Rebirth I can see the success rate

The 510th chapter goes against the wind

"Brother Lin, you said your hole card has changed?"

"Yes, the trump card I saw at first was obviously the 3 of spades, but in a blink of an eye it became the 10 of spades!" Lin Chen said solemnly.

Wu Xiaowei asked: "Brother Lin, do you suspect that your hole cards have been changed?"

"Yes, but in the whole process just now, I didn't notice that Thompson approached my card. I don't know if he hypnotized me again, so I didn't notice his movements, or he used some other means. ?"

"Brother Lin, Thompson has never been near you!" Xie Xiaoxiao said.

"No? Then how did my card become more?" Lin Chen frowned.

Everyone is also confused...

Why did Lin Chen's hole cards change?

In this world, is there any ability to change cards in the air?

"No! Brother Lin, I don't think Thompson has changed cards!"

At this time, Wu Xiaowei suddenly guessed boldly: "I think the problem may still lie with you!"


"Yes. I suspect that your hypnosis may not be lifted yet!"

Wu Xiaowei is the one who likes gambling the most among the few people present. Because of the opening of theaters at home, he has watched countless gambling movies since he was a child and knows these things best.

"Brother Lin, I heard that some people still give psychological hints when they are hypnotized. The person who is psychologically hinted seems to have nothing on the surface, but once a certain condition is met, the psychological hints will exert an effect. For example, a Women were given hints that everything is normal, but if you see a man holding a rose in his hand, you will fall in love with him.

"I suspect that your current situation is like this."

As soon as Wu Xiaowei's voice fell, Han Li immediately said, "Old Wu, have you watched too many movies? How could anyone in this world do such a thing?"

"This is true! Psychological hints have scientific basis!" Wu Xiaowei retorted.

Just when the two of them were arguing with each other, Lin Chen became suspicious...

The probability that what Wu Xiaowei said is true is...100%!

Am I really hinted by Thompson?


Seeing this result, Lin Chen suddenly realized in vain that Wu Xiaowei was actually hit by Wu Xiaowei!When Thompson was hypnotizing himself, he was even given some kind of psychological hint.

"Wu Xiaowei, if what you said is true, what hint do you think Thompson might impose on me?"

Wu Xiaowei considered: "Brother Lin, according to what you just said, I think this kind of hint is likely to make you intentionally lose when playing cards with Thompson. As long as you play cards with Thompson, your subconscious mind will be disrupted. , Interfere with your judgment."

"Just like the hand just now, your hole card should be 10 of spades at the beginning. If it is normal, you will definitely not follow this hand, but the hint is to make you lose to Thompson and make you think you are I saw the 3 of spades!"

The probability that Wu Xiaowei's judgment is correct is...100%!

So that's the case!

Lin Chen finally understood.

In this way, the reason why the success rate he calculated at the gaming table was wrong is also revealed.

Sure enough, it was because of hints, so maybe even the success rate I saw was false?

After the mystery was revealed, Lin Chen was completely relieved.

As long as you understand Thompson's tactics, it is actually easier to resolve than to deal with Kim Nam Joo.

Thinking of this, Lin Chen's face reappeared with a confident smile.

"I see, let's go back, I already have a way to deal with Thompson."

Back at the gambling table, everyone looked at Lin Chen.

"Hehe, why are you looking at me like this? Think I'm going to run away?" Lin Chen sneered and sat back in his seat.

"How could it be? How could the Las Vegas Gods of Gamblers run away? They are just worried about you, afraid that you can't stand the pressure and mental breakdown." Thompson laughed.

Lin Chen smiled and said, "Don't worry, I'm going to win soon. How come I have a mental breakdown?"

"With confidence, I want to see how you win. Dealer, dealer," Thompson urged.

The longer the time is pushed, the more likely it is that his psychological hints will be invalidated. Too much time has been spent just now, and he must end this bet quickly.

But then, Lin Chen's actions made Thompson look dumbfounded.

"Sorry, after playing for so long, I am a little tired, so I need someone to help me." Lin Chen smiled and pointed to the waitress who had been serving him juice, and beckoned to her: "Beauty , Please sit by my side and play cards for me."


The waitress was stunned. She didn't expect Lin Chen to let her help playing cards.

"First, sir, I can't."

The others were also full of surprise.

You know, the waitresses here are not croupiers. They are all invited by the Banquet Club. They don't know any gambling skills. Lin Chen asked her to help. Isn't that the same as abstaining?

"Lin Chen! Why don't you just give in and let a waiter play cards for you?" Liu Ming shouted.

"I want you to care? Thompson didn't say anything, what's your name?" Lin Chen asked back.

Liu Ming immediately looked at Thompson, but the latter frowned, then laughed and said, "It's okay, I'm happy to play cards with this beauty."

Just kidding, the waitress looks like an ordinary person. If he needs to be afraid of even this kind of ordinary person, what else is he doing as a gambler killer?

However, Thompson didn't know that Lin Chen didn't choose the waitress to play cards for him at random.

After knowing that once he sat at the gambling table, he might be hypnotically suggested, the way Lin Chen thought of was to find someone to play on his behalf.

Only those who have not been hypnotized can win the gamble for themselves.

And this waitress was the best candidate for Lin Chen to use her ability to calculate.

Among so many guests and waiters at the scene, she is the only one who can beat Thompson 100% at the gaming table.

"Mr. Lin...I really don't know how to play." The waitress said with a panic expression after sitting down.

"It's okay, you can fight as you want, winning or losing counts for me." Lin Chen smiled.

Then he added: "After playing this hand, I will give you 10 million, regardless of whether you win or lose."

Upon hearing these words, the waitress finally stopped hesitating and nodded in agreement.

When Lin Chen met, he asked the croupier to start dealing cards and the gambling game started again.

Actually let a woman fight for you?


Lin Chen, you too underestimated my Thompson!

To deal with this kind of woman, I don't even need to use hypnotism!

Just after Thompson picked up the cards confidently, time blinked and half an hour passed...

Compared to half an hour ago, Thompson was already sweating profusely, his eyes were wide open, and his body couldn't help shaking.

"Why? Why is this happening?"

Above the gaming table, the situation has changed drastically.

At this time, Thompson's bargaining chips had all disappeared, but Lin Chen's side, a full three billion US dollars of bargaining chips, was piled into a castle by Lin Chen!

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