

Moreover, this number is growing at a rate of nearly tens of millions in one minute. At this rate, I am afraid not to wait until tomorrow. When the sun goes down, their debts may exceed the assets of the Wu and Liu families. Up!

As for the question of not surrendering and dragging the gambling round to a waste of time, this kind of thing is impossible.

Because don't forget, in this gambling game, people from the Banquet Club are behind them.

In fact, like this kind of gambling, once one party's gambling debt exceeds their solvency, the other party can directly ask the club to come forward to understand the gambling and forcibly settle the gambling debt.

In the past, this kind of unlimited gambling was not unprecedented in the Banquet Club. At that time, the club shot when one of the players refused to admit defeat, forced the end of the gambling, and then let the loser honestly take out all the money.

In other words, this gambling game does not really require one party to admit defeat to understand it. As long as one party wins the other party's net worth, the game will naturally end.

But now it seems that it is Lin Chen's side that will win back all Liu Ming and their net worth first.

"Boom boom!"

Lin Chen finished another round, and the score on the screen was still 100 rings.

His record is stable and scary.

It's also desperate.

Seeing this result, Liu Ming subconsciously turned his head to look at Woodner.

Compared to Lin Chen's cleanliness, Wood was obviously already somewhat exhausted.

After firing a shot, it will take a few more minutes to move the arm before firing.

In this way, his accuracy is still declining rapidly.

"83 ring!"

Once again, Wood did not get all ten rings.

This is the third time he has made a mistake in shooting.

But if Wood judges himself, this is what a miracle he is. He almost can't lift his arm now, so he can still get the 83 ring. Can he blame him?

The Hua next door.Xia Ren is a monster at all!

Either a humanoid terminator!

Otherwise, how could a normal human being hit hundreds of bullets in a row without anything?This is not an automatic shooting, it will be over in a few bursts. This is a standing position with only one shot at a time, aiming and shooting without support!

Hundreds of recoil exercises can almost make a person's shoulder ooze and blacken!

This kind of taste can only be known by those who have experienced it personally. It definitely has the heart to die.

It's already very rare that he can hold on to more than 100 rounds before starting to slow down, but let's see Lin Chen again...

"Boom boom!"

"One hundred rings!"

When Wood was resting, Lin Chen finished ten bullets again, and the number of 100 rings displayed on the screen made Wood a little desperate.

So he suddenly put down the gun and ran out to meet Liu Ming: "Mr. Liu, I'm sorry, I can't do it anymore. We can't win this competition at all! Please give up!"

"Give up! Why are you asking me to give up?"

"Lao Tzu spent millions of dollars to invite you, not for you to admit defeat!"

"Call me! I didn't say the end, you are not allowed to give up first!"

Wood said helplessly: "Mr. Liu!"

But Liu Ming didn't listen at all.

Now that he admits defeat, isn't he going to accompany Lin Chen for hundreds of millions?

Forget about a few hundred million, he has to kneel down and call the two fathers?

Nima, this kind of thing can't be done by killing him!

Liu Ming refused to admit defeat, and Wu Hui at the side was ugly to the extreme.

Originally, he thought that Liu Ming's plan would be successful this time. They could use shooting and gambling to humiliate Lin Chen and shame him once, at least to restore the face of losing to Lin Chen several times in the past.

But now it seems that he still underestimated Lin Chen, this guy is not human at all!As if there are no weaknesses, everything can be played well.

Securities, futures, finance, investment, movie entertainment, it's not bad now, it is so good at shooting, and has physical strength that even professional soldiers can't match!

What kind of monster did he provoke?

"Boom boom!"

There was another gunshot, and Wu Hui suddenly heard behind him, a rich second-generation who he had brought in to entertain Liu Ming today exclaimed: "It's another hundred rings? Especially that guy has played almost three thousand rings. Right? One ring is 100,000? Isn't that 300 million?"

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