Rebirth I can see the success rate

The 600th Chapter Wu Family Fuhu

That day, Wu An suddenly received a phone call after midnight.

Because it was already three o'clock in the middle of the night, and the phone rang for a long time, Wu An was confused and picked it up from the bed.


Just as Wu An answered the phone, the voice from the other side surprised him suddenly.

"Dad! I'm Ayuan! Dad, come and save me!"

"A Yuan?"

Hearing the cry of his son on the phone, Wu An was awakened suddenly, and she was completely sleepy.

And beside him, the wife who was sleeping, her eyes widened.

"Ayuan? Ayuan called?" Wu An's wife said he was about to grab the phone, but he pushed away.

"Ayuan? What's the matter? What's wrong with you?"

But on the other side of the phone, Wu Yuan's voice had disappeared, replaced by the voice of a strange man.

"Mr. Wu, your son is here as a guest on my side. If you don't want him to have an accident, please come to the other side of the ocean once. Don't call the police or bring anyone alone."

"You can take the morning flight. If you don't see anyone within 24 hours, you will be at your own risk."

When the phone hung up, Wu An was completely awake.

My son was kidnapped?

He was kidnapped across the ocean?

how come?

Wu An knows very well that in order to protect his son's safety, he has always equipped his son with two professional bodyguards.

At the same time, in order to prevent him from revealing his wealth, Wu An has always strictly restricted his son's consumption, fearing that something will happen to him.

Unexpectedly, even so, his child was still kidnapped?

Although Wu An fell to this point because of his son's fault, but that was also his son, his only son!

Wu An immediately got up and asked his wife to book a plane ticket to fly from the East China Sea to the other side of the ocean overnight.

While he was busy getting dressed, his wife looked nervous: "Wu An, what's the matter with our son? Tell me quickly!"

"Don't panic! I'll know if I go over and check it out. Don't panic at this time, let alone let my elder brother know! You remember it!

"Uh, uh!"

Worrying about the safety of his son, Wu An quickly hurried to the airport.

Then came a long journey of ten hours.

On the plane, Wu An was worried about the safety of his son while worrying about the East China Sea.

He suddenly left Donghai this time, and he didn't know if he would misunderstand his elder brother Wu Jian?If Wu Jian took any measures for this, it would be bad.

After a while of anxiety, the plane finally arrived in Los Angeles, California.

After getting off the plane, Wu An didn't immediately follow the address given by the other party, but directly found a local old black driver, stuffed the other party 100 dollars, and asked him to take him to the black market.

Only one person came to Wu An this time, and he must be fully prepared for his son.

In a black market, Wu An prepared a Colt pistol for herself.

In fact, this gun can be bought in supermarkets, but Wu An does not have an ID card here, so he can only go to the black market.

And in the black market, there are some special things you can buy, for example, military high-explosive grenade...

When the store in the black market saw that Wu An had bought so many things at once, he looked at him in surprise and said, "Man, are you going to rob?"

"I'm going to save my son!" Wu An said with gloomy eyes.

For another $2,000, Wu An directly bought a broken Chevrolet from the store, and then drove the car to the destination alone.

Because of the time difference, it was dark at this time, and the address the other party gave Wu An made him a little confused.

Because of this address, it was in Beverly Hills, Hollywood!

Although Wu An rarely comes to California, she also knows that this prestigious place is the most high-end residential area in California.

What do those kidnappers do?Why did he tie his son there?

Thinking about driving all the way, Wu An also arrived at his destination at this time.

Next to a villa in Beverly Hills.

However, what makes Wu An feel weird is that right now, there are people in this villa, and waves of passionate music continue to be heard from the villa.

Here, it seems to be holding a party?

Didn’t you find the wrong place?

Wu An picked up the phone, checked the address he had written down, and looked at the map.

That's right, this is it!

Is this party a disguise prepared by the kidnappers?To cover up the possible shooting?

Wu An didn't know the truth, but after checking his equipment, he pushed the car door and walked over.

When he walked to the villa, two old black men stopped him immediately.

"Sorry, private party, please show the invitation letter." The other party said.

Where did Wu An get an invitation letter, he directly replied: "I am Wu An! I am looking for my son!"

The two old blacks looked at each other when they heard the words, one of them then said: "Good sir, please come with me."

Seeing the two old blacks let go, Wu An was sure that he didn't seem to be wrong.

Only immediately, he was a little confused about who kidnapped his son.

And with such a big fanfare, isn't he afraid of the police here?

With a tense mood, Wu An walked into the villa and was taken by the old black to a swimming pool.

Here, a swimsuit party is being held.

Countless men and women cuddled together and swayed to the sound of music.

And Wu An immediately saw that his son was the same as Hua.Xia Ren's man hooked his shoulders together and pushed his cup for another!

Wasn't your son kidnapped?


Wu An is a little confused.

At this moment, the old black who had brought Wu An had already walked over to the famous Hua who was with Wu Yuan.Xia Ren said a few words, and the man turned his head and glanced at Wu An, with a smile on his face.

And it wasn't until this time that Wu An could see the opponent's face clearly, and at the same time she felt a sudden change.

This man...

Isn’t it just Lin Chen, the chairman of the famous Stardust Group outside recently?

Some time ago, Lin Chen personally admitted on the Internet that he felt that P2P platforms were scam companies, which caused a big wave of rendering.

Although Wu An now only holds a spare position in the Guanghui Group, he does not listen to people around him discussing this person.

Therefore, he will not admit his mistake, the other party is Lin Chen!

It turned out to be like this...

Wu An understood everything immediately.

He knew that his elder brother's son seemed to have an antagonism with Lin Chen, and you had fought against each other many times.

Could it be that this time, Lin Chen was just to deal with his elder brother, so did he take action on his son?

Just when Wu An stretched out his hand towards his waist and was about to rescue his son with a gun, his son Wu Yuan also turned his head and looked at him.

Immediately afterwards, Wu Yuan's next sentence stunned Wu An: "Dad? Why did you come here! Come here, I will introduce you my new brother Lin Chen!"


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